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Posts posted by DavidM

  1. So David, did you watch the show last night? It made me so sad because Britney was SO boring! *sigh* Has she lost her magic?


    I have no words I watch the performance with my mouth opend and with this face :shocked::thumbdown::sneaky2::blink::boxed:


    IM SO DISSAPOINTED but poor britney she was sooo nervous Imagine all people specting something or I dont know and thanks everyone for the support I wish i could do something for u too

  2. And you more than deserve every word of it, hun!!! - Please don't cry!


    Boy oh boy, do I ever know what bullying is about - although I think in my case it's safe to classify it as "abuse"! Our mother inflicted her own brand of "cruel and unusual punishment" all through our childhoods. Mine was particularly bad because I was the only girl with 4 brothers. I was also abused by 3 of the 4 bros. Then in grade 7 I had the misfortune of having the school principal as my teacher, and she decided on the first day of school that she hated my guts, so she picked on me the whole year! And then the boys in the class decided I was fair game, too. I thought I would go insane that year! In any case my entire life has been riddled with toxic relationships including an abusive marriage, sexual assaults, etc. I could go on and on but I won't. The point I am trying to make is that I have come through it all a survivor. I won't give any of these excuses of human beings the satisfaction of believing that they have destroyed me or broken my spirit. I think it was Seinfeld that said, "The best revenge is living well!"


    Remember, you're bigger and better than all of those fools put together. You rock, Boy!!!:punk:


    Awwww im so sorry and yeah we need to keep surviving i can go on for hours too , my sexuallity is one of those points but I need to keep my head strong and thanks so much for the support

  3. *sigh*, children are such KNOBS nowadays. complete dickheads.


    i used to get picked on because i was a huge fan of britney. and DONT say anything like "oh yes but thats because britney's crap and mad and stupid :mf_rosetinted:" because that just makes you as bad as the pupils at school lol (well, it DOES! sorry, had a bit of a poo day today)

    i sometimes get picked on at work for liking mika, and they say exactly the same thing about his sexuality. hearing their opinion is fine, i dont care, but it's when they keep REPEATING themselves, and WONT LET GO OF IT. the way they keep teasing and conjuring up horrid images they have in their heads of what they'd like to do to him that get me cross. it went on for several months to point where i told them to stfu and that i started to take it personally. once is enough. more than that and i felt i was getting bullied for just liking a particular musician, which is stupid. they've laid off now, because we are all quite friendly at my workplace and it was just a playful banter to harmlessly wind me up, and it just got out of hand.


    students on the other hand are different and will ridicule anyone for anything. just hang in there. high school doesnt last forever.



    Sad thing im still at junior high !!! My last year !! but thanks so much for the advice !!1

  4. david we also nee dto relalize though its sadd that we live in sort of a bubble i society is VERY closed minded and are afaid of anything that is new ir defferent from what they think is acceteble or good!!!...and thats why nobody understands mika..because his different...

    i now this because my brother acts uçin school plays and just because of that they cll him gay...but you need to understnd that from what i know you....

    we are outsiders we think on our on and we don't let others think for us!!!...so let them be and just block what htey are saying... thats what i'm doing at my school...but still promoting his music...some will come around but other woun't...ok i have to goo


    this is long but o well i had to say that!!!!


    Aww , your so right ! Yeah I still promote his music ! I wish there will be more Mexican Fans !

  5. I like your pins there, esp. the MTV and mika ones!




    I agree, MFC is a total escape from the world.


    People have started to be annoying about Mika just recently, like the past couple of days. Mine used to pick on Justin a lot, but they kind of stopped after a while because... I don't know. They just like to pick on new things. It's been a few years since they did, and now I'm noticing a few of them knocking on Mika. Whatever!


    This one girl who's like... a mutual friend that tries to act all liberal and perfect was like, "He's just... ew. Mik, he's gay!!!" And so I yelled, "SO WHAT???" And everyone looked at her like a dumbass. Woot woot!


    We don't care.


