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Posts posted by aryap8

  1. Yes, we are always happy and obsessed with MIKA!!!


    OMG that's so cool! Maybe some concert tickets will come your way! Haha :biggrin2:


    and maybe you could join us, eh??? lol


    well mika's new hair? i like it since it makes him seem really cute and more adultish but me and him had a curly hair connection (in my dreams):biggrin2:


    and now thats gone its pretty saddening but itll grow back soon:)

  2. Hahaha it's funny. All of my friends roll their eyes when they see my binders because Mika's all over! Hahaha and when they're like discussing crushes and boring stuff like that I'm like "I have a crush on Mika!" Hahaha.

    Awww, she'll admit it one day. How old is she?


    i seriously dont talk about mika anymore with my friends cuz i mean its annoying when their not as happy as me, and i would rather talk about it here where everybody else is alwaysssssss as happy as me:biggrin2:


    but i have found my mika group and one of my friends always has this hook up with radio stations around san diego (channel 933) and she is a mika fan like me and i guess if anything with mika comes up, shes gonna get me some hook up and im hoping, and wishing, and praying that something comes my way!!!!

  3. I know he's so funny! I think he teaches 7th grade English lol. :roftl:


    So how is everyone today???


    eh, im so-so, sat's flew by and now im on a break from work, i hate saturday but tommorow,im going to my friends house to make jonas bros t-shirts since we have to take her little sister to the house of blues on nov3rd and so we decided that we're going to get ready and go crazyyy, and basically be dumb-tarded people who are going to be sarcastically screaming at them, i dont know ANY of their songs, lol:biggrin2:


    how was your day??

  4. Awww that's stinks that you couldn't hear the college app thingie. OMG tomorrow this administrator from UC Berkeley is coming to my school to talk to juniors and seniors and I am SOOOO EXCITED! YAY!


    lucky, berkeley is like indian people central, which i would love to go to but im not good enough so yeah whatevz


    i feel like im the only san diegan in this thread, is anybody else out there a san diegan??? its like everybody is in orange county or la ish.

    so next week is my schools homecoming adn im super duper excited cuz itll my last hc EVER, gosh being senior, your always counting down your LASTS everyday

  5. Hahaha yeah school is hard this year. APs are intense!


    I am so sad that I'll be missing out on the Disney trip. Maybe we can do Part 2 in the Spring??? YES! Hahahaha.


    Today was horrible! I had to go to school at 6:30 as always and urrgh I failed a chem test and i forgot to study for a spanish test and my friend is trying to get me to ask someone to winter formal in January (so I obviously wouldn't ask him yet) and she didn't know that he has a girlfriend and I did but I don't care b/c I don't like him but she freaked out because she thought that I liked him just because he's from England too. I dunno, my friends are so...16ish hahahaha. WOW that sounded so teenagery...that's a first for me!


    How are you?


    omgosh, you have crayzeee social drama GOING ON! i went to a senior workshop to learn about the college apps process but i could barely see teh screen or hear any counselors cuz all i could hear was the murmur of the audience and i was like ahhhhhh i need to know this, i swear counselours are USELESS, they dont do much or care much...

    i make em useful and set up a meeting up with one so that i can actually understand how the app process is working and im taking SAT IIs and i literally dont care and will give up this time, hopefully i get like straight 600s across and then im taking the SATs in december again and ahhhhhhhhhh


    im just gonna forget about a social life and get into my educational life now!

  6. I know. It's like capitalism to the extreme. UGH capitalism reminds me of school! NOOOO! I hate school this year because I have a B in one of my classes and it's killed my soul :thumbdown:


    omgosh a B?!?!?!? lol no im jp, you should be happy unless you want to get into a good UC...lolz:biggrin2: im jp, its ok, cuz i have a C in ap bio and im trying really hard to get STRAIGHT A's the first quarter for college apps!!!! STRESSSSS


    omgosh a december dinneylannd trip? im totally up for it...MFC disneyLAND o7 woot woot...i guess? so yeah its been a while since i was last here...whats up peeps?

  7. yeah! but im going tomorrow so then ill know haha.

