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Posts posted by kjoshi

  1. yes...but please, come again! :blush-anim-cl:


    There's no doubt about! I loved Italy!


    Just defender of truth and fairness (well, I do try)

    I didn't do a Law degree for no reason you know, I still have *some* vocation to impart justice

    And I don't think this issue has been a war between nationalities, not at all, just certain individuals who happened to move in certain circles, that's all.

    But remmeber the future is ..............ORANGE:thumb_yello:



    lol orange...that's fine with me! I love bright colors!

  2. let's say 1 or 2 for each country ? :roftl: :roftl:

    no there were no real conflict, they minsunderstood a post i made in the after so-called party thread and were "disappointed" by me and couldn't understand why mfc was still talking about that (when they seem to have 34 pages about that :naughty::bleh: , but i'm not sure it's all ranting like it is in the mfc one... i didn't read it)... i went and explained :thumb_yello: i think it's all good now, i hope so... they were also noticing the bad mood in the forum...


    Oooo got it!

    Yeah there has been a bad mood on here...I didn't get into it all, I just lurked instead. Never really knew what to say


    oh apples....

    just a quick hallo to you all.


    so if you are angry with the french....mmmmmmmmmmm...actually i can see a lot of french ppl here!


    ciao yop, i introduced myself to you in london, but i'm not sure you remember me. actually i must say not all the ppl i introduced myself to seemed too interested in meeting me or knowing me....but it's ok, i won't complain.


    hallo kata, it was nice of you leaving the place in second row on monday 25th...but a smelly person took your place, so i can hate you for leaving your place now! but i'm ok, i loved you anyway! :naughty:


    hi bab!

    i missed you in london....this i regret!


    so i agree with yop...pls. can we turn page about london?

    cannot we find a new way to live and enjoy mika?


    i must tell you....i had BIG problems with italian forums, not only me...jealousy and misunderstandings...and when words are said on the internet everything can turn so bad after, so bad!

    now it's almost impossible for me and others to go on italian forum and not feel unconfortable!

    and a feeling of uneasiness and sickness that sounds so illogical when we stare at mika in his eyes.


    this is my experience i wanted to share, nothing more.

    have fun in this thread as you like, but i think it's time to turn the page.


    hi jemmalee!


    I never got to you meet when I came all the way to Italy:mf_rosetinted:

    I'm still so bitter about that lol

  3. I vote for more fruit. Like mangoes, perhaps... :mf_rosetinted:




    Oh no...I love mangos!! specially in India, they're always so sweet!! Can't get mangos here like you can there


    mmmmmmmmmmh... gorgeaous mangos !!! :mf_lustslow:

    we could be donuts filled with apple-mango-vegetable jam that love cats... we would be quite disgusting, then :blink: ... but it wouldn't change anything :roftl: :roftl:


    :( Donuts don't taste good with vegetables...I think I have a problem


    well here:


    je viens de lire une seule page sur le MFC (le lien donné)et je n'en reviens pas à quel point ils n'ont rien compris ... la jalousie leur empêche d'y voir clair; c'est pas possible autrement ...

    Olga n'a absolument pas agréssé ou harcelé "maman", elle lui a simplement demandé si c'était possible


    they say (I think) that we don't understand it, that jealousy doesn't let us see clearly, and that O didn't harass the mum, simply asked

    But in my post I said that I had heard that O asked, and in my books that sort of equals "bullying" or harrassing someone into giving it to you, which ends up with the same results...

    Oh well whatever.



    Geez I didn't know there was conflict between others forums and us.

    How many other forums are there?

  4. screw the apples ! it's time for a change, people hate the apples... we'll be the donuts :mf_rosetinted: with cats :mf_rosetinted:


    can't believe i just said that :blink:


    ahh...you're slowly coming over to my side. First the apples go, then you move on to donuts, but you'll realize how bad they are for you so eventually you'll have to move on the vegetables.



    Well it needs apple in there somewhere though......


    Some day they're be a vegetable in the name

  5. That's true. Hmmm. Guess there's no way to be more low-key on here about it...


    In Philadelphia, lots of people were surprised when I said I was going to stay after to try and see Mika: they did not think it was possible. And then while we were waiting, they were like, "oh man, it's been a while, he's not coming out," and I'd tell them, "nah, he usually comes out, just give him time." So I myself have been responsible for getting more people to wait for him after shows... on the other hand it would seem very selfish and petty to purposely keep this information from others.




