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Posts posted by kjoshi

  1. Thats it kjoshi, the next time the Mikanator takes a vacay to India, he's gonna have 2 ridiculously gorgeous Indian travel companions to guide him. Then again, I'll be pretty much useless, so you'll have to do all of the actual guiding. I'll be in charge of keeping him entertained on the flight, by singing him 14 hours worth of Prince songs each way. Doesn't that sound grand? Oh, and just to warn you, I have tendency to wander off, so someone will need to hold my hand in crowded areas. Or you may never see me again! Wouldnt that be a shame?


    Lol, yes!!!!!!!! I'll prob be useless causes i've never been to touristic areas...just to visit family, but my Hindi's (I speak Gujarati at home) not so bad so I could get us around. I would love listening to you sing prince songs for 14 hours, i'll try not to sing along and ruin it lol. And it's ok about being a wanderer, I'm sure Mika won't mind holding you hand to make sure you don't get lost. I might just be holding his other too so that you don't get lost without me lol

  2. Arghhh!!!! Yet another reason to be jealous of that boy! I left India when I was 2 months old, and have been waiting 25 LONG years to one day return to the land of my birth... and he goes there for a little YOGA HOLIDAY???!!!! :badmood:


    Mika, next time you make plans to party it up in my precious motherland,










    (disclaimer: Just Kidding. Have a good time, Mika. :mf_rosetinted: )



    That's a longer time than me!!


    I want to go so bad, my rents just went for a wedding, but I couldn't go cause I had exams and couldn't skip classes!:mad:


    What I would do to go there now!


    Mika should've taken both of us...what was he thinking!?

  3. I feel really mean now, making that girl come around my house to bring that article.

    Never mind, I'll make her a cup of tea!


    Has anyone noticed, we have around 2800 posts, but a huge number of views 16000 or something? Who is sneaking here to read?


    Me!!! I don't get to post very often these days but I do make sure I keep up on what my fav. Mika fans, or non fans:mf_rosetinted: are doing!


    The girls are always very beautiful, but the guys, well........:cool:


    Haha...that's kinda true


    Ha, it's kind of the same in most music videos though, isn't it?


    India has a number of stunning male actors though.






    They're all too muscular to be my type, but I like Hrithik, he's very sweet.




    80s-style, hahah.




    I do love Hrithik, but Shahruk will always have my heart!:wub2:


    mmmh... yummy... he played in kabhie kushi khabie gham, didn't he ? i think so...


    Yes he was!!!!!!! With Shahruk, and Kajol! She's my fav. actress!



    He's going to India now? I think he just wants to get away from the MFC...


    Are we to expect Hindi traditional influence on the next album or what? Bollywood disco?


    I agree with Yop, seems like a covert vacation more than anything else! The Aussies will be annoyed.


    Though of course he could theoretically write songs anywhere, no reason why he can't sight-see and go somewhere he wants to go to at the same time...


    I also want a scan. Does it say he's actually taking up study of Hinduism? :boxed:




    Being completely biast that I think that's the coolest thing in the world!!! I would love Indian touch to his songs or just song!


    Sorry I'm gett so excited guys, but it's always exciting when I see Indian anything! You gotta be proud of your roots!

  4. AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's so amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Sorry, this makes me so happy being Indian and Hindu!


    :wub2: Shahruk and Mika on the same page!



    Ugh...kinda jealous I haven't been back in 6 years!



    It really is one of the best places in the world! Maybe I'm a little biast but oh well, I love it there!

  5. "the other artists" section... that's a cool one !

    i was only talking about "physical" changes though... not here enough to feel other kinds of changes...


    oh cool i didn't even notice that


    all right well ladies goodbye for now, getting a new computer within the next 2 weeks so hopefully I'll be back soon


    Who knows I might stumble in (no pun intended) on my roomates comp.



  6. I'm going to quote this so you can't edit it when you sober up.


    Which is what Christine does to me. :sneaky2:


    lol, shoot! I don't even remember doing this, but apparently I went facebook and left random messages on peoples wall so I thought I should check to see iif I did it here too, and low and behold i posted one thing here.


    :roftl:*quotes as well*

    Funniest thing I've read all day!!