    But yeah!!! I went about 2 months ago, and its alll soooo small!!! its crazzyy! It all seemed so big when i was like 5 and 8!!! and the lunch tables area is so small and the center was just soooo small!!!! I didnt realize how small it was!! I'm so excited to see all the little kids and my old teachers!!! I wonder if they'll remember me hahah. psschchch they better


    im glad im not the only one with that experience, its not gratifying its just like omgosh my perception of the memories have changed...

    omgosh(random arya moment) i went to my 6th grade teacher and he remembered exactly who i was and the first words he said to me were WOW, you loook olddd and i was like really??

    i guess theyll remember the little baby kid version of you? lol, it must be weird for people like them to see their students go from like 5-9 all and then skip in-between years and go all the way to 16-18!

  8. awesomeness!!

    My day was pretty fiineee thanks!!

    I think I'm gonna go to the park soon...

    Tomorrow I have a minimum day and me and some friends are gonna go visit our old elementary school!!! It's gonna be so awesome!! haha.

    what are you doing?


    omgosh, i went back to my old elementary school and i realized how small everything was and how like old i have gotten, i miss those days...you guys should try it...its like the weirdest experience ever (maybe only for me), findingmywords, if you went to your elementary school, do you get what im talking bout?

  9. I wanna see ATU also!!!


    And this Irvine Spectrum thing has to happen! I'll just call my good friend Mika and see if he would like to join us...:blush-anim-cl:



    lol, dont you mean OUR good friend?

    the spectrum will happen OF COURSE, but idk if i can convince my parents to let me drive ALL the way up there by myself!

  10. HHHHHHHI my fellow californian sistas!


    all i can say is... it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-L-Y WOW. wow, thats hard to type.


    O and Y-E-S to the spectrum party. lets do it, in a week or so? ha



    O hey I saw Shrek that night too! i love that movie...



    lol, well shrek is an awesome movie, only the first one the second one is eh and i still havent seen the third one but heard that it was pretty annoying/suckish, idk?


    i have HIGH HIGH hopes for atu, i must see it soooooooooooon omgosh i just saw the teaser trailer for the DARK KNIGHT and im in love with the new batman movies and i just want summer08 to be HERE, now! lol

  11. ACROSS THE UNIVERSE!!!! hahaha


    omgosh i still havent seen it and just tell me if it was good or bad, dont tell me anything about the storyline...im like in anxiety, i wish i could see that movie with mika, i guess it oculd be a bit magical with him, idk why? but i t would be lovely


    anyways all us soCALI people should have a party at like the irvine spectrum mannnn...lol

  12. SAT II's are painful. I got 580 on the World History one so I have to take 4 in the Spring, that's right FOUR! AHHHH I'm going to have 3 AP tests AND 4 subject tests :shocked: *dead*. I usually study on Saturday nights also, but luckily yesterday I saw "America's Broadway" *hums good morning Baltimore*


    yeah i studied all of ap bio yesterday at night like from 1030-100am, crazy studying i guess? ok well i still have to study and then go to work so ill ttyl:thumb_yello:


    btw, whats "america's broadway" ? ive never heard of it, im not really into all that musical stuff...lol

    which is sorta ironic cuz i really want to watch a 60s musical filled with beatles music

  13. hahahaha. My weekend so far has just been attending an SAT class...


    omgosh im taking those like next SAT, the SAT IIs and i haven't even started to study, lol i can bs it and still get like a 500 on all of em :) i guess?? lol but i am freaked out a little:boxed: or maybe more than a little

    ok well my fellow californians its a saturday night and instead of going to see across the universe, i must study...i feel so Asian right now, lol

  14. Awww, are you feeling better?


    I am dying of boredom right now because I am drawing a picture for my grandad haha. I'm on gabbly btw.


    boredom equals my weekend, studying studying and more studying...pooey

    well i just got back from work right now and im tired outta my mind, i need some MONSTER or something...those are addictive:bleh:

  15. Yep that's him. It was funny because I'm taller than him and I'm always shorter than everyone, but anyways.


    I wish my name was Bob! But no, it is simply Amanda (often pronounced Amonda by my tennis coach because he thinks it's funny to make fun of my accent).


    My dinner was quite pleasant indeed.


    my dinner was quite pleasant as well...teehee, yeah well im jealous that you met masi because he is my favorite character, in the end of the series, he saves his best friend with this cool attitude and then gets all giddy after he saves him and say im such a badass and i was like cracking up because he is the cutest thing on that show :)


    well anyways its sorta ironic that your name is amanda because a friend that ive had since 96 has been named amanda and she's one of those friends that i am currently disillusioned by...what kind of accent do you have??? i really want to know now...lol

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