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Posts posted by DavidM

  1. From a marketing standpoint, this will NO DOUBT get "Big Girl" to Top 30 on I-Tunes downloads. AS SOON as a song is featured on one of those shows, you see a MAJAH increase in downloads the next day. This will give him the promo he needs in the US, most definetly...Though, it's a shame this couldn't have been done with Grace Kelly.


    Yes !!1 Like it would give that big support Mika needed !! Like on Friends that song its like totally a hit I thinkt hat would happend to Mika cause the show have a great audience and its sooo damn goood !! and plus your adding Mika this would be a hit you guys !!!!! :punk:

  2. One of my best experiences is when I was really pissed off one day, and then as soon as I switched on the car radio.. Mika was singing Relax take it easy to me!!:bleh:


    Oh I know that sometimes really freak me out like im in the car and Im like I want to hear MIKA on the radio and then Like if it was Magic just appears !!!!!

  3. Okay guys so Im just like totally freaking out Im from Mexico and well I was watching vh1 and thinking onMika and then this program start of new music and the video was Love Today by MIKA !!! Oh god I totally faint and turn it up and dance on my pijamas lolol anyone of you have those MIKA experiences ?




    Update hehe I just went into Vh1la.com for latin america vh1 and guess who was in the home page ??


    Mika !!! heres the pic and what it says its "The energetic and colorful vibe of this new british sensation its now on Vh1"




    Theres also a liltle biography that starts "They boy wiht the hig pitch voice that really knows how to dance who make everyone remember what was good music all about" :D !!!!

  4. Here's my story. Sorry, it'll be long..


    So Thursday I went to the mall to buy Mika a build a bear. I made him a monkey and recorded him a personal message that whenever you squeeze the bear, you hear my voice say, "Happy Birthday, I love you!"


    Once I got home from the mall, I went to Tara and Caitlin's house at about 10 o' clock. Earlier on that day, I had read on the MFC that I could've gotten VIP tickets, but I was too late to join since the list of the VIP names had been sent in. I asked anyway if I could go on and see if they added me, (which they didn't), and I had received a message from my friend, Jen on the fanclub. She informed me that due to the weather conditions (lots of rain and thunderstorms), they switched the location from Bryant Park to the Good Morning America studio. We all started flipping out and decided it would be best to leave ASAP so we could get a good spot. We were afraid that there would be a line of people already outside since there is limited space inside the studio. We left about a half hour later and got on the train at about 11:30. We arrived in New York at about 1 A. M. and we were the ONLY people in line. I called Hilary about 30 times to confirm the location,and told her to keep me updated if there were any changes. THANK YOU!! You were a tremendous help!


    We decided to camp outside of Times Square all night, and started making signs. As we were making them, people would stop by and be like, "What are you waiting for?" And when we'd tell them, they'd call us insane. And most people have never heard of Mika, so I had my CD player and let them listen to some songs. These two (no offense) black guys took my headphones and were dancing and bobbing their heads to Mika. Once Lollipop came on, they went insane and started singing along (even though they didn't know the words). The two men had an argument, one would say, "He reminds me of Prince!" and the other would say, "No way, he sounds like Billy Joel!" haha, it was funny.


    Another group of people stopped and asked us as I was making my sign. One of the guys noticed my poor artistic abilities, and offered to help me make my sign. I told him that I wanted it to say "Happy Early Birthday Mika! 8/18." and he drew that in bubble letters for me and let me colour it in. haha We met so many awesome people!



    I looked in the studio window and noticed I saw Luke and Cherisse enter for sound checks! I was the only one looking, and starting waving fantically! Luke waved back at me, and Cherisse looked at him a little confused until she noticed I was waving like a maniac, and she waved also.


    Mika arrived for sound check at about 6:45 or 7. He was SO CUTE!! My goodness!! At one point, he looked outside the window to look at all the fans lined up, and I held up my sign for him to see. He looked at it, smiled, and mouthed out "Thank you." and waved at us. I literally melted. He is SO sweet to all his fans!



    They didn't allow cell phones to be turned on inside the studio, so I turned mine off and put it in my bag.


    After the weather was shot, there was still about a half hour before Mika was scheduled to go on. He came on stage anyay, and looked at his audience. He wrote us little notes that said things like "Free Acoustic Gig". He later explained that he felt badly that not everyone was able to get into the studio, so he made another free gig. I was unable to see this one, sadly, since it was at 1 and my sister was leaving for Florida at 2, and I had to be home before then to return her camera. :(


    Mika and his band would entertain the crowd by doing clap alongs, and by singing bits of Love Today. Finally, Mika was scheduled to go on. He played Love Today which of course, was amazing! He had tons of energy and just sounded amazing!


    After that they had a commercial break, and Mika went over to one side of the stage and started talking to fans and signing autographs. After a while, he went back to the stage and was interviewed. Once the interview was over, Mika sang Big Girl (You Are Beautiful). That one was GREAT! Seeing him dance around the stage..GAH. Incredible!


    Again, there was a commercial break. During this one Mika played Lollipop for us all. Once the show was back on, he sang Lollipop again, which was even more amazing and fun than the first!


    After the show was over, Mika walked into the audience and started signing autographs for people. I grabbed my gift for Mika and was in the area where he was signing autographs. The crowd kept pushing and pushing. Every time I was the next person to get to meet Mika, someone would shove something for him to sign in his face or shove me out of the way, and soon security came and started to try to get people out of the studio. When I was VERY close to Mika, Caitlin was like, "Here Fink, I'll take a picture of you when you meet Mika!" And without me responding grabbed my camera.