    Right, I see the afterparty-complaining situation kind of like... say it's your birthday, and you get a birthday party from your friends and family. You get presents, cake, everything goes great, you have a fantastic time. Hurrah, right? Then at the end of the party, your friends say, "you know what? In addition to this, we're going to take you to that super exclusive club you've always wanted to go to!" And you get all excited, and drive to the club, but once you get inside, people make fun of your outfit, the bartender won't take your drink order, and you don't even get to dance with your friends because the same people who made fun of your clothes block your way and spill their own drinks on you so that you have to go clean up.


    Just because you didn't expect to even get into the club, and because you already had your birthday party that went really well, doesn't mean you would realistically be very happy with how the evening ended. And I doubt any but the most positive people would go "well, it was terrible, but hey! At least I didn't have to pay the cover charge, and I got to look at the other people dancing and admire the decor of the club! I had a great time!"




    Yeah I did that in Chicago too. I got people to wait because for some reason they asked me if he ever came out after shows. Although that was the one time where he didnt:mf_rosetinted:



    I love you Jack! That analogy was the best

  6. How would we go about getting items from Mika for auction?

    You obviously have the know-how to do this - I would be happy to

    help in whatever capacity you think I could be of use! :thumb_yello:


    We could auction off things like cd's or something to do with mika so people the meet and greets would be interested in it


    The perfect time to do it would be while people wait for mika to come out too

    cause i'm sure we all know it takes kinda of a while

  7. First of all, we would need to get Mika's permission and then, he would have to think about what kinda of charity he would like to do or be a part of. All money raised would go to his charity.


    What we would do is set up an auction site/store to raise money for the charity. The fans and he would be responsible for donating items to be auctioned. These things could be art work by fans, backstage passes (which always bring in a ton of money), personal items of his...etc. The list is endless.


    During Meet and Greets, there could be auctions. It would be a lot of work. People would need to be involved in shipping, etc.


    I think this would be fabulous. Mika has such a huge impact on people and this would just be one other thing for him to be involved in. Josh Groban's Mom overseas the charity. I can almost see Mika's Mom doing the same thing.



    Hello Ladies!!!!!!!!:punk:


    I think that's an amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you need any help organizing that please let me know!!!!:thumb_yello:

  8. Congrats to me, been here for a year. But where am I today? The same place where I were before. Feeling sad and lonely .. I need summmer! To lie halfly naked on the beach! Maybe I should start doing some drugs.. Like, LSD!


    Bla bla bla.


    The whole banning thing seems stupid/childish to me. I don't remember a number of incidents where Kata, Yop and Cynthia has acted badly. But I guess you're done discussing this.


    I didn't have a birthday thread :thumbdown:


    I have the worlds bestests cherry bag.


    Im so gonna get wasted tonight.


    Tea time. Elton John. Yellow goose.


    Lill Babs - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLfs6Ji9mVI



    haha...happy belated birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Here's a totally big cool bday cake to try and make up for it. I want the same from you when I don't get my birthday thread!

  9. I am not a "true" apple, but can I just say on the apple thread, after a manic work day with totally no MFC yesterday, I came on here today to find only 2 of my subscribed threads in the top 2 pages. That is a first.


    I found a couple of posts by the people whose opinions I really want to hear on a few other threads.


    Nothing else of particular interest.


    The saddest thing for me this week is that we have not only lost the people who were banned (ostensibly for a week, but I doubt we will see them back on here) we have, in the process, lost a lot of the other intelligent posters whose contributions were extremely valuable.


    When there is this much anxiety and distrust on the forum, lots of people just quietly choose not to come back. They don't say goodbye and make a thread for it, but WE ARE LOSING VALUABLE MFCers.:shocked:


    That is a travesty.:thumbdown:


    I don't have any other way of interacting with these people except for MFC (no msn or whatever) so I feel like I have lost some good friends now(albeit cyber-friends).


    I hope the mods and everyone who complained about the posts that got the bans will do some serious self-reflection here. Do you only want a forum of 13 year old fan girls, as our official forum? Notice I still say "our". I have been here over a year now. I wasn't planning to go anywhere else but this week....hmmmm.....I wake up most days now thinking "what drama has happened on MFC while Japan slept...."




