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Everything posted by poohsticks

  1. lol you didn't know who you were last night so you can be forgiven for not knowing martin
  2. morning weealx we can't go and play in the snow here, it's nearly gone
  3. now i have a photobucket account i have now got my pics from somerset house on there (took long enough lol) http://s301.photobucket.com/albums/nn69/poohsticks_photos/MIKA%20at%20Somerset%20House/
  4. morning shari lol no it was taken last year on one of the few hot days we had. she is my uncle's dog and is the only one i'm not allergic to. we have thick snow this morning too, looks nice when you're inside oops! forgot to say happy easter
  5. good morning how is everyone? this is the pic i was trying to upload last night
  6. i'm off ladies goodnight sweet dreams, see you all tomorrow
  7. i did, we weren't friends but we were in the same year
  8. i was at school with the actress that plays her i have just spent ages trying to upload a pic of my uncle's jack russell called jess, but i wouldnt happen she is the only dog in the world i am not allergic to
  9. very quiet in here. is it my pooter or is the site slow?
  10. maybe he went to the real casualty to sort out his identity crisis
  11. enjoy your visit i have to go, i have to write a report for my "school" work i never was any good at writing
  12. i hate cold too, we have had some very wintery showers today. they looked like blizzards
  13. hello how is everyone? just taking a break from filling in application forms so i thought i'd come in here and say hi
  14. i can get her to spin both ways good morning i hope everyone is well, Kath and Wendi i hope you both are feeling better. we have a little flurry of snow this morning
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