    EXACTLY !! Its a total escape from the world and I KNOW ! So what if Mika turn out to be gay why is people being like he need to come out and stuff like that SOMEONE COMING OUT its a decision I choose to come out today , u choose when to come out in 3 years thats a decision and they need to respect that !!

  6. Hey David,


    Y'know, there really is no accounting for taste - some people have it, and then there are others - well, they just bash the ones with good taste......


    You're very smart to take the high road with these assholes. Obviously they have not very much in their little lives to fall back on, so they strike out at people who do. They are not only insecure but jealous as well. Someone needs to teach them that there is no shortage for success in the world.


    You sound like a super cool guy and someone I would be proud to call a friend! Unlike those jerks you embrace your true feelings and are not afraid to express them. You are too much of a class act to ever stoop to these losers' level. Forget about them. You're on the fast track and they're stuck spinning their wheels......







    awww thanks soo much !! ur going to make me cry thanks ur soo nice and sweet

  7. DAVID.jpg


    David! I LOVE the cover of your folder!!! You drew it?


    Oh, and this is some advice that I wish I'd gotten when I was in high school: It's not the end of your life. I was sooo depressed in high school and was so afraid to be myself and wear certain things or say certain things. But as soon as I started an after school job when I was sixteen I made so many friends. When you leave school, you can be whoever you want to be and you can find people with the same interest as you and that really understand you.


    Good luck with everything, and stay true to yourself!


    Awww thanks so much ! ur really sweet, and ur right !!! : oh an by the way I love britney spears :D you should watch her at the vmas !!!

  8. You know what, David? People at your school are freaks if they don't like you! When they are being rude snobby up-tight pooh heads, know that you have your friends heer on MFC who support you, listen to you and care about your feelings.


    Aww thanks sometiems i feel like in the MFC is the only place i can feel confortable

  9. Okay if i was to be with Mika in a dessert island I would first of all hug him an give him a big kiss and tell him how much I love him and how amazing he is and then I would ask him to be my boyfriend :D and if he said yes il be so happy and if he said no, il tell him its just the 2 of us , nobody is here pleaseee mika !! and then il flirt a lot with him and talk about his childhood I really want to know what realy happend because Im so a like with him I probably make him to eat and help him write songs :D

  10. I'm going to go with equal chance :mf_rosetinted:

    (Only because I saw a pic on the aussie thread of Mika looking as if his checking out a girls cleavage... anyone else seen it?)


    Hey David, if you ever get your two minutes let me know


    Awww yeahh right He never going to come to Mexico :( And its not equal im super duper cute !! lol jk

  11. Well, if calling Mika gay is the best they can come up with, they need to come up with something else, because that's not exactly a bad thing. Some people are close-minded losers. Don't fight with them, they're not worth it. It's sad that some people are brought up to be like that, and I wish that something could be done to stop it. Parents need to teach their children a little tolerance and acceptance.



  12. Okay so heres my story.. I get picked at school because I like MIKA ! and here people are so #%$^$ close minded and they critized mika saying that he is gay and stuff I always deffend him , but it just gets on my nerves when they make fun of mika or critize him , im not an agressive person, like I get a lot of insults daily because of the way I am at school and punches or whatever and I dont hit or talk back :( :( :( but if u mess with MIKA, I would definately get you and kick your butt !!!


    No matter what I support MIKA IN MEXICO




    no offense, but the ppl at your school sound like a$$holes.


    they seriously don't know what they're missing!:thumb_yello:


    I KNOW !!!

  13. Okay so heres my story.. I get picked at school because I like MIKA ! and here people are so #%$^$ close minded and they critized mika saying that he is gay and stuff I always deffend him , but it just gets on my nerves when they make fun of mika or critize him , im not an agressive person, like I get a lot of insults daily because of the way I am at school and punches or whatever and I dont hit or talk back :( :( :( but if u mess with MIKA, I would definately get you and kick your butt !!!


    No matter what I support MIKA IN MEXICO



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