    I got nervous and was afraid that I wouldn't be able to give Mika my gift, so I tapped a security guard who was in front of me and Mika and asked if I could give him my gift. The guy looked at me and then at the gift and said, "here, I'll give it to him." and started pulling the box away from me. I pleaded with him saying, "No! Please, let me give it to him. He's right there! please!" And I asked another security guard who did the same thing! Both men were trying to take the gift from me when Mika turned around, looked at me, and said, "Hi!" At that, the security guards backed off, and it was odd, it the room cleared more and it was just me and Mika talking to each other. I looked up at him a little nervously at first and said, "Um, hi Mika! I got you this gift for your birthday!" And he looked down at the box and was like, "Aww, wow! How sweet of you!" and started opening the box, which suprised me. I didn't think he'd do it right there. He looked in and saw the monkey and was like, "Aww, thank you so much! How kind!!!" And I told him, "It's a Build a Bear! Or in this case, a monkey! It's a monkabear, or whatever you'd like to call it. Look, I recorded a personal message! You can hear it if you squeeze it's arm, see?" And he took the monkey's arm, and my HAND and brought his face closer and put it to his ear and listened. Once he heard it, he was like, "Aww, thank you so much!!" I said, "Aw, you're welcome! C..can I give you a hug?!" "Of course!" and he gave me the GREATEST hug of my life! It was so warm...and he is so TALL and even more beautiful in real life, I didn't think it was possible! After I gave him a hug, he looked down at the monkey again and and then into my eyes and smiled and said, "Thank you so much! Really, this is so kind and sweet of you!!" And before I could respond, someone came and interrupted us to get an autograph. While he was signing this, I was looking for Caitlin, but she was nowhere near. Once that person finished, I saw that Mika had a marker in his hand and was going to ask for him to sign my shirt, but right when I was about to ask him, the woman I came with shouted to me, and they were all getting kicked out by security, so I had to go. :( I was really sad, and so angry that Caitlin took my camera and had my bag with my phone in it, so I couldn't get a picture or autograph or anything. :(


    But that is OKAY. Because I got something better.. A HUG, SMILE, AND GIGGLE!!!!! That's pretty darn SA-WEET!


    He is so sweet to all his fans! I still can't believe I met him..it feels like a dream!!


    Awwwwww hahah Damnd it when im going to meet mika :(

  5. Oh god here we go


    1# Im a rejected at school

    2# I have the same way of thinking of always being myself

    3# I love doing silly dances

    4# Konichiwa Bitches is one of my fav songs

    5# I start lisenting queen at the age of 14 or 15

    6# Same eye color

    7# Im kinda dyslexic too !

    8# Have a lazy eye too !!

    9# I cant read music but I can play a lil bit good piano

    10# Im as passionate as he is for Music :D


    and I think so much more, Mika truly is a role model for me ,and im being so serious


    Umm noo hehe tough if Mika was around here It would be pointlessy delicious lol no Im not Mika hehe but Its like we have so much in common :D

  6. Oh god here we go


    1# Im a rejected at school

    2# I have the same way of thinking of always being myself

    3# I love doing silly dances

    4# Konichiwa Bitches is one of my fav songs

    5# I start lisenting queen at the age of 14 or 15

    6# Same eye color

    7# Im kinda dyslexic too !

    8# Have a lazy eye too !!

    9# I cant read music but I can play a lil bit good piano

    10# Im as passionate as he is for Music :D


    and I think so much more, Mika truly is a role model for me ,and im being so serious

  7. Yerr..


    You seem new..


    Well not that new..


    But yerr.. welcome to the forum :D




    Yeah im not that new Im just becaming more active, and thank you, I was wondering If there are pictures or video of Mika while he made Emcee in cabaret , I try to look for it but I dont find it , Do you know something about that ?

  8. This is really random

    But i was watching this video




    On one of the music channels and you know the kid who i sday dreaming.


    With the green braces and red top and tie on..

    He reminds me off mika..

    He doesnt look like mika.

    His dress sense does.


    The video is mikaish.


    I dont know why..lol


    Call me random.


    But yerr..loool :thumb_yello:


    Awww its like mika when he was younger like how he dress and everybody making fun of him awww I wish I was a Mika's Classmate back then :D

  9. HIYA DAVID M :biggrin2: ..... hhhhmmmm ... WELCOME to MFC ... :welcomeani::flowers2: ... I see you have already made quite a few posts here ...

    all I know about getting new music heard in a new country ... esp. if you are doing it by yourself ... is to call ALL THE RADIO STATIONS ... ALL THE TIME .... & to keep asking them to play your favourite songs .... all the time !!!

    Also ... ask your friends to do the same ..... it's the only way really, .... unless you are involved with the Record Company or the Radio Network ...

    Hang in there .... Mika Music does work wonders !!!

    Here in Australia ... we are only 'just' hearing 'LOVE TODAY' on the radio ... & that's also 'cos it's only just been released here .... THE INDUSTRY HAS IT'S OWN VERSION of getting music across ... :blink: personally, I just keep on sharing it with my friends 'cos I love it so much ... !!!:wink2:


    Hellow thanks very much yeah , thats what Im doing all my friends not about him :P I annoy them with him :punk:

  10. Okay guys so Im from Mexico and I wanted to make this mexican fan club but no one responded :( the intention of the club is get to know MIKA in Mexico and me so far Cant do it all I mean yes I call 2 radio stations and they are playing MIKA now even one in the radio station its on the top 10 on number 7 but Do anyone have any idea what can we do to make MIKA a HIT in Mexico ?





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