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Everything posted by poohsticks

  1. hi weealx i matched your score this time i'm off to try this one now
  2. hi wendi, i'm in training too........... in the penguin ring, i just got 3234 one away from weealx score
  3. just came back to say goodnight to anyone left here see you all tomorrow
  4. hi carri hi mamacatt i used to think i'd like to be a lady of leisure but i can't wait to get working
  5. me too it is SH indeed still hunting, have joined loads of agencies, lost count of places i have put my CV into
  6. all these pics are lovely. i don't have any like that but i do have this one
  7. hi kath i will be nearer to you in may hi sarahlou and laurel
  8. hi crystal, that pic is lovely aw! robi that's so sweet we loved meeting you too, it's just a shame we couldn't stay longer
  9. hi wendi, how are you? no luck on the job front yet
  10. i'm sorry you missunderstood emily is my cousin, i don't have children yet, maybe someday
  11. she is in the north of england and i'm in the south, getting her very protective father to let her go is another thing
  12. lol i know what it's like to be the only mika fan in the house. i would love to take emily to a gig but she lives 300 miles away from me
  13. hi robi how was your trip? hi AMP is emma a mika fan? i have just heard my 8 year old cousin is a big fan and she can't believe i've seen him 4 times, so she's very envious
  14. everyone is going so maybe i should too goodnight all
  15. i think so too shari i like the curtains and paper
  16. i just got kicked off too i was explaining to gary about how it could be either a day or a convention at alton towers, to which he said what is the point of going there if you're not going on the rides? he then said you should just have it in a pub so...... when i said "there will be thousands of us" he then said have it in a really big pub i'm really sorry about this post but it was funny at the time
  17. good evening oldlings how is everyone? gary has had an idea for the convention
  18. good morning hope everyone is well just thought i'd say hi while i can, i tried to catch up last night but the site was off again i'm off for another day of job hunting, i have an interview at the job center today about my jobseeker's allowance......... oh joy
  19. ok i'm off for a while to do some houseworky things, see you all later hope you feel better kath
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