    Get drunk more often:thumb_yello:


    Lol, thanks, i'll keep it in the back of my mind when someone tells me not to drink







    That's the funniest thing I've ever seen! I want that on my wall in my room!




    The Apples thread is where I want to reakky pasot too. *Sounds kinda kinky to me* .


    :blush-anim-cl: I'm hoping when I said "reakky post" I meant quicky post


    I googled reakky, because I'm a google whore, and I found a myspace profile.


    :shocked: wow!!! I love the DP!!


    I'm sure that's not what I was trying to do!

  7. "The question "The tomato: is it a fruit, or is it a vegetable?" found its way into the United States Supreme Court in 1893. The court ruled unanimously in Nix v. Hedden, 1893, that a tomato is correctly identified as, and thus taxed as, a vegetable, for the purposes of the 1883 Tariff Act on imported produce. However, the court did acknowledge that botanically speaking, a tomato is a fruit." and "A cherry tomato is a smaller garden variety of tomato."

    from Wikipedia, it's a fruit then :mf_rosetinted:


    I can't believe that made its way to court!

  8. I only have a 1 to 1 ratio... (it would be 1:2 but I had a feeling the festival was going to be canceled, so only brought tickets to one :naughty:)




    I like the reviews idea. Gives him some light reading while his in there as well :mf_rosetinted:





    So it'd be how many names we could squeeze into such a image...and we may need more than one roll.



    The good news is the lucky mfcers get to be "close to him" more than once :thumb_yello::mf_rosetinted:



    ew...mika's going to use our names to... you know

  9. Question, girls! I have spring break next week. I was just going to go home, but my mom is really keen on me going somewhere to "get away." I have work to do, and don't want to, but she's insisting... I think maybe I can manage a few days, at the end of the week.


    Her idea is Bahamas, but that scares me and I don't like beaches. I said that if I need to go somewhere, then I'd go to London or Toronto or Paris and visit you. ha.


    Sooo... any suggestions?




    Delaware, it's pretty exciting here :fisch:

  10. Well that's with me being selective. I've deliberately missed him in my hometown several times because I don't want to see the same thing too many times and risk getting complacent. We're just lucky over here that we get to see him so many times that missing one or two concerts a few miles down the road isn't much of an issue.


    Haha...i wish it was like that everywhere, but then I guess we'd get a lot more cancelled gigs too:mf_rosetinted:


    Am I the only lonely one here who has not suffered but more benefitted from cancelled/rescheduled gigs? LOL! :blink:


    May I still stay here? :tears:


    No, I haven't had any cancellations, you're not the only lonely one!

  11. Sorry you're feeling crappy:thumbdown:.

    For dinner Saturday, Closetmikafan and I can pick you up (maybe around 6 or 7pm).


    Cute doggies Wendi and kjoshi! :wub2: My kids are asking for one...

    Either a doggy or even more extreme - my daughter prays every night for a baby sister! :blink:


    I hope I don't have the same boredom issues as Scut... :naughty:




    We can even put the custom-designed toilet paper in the custom-designed plastic bag!



    Ha! So you're gonna either put on a show half-a$$ or cancel... oooh, the dilemma! Just get the audience to sing along to half the songs to drown out your sick sounding voice.:mf_rosetinted: Maybe you should cancel and put on a rescheduled show where you suprise the ticketholders by hosting an 'after party'. Make sure you only invite first 50 ticket holders.:mf_rosetinted:


    hehe I like that...half-a$$:naughty:

  12. cause you really think we have something to say each time we post ?? :naughty::roftl::lmao:


    Well, you hide it well :mf_rosetinted:





    Hey! SOrry I got off the second I posted so it's a delayed hey, although you're probably in bed now so....good night lol


    Goodness! This Appleman thread's been very busy! I love that many of our visitors have been coming so frequently - looks like we're growing a new crop of apples!

    I have just come home from finishing an exam that I've been studying for during the last month. I'm finished. Thank God. Now I can at least catch up here a little and post (not that it really stopped me before, but now I can do it 'guilt-free') :naughty:




    *Goes back to read the last several pages and has a feeling its all about cats and fruit anyway:naughty: *


    lol this is the only thread that i post in at all these days. Not that the other ones are bad of course

    My dog!!!!

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