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Posts posted by aryap8

  1. Arya is a really nice name! I envy you! Hahaha, I want to give my kids unique names because it will make them feel special I guess :D But one of my kids will be named Mika, for sure!


    Thank you :biggrin2: im thinking of mika for one of my kids too cuz it could be for a boy or girl..so idk but i know everybody else will be like omfg she is mika crazy for sure...hahahah they just dont understand :cool:

  2. Whoa Larkin is a really cool name! Hahaha, the anger thing is really ironic. It's strange talking about names, because soon after becoming a Mika obsessed fanatic person I started making a list of names for my future kids (even though I'm only 16), lol and all of the names are Mika-esque. :naughty:


    omgosh, ive been making a list of names too...the thing is that i use to hate my name since people couldnt pronounce it, its arya, and i really despised my parents for giving me that name but now i really like it and it makes me unique :biggrin2: i wanna give my kids unique names too


    wow it took me a looong time to get to my point

  3. I actually like that song.

    Anyway, I like some of those type of songs just 'cause I like upbeat music that you can dance to but then again why can we have upbeat music that I can dance to that has at least a tinsy bit of meaning or not using correct grammar to rhyme "are" with "are"?


    im not going to deny that when im in a dancey groovy mood i wouldnt mind listening to the rap/hip hop for being upbeat and ish but like your so right, once you come to the deeper level of it, almost like 80% of all that type of music contains the materialistic downfall of society, i mean songs like umbrella (which are completely random) or lean like a cholo or party like a rockstar or even smack that by akon are really just songs to make money,


    honestly those artists dont care about how deep the meaning of their music goes, they only care about the sales and making it rich, well by the way they flaunt their money, it seems really true huh?


    now that was looooong....and i still have more


    i really want mika to make it in america, but i dont want him to be on MTV because that like station will corrupt him and he'll get like those momentary fans who will be like "omgosh i love mika" and totally forget about him like 15 minutes later, yenno? i want him to sorta be on like a channel/station which celebrates the true meaning of what music is and not the moral decay of music, yenno? am i even making sense or does it sound like babble-ish?

  4. i wish i still had digital cable...just a coupla more months...


    ok if love today is on MTV shouldnt VH1 be playing it as well????they already did a you oughta know segment on Mika but they never show his vids, hmmmm...

  5. Finally I'm not going to school anymore!

    I 'm going to start university in October!



    you are so lucky, i start on august 22nd

    thats like 8 days away now i guess...

    i want to have a senior year of fun and stuff, but i dont want to do college apps, i just want to choose a college and go...lol

    and school also means less time on this site :thumbdown:

    im not even thinking about school, my mind is already at graduation, wearing the cap n gown and just having an awesome time at grad nite :biggrin2:

  6. gosh i already have it in my head


    so anyways on plane rides i get scared and always seem to grab the arm rest real tight whenever a plane takes off and i usually end up grabbing a strangers hand and then get embarassed and say sorry after so thats what i think i would do, grab mika's hand while taking off and hold on real tight just cuz its him, but not so tight that i would kill his piano playing hand...lol


    and i guess it would get awkward after that and i would just turn one of his songs on really loud so he would gain interest and be like "hey, you like this song and i would say of course, its my favorite and somewhere from there hopefully a conversation might start :)

  7. Ooh thanks! I actually thought Rihanna would already have surpassed Mika, so this has made me happy - I hope he holds her off; we need a few weeks of dry weather and sun now so that these people (WHO are they? People who enjoy rain?:boxed::thumbdown: ) stop buying Umbrella.


    i seriously dont understand whats so good about that song, its like so random...you could use like same thing with another word like apple or something




    since your hungry you can eat my apple

    ple, ple, ple le le eh eh


    you get teh idea

  8. In moderation. Candle shops give me headaches.


    Do you watch late night shows? (Letterman, Leno, etc)


    of course, conan o brien and dont forget colbert report and daily show :)


    did mika make you life colorful?

  9. omgosh i have such a similar story


    i was trying on shoes in this one store called ALDO (shoes that are waaaaay too expensive and beautiful at the same time) and all of a sudden, im sitting there and walking in the beautiful shoes that i just admire and RELAX comes on and i just stand there like AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (inside my brain) and then i say out loud omgosh its mika and the sales person helping me out was like omgosh he's my love and i said ahhhhh mee too so we actually sang the whole song together...really horribly. :biggrin2:

  10. oo WELCOME!! Another California person WOOT! haha. uhh ahem. sorry. haha

    soo.. Yeah i know I hope he comes oo soooo baaaddd! I really doubt that I'm gonna be able to see him @ Street Scene. :(

    He should let us know about the dates now! Its getting really soon to when he should be here!


    im actually going to street scene and im so freaking excited to see him there...since its like what? 5min from my home...but i would rather see a concert thats like at a smaller venue and only him because idk, it seems to be more intoxicatingly funner? lol :biggrin2:

  11. this is so completely off topic, but why would somebody make a fake mika facebook...i mean im not saying that i think its real im just saying that like why do people make fake like facebook/myspace pages for celebrities? yenno, like why? i still dont understand that :blink:

  12. this is so completely off topic, but why would somebody make a fake mika facebook...i mean im not saying that i think its real im just saying that like why do people make fake like facebook/myspace pages for celebrities? yenno, like why? i still dont understand that :blink:

  13. what about the name for the monkey that always chasing lollipop girl in the woods? whats his name? ugh im so hiss right now since i cant think of that monkey's name:blink:


    *goes on youtube to find interview with the monkey name*

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