    This used to be such a fun place.:blink:



    Yea I agree, it is extremely sad to lose people, specially to lose the few people that I talk to and have grown to really like. I'm not going to lie I did enjoy when they spiced up things on the forum instead of the usual i love mika he's perfect kinda stuff. Which is fine to have, not meaning to offend anyone, but it was just a nice change of scenery. It's a really sticky situation now. My fear is that things like this may start happening more often because of Mika's popularity rising and with us becoming official, if we do get benefits. because not everyone is going to be happy otherwise with they will be thousands of fans getting benefits or what ever is to come. So will we have fights like this everytime something happens. Will it always be a bitter-sweet thing?


    lol sorry to sound like a drama queen...


    *Sigh* :emot-sad:


    I join you in sighing

  10. Nico_collard, Deb, thanks for elaborating. :thumb_yello:




    It doesn't matter, posting the other ids was still too much.


    And unless Cynthia's other ids had a habit of starting goodbye threads, I don't see how a single post in one now was in any way related to any previous action. I do not believe that in themselves, any of the posts in the Drama goodbye thread could possibly be worth being banned, or were even at all offensive.


    If the mods had issues with Cynthia before, they should have banned her then, for whatever issues they were. (Same for Kata and Yop.) Not for ostensibly provoking them with the "final straw" of politely wishing goodbye.


    Anyway, I am just really tired of all this now, and would like to say I am also out of here.


    Not quite as dramatically, and I'm not saying "out of here" for good, but I can't stand the forums they way they are now, I don't trust a lot of the moderating team, and I feel extremely uncomfortable here in the current atmosphere.




    P.S. This is where I could have used the Drama Goodbye thread, as I feel making my own is silly and do not want to make a ton of announcements on other threads, but it would be nice if other people knew that I left for a while if they start to wonder where I am.


    Bye Jack!!! :( You will be missed!!

  11. Well, we're a clique in the sense of being a kind of group, but I also think we're welcoming enough of other people. I definitely don't think you're "disturbing" anything when you post here... it's more like we have the regulars here who post a lot, and then you and soangel and others drop by sometimes and we're happy to see you.


    And hey, in fact, Suzy, me, Scut and Christine are in fact newer additions to the apples.


    Actually, it's a shame that most of the original apples don't even post here much anymore...




    Yeah I guess you're right about that. The reason I said that was because the word "clique" has a negative connotation for me because of high school


    It really is too bad that the first apples don't post here. I feel like there are many people who used to post don't post as much anymore. I guess some people just get over it all and move on.

    Even I wish I wasn't on here at times because I should be doing more school work but it's so freaking addicting



    P.S I don't even know what happened with people banned. I just found out, all I know is what I read in the After Party thread. I don't really need any details but I just wanted to know are they banned forever???!


    Or am i not allowed to even bring it up

  12. I hardly thought I fit in this thread at all, because I'm often too giddy and excited and positive and I do sometimes blow a lot of unwanted sunshine around here.


    I suppose what I'm trying to convey here, is that although the "Apples" seem to be a "clique" that may annoy some people at times, you can't just dismiss the contributions that they have brought to this forum. I know this banning has nothing to do with the whole group of apples who post on this thread - but I would hope more people can trust our version of Kata, Yop and Cynthia Mulat too. This should count for something.


    I hardly call the apples a "clique" You girls are all good friends. I know I post here sometimes without hesitation or thinking that I'm disturbing anything.


    Thanks Pam, but I think as that post above showed, I'm not exactly always able to stay neutral... I got rather emotional and impassioned there, and in truth am a bit ashamed of how hot-headed the tone was. :blush-anim-cl:


    Mana, I really appreciate your viewpoint and how you say that you want people to understand how the mods make decisions... and I really truly do understand how hard it is to be the cops/mods. I would just like to suggest that when the reason for baning is not immediately obvious on the forums (ie, a racist or disrespectful post or a clear violation of rules), maybe a short explanation of why a user was banned would be helpful when the ban is announced. Otherwise, of course people are going to be somewhat confused and upset. Not giving people information but expecting them to act as though they HAVE that information doesn't tend to work out well.


    (I'm not saying that's what the mods have been doing, but that's what the situation results in, you know?




    Yeah I agree, I can also understand that it can be super hard to play this role on the forum. It's seems that someone will always be upset and that you can't make everyone happy, but I agree with jack in that maybe it won't create such big waves if there were explanations. Cause we are all friends here and we care for each other

  13. Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa.




    This is the part I still don't get--people were offended by Kata's what? By her saying she had a terrible time? By saying that other people (without naming anyone!) ruined it for her?


    Well it was true! It sucks if that isn't a sunshiney fact, but we know that yes, she didn't even get a chance to get within speaking distance of Mika due to some people's behavior. If that somehow makes others feel bad, well that's also too bad! They can tell her how she's making them feel in return, if they want, but why would be she banned due to stating her feelings?


    Do we ban Sariflor now because the fact that she called our attention to how the thread made her feel guilty probably makes Christine and babs feel bad? If the logic that banned Kata holds true, you'd have to, wouldn't you--as long as Christine and Babs PMed you to complain about it?


    And since WHEN are mods on the side of majority? I thought they were on the side of "the right." If Kata's banned for making people feel bad by truthfully stating what she felt (without resorting to personal attacks or bigotry), then anyone and everyone who ever complained about pushy people behind them ruining shows for them should also be banned, because that's the same thing.


    I said over and over again in the old DC thread that the girls behind me ruined the whole concert because I felt I had to fight just to keep my place, and they shoved me and pulled at my hair, and grabbed at Mika without any respect for his space, etc. If any people who happened to stand near me started posting that I was making them feel bad and guilty for having a good time at the concert, would I have been banned?


    Also, I saw somebody complain in the recent threads about a rude person in the queue who pushed them, and directly call out that person, saying that if they're on the forums, they should know what a b*tch they are. Why isn't THAT person banned?


    Why aren't any of the people who made xenophobic remarks banned--is saying that other people ruined a party for you worse than xenophobia? Or is it just that not enough foreigners PMed complaining about how they were offended?


    Why isn't the person who called Aurelien a jerk who bossed her around in the queue with the numbers banned? Didn't that make Aurelien feel bad and guilty?


    Or the new user who said that the MFC people were responsible for her terrible experience, where no-one explained the numbers to her and she stood unmoving in line for 7 hours only to be pushed to the back when numbered people took their spots? I'm sure that made some people feel bad; she was really upset about it.



    And I'm still confused about this "majority" thing. If mods DO go by siding with the majority rather than an independent sense of right, how is this determined? If the "majority" decides that insulting a particular group is all right and in fact defending them is controversial and sh*t-stirring, do we condone the insults and ban those who try to defend those people?


    How was the "majority" determined in Kata's case, anyway? Was there a percentage of people who were upset by Kata's posts vs those who supported her? If we ran a poll to see who else may support her, could we get her ban reversed and maybe even have somebody else banned? What are the numbers we're working with? What number is the "many" who felt attacked by her?


    On the opposite side of those who feel attacked and offended by the fact that Kata was not allowed to express herself and stay, we have:










    possibly Jennie

    possibly Jemmalee

    possibly anyone else who also felt angry and hurt at the party, such as scg, xBillybrownx, etc

    possibly anyone else posting on the apple thread in support


    If we get more names and outnumber the "many," what then? Some of these people have also decided that what happened upsets them enough that they need to take a break. They just haven't PMed the mods to complain about it.




    As far as I can tell, it was because Kata and Yop were "causing drama." Which I did not know was reason to be banned. :blink:





    AAANd what about those people who were discriminating against other countries. I thought that was the absurd comments ever said. I don't think derogatory statements against nationalities should be tolerable at all

  14. All the good things have their waiting...Worthy waiting this time :thumb_yello::wink2:


    Yes...although the waiting part is always difficult, although then it wouldn't be worth it lol


    I'm not sure who's more drunk - you or the person taking the picture! :roftl:




    I have a feeling that Team Mika would agree with that sentiment, really, especially based on the intent of the aftertparty.


    But, I think the problem may lie with coordination. I'm not sure how, but we should make it known to Team Mika that the MFC is a resource to them - there are a number of members who would be willing and able to work with them if they need any assistance in terms of organizing, coordinating, assisting, etc. Poor Deano and Freddie certainly don't have to do it all.







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