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Posts posted by aryap8

  1. heyyy!! nothing is up. I just took a like 2 hour nap. It was niiiccee :naughty:

    And im excited cuz tomorrow i have the class with the guy i really like!!!!!! so im gonna see him!!! and i have a good feeling!!! I can feel it!!!!! :naughty::blush-anim-cl:




    omgosh, i love the excitement before those feelings and getting all jittery:biggrin2:

  2. LUCKY!!! I have that day this Thursday. School starts at 9 instead of 7 YAYYYYY!


    omgosh i have an extended lunch on Thursday!!!! woot woot, and there is a reason, because our school got the highest API score with the District, yeeeeeeeeeah, ill be going off campus to IN_N_out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin2: :biggrin2:

  3. Hehe I'm glad to have cheered you up a bit. Honestly, it's nothing to worry about. Besides, Mika's probably too busy with his tour to check up on his friends at the MFC haha. By the time he mysteriously wanders through the forums again, your thread will have been long gone.




    and im glad to have helped, lol its ok mika3maniac, you can take all teh credit, lol no im totally JP....hahahha so how was your day? mine was depressing:thumbdown:

  4. Well thanks, but I did start the thread, therefore I am partly responsible, am I not?


    honestly i can totally see where your coming from, but the things said in those threads werent from you, and i you titled the thread NO OFFENCE..., that is reason enough not to feel guilty

    and like amanda said, taking responsibility shows good judgment even though other people should have apologized for those words...idk if im at all helpful but being in that state of guilt sucks and i dont wish for anybody to be like that

  5. Listen to Mika describe what he routinely eats while flying between gigs . .

    and then tell me if you think he smokes!


    in that same interview, he talks about sneezing and his snot just to pay attention to the importance and the connection to his singing, with being so serious about his singing, don't you think that he wouldn't smoke? idk just my theory

  6. Oh I saw that! About the bear "controversy". It's no big deal. I mean, his new tour isn't aimed at the 3 year olds anyways. I heard that it says something about "suitable for 14 and up" on the tickets. I would have been a bit disturbed had I been there with my mom, but it's all in good fun!


    parents should know too, since he does use inappropriate lang for little children sometimes, i mean it doesnt seem to be that big of a deal for us but again we are teenagers and i mean that type of comedy is actually pretty funny for us...

  7. If you've been on MFC you'll know haha. I started that "No offence to anyone..." thread which got VERY out of hand and hateful things were said so I made an apology thread and once again, hateful things were said. Both threads were closed. It wasn't even really me who said such terrible things, but it ignited other people to say mean things and I just feel like killing myself. (Obviously I won't but I just hate feeling guilty so much)


    oh yeah, that thread seemed pretty decent while i looked at it, i mean i guess i didnt keep up and i hate it when you try to make things right but it only gets WORse...at least you took the big person step to take responsibility for other peoples action...its ok


    i just read the mika sexual intercourse mimic ish and i dont think its that big of deal, do you? i mean was taken aback but dont hate him for it, yenno?

  8. Exactly. That doesn't shock or offend me at all. I've seen plenty of that in my day. For fun, my friends would just randomly run up and start humping you. :naughty:


    um, lol i guess...humping friends eh?

    well i didnt really mind that at all, it was only about a second of humping, and i mean right after they had some animal come beat them up and there have been worse things at concerts than just that...

  9. What Mika song makes you...

    1. smile: Lollipop

    2. cry: How Much Do You Love Me

    3. feel in love: Happy Ending (broken in love?)

    4. down: Instant Matyr

    5. crazy: Love Today

    6. wild: Ring Ring

    7. angry: ummm? idk this feeling when listening to mika

    8. feel indescribable: RELAX(take it easy)

    9. want to eat candy: Big Girl

    10. feeling better when you're sad: sweet dreams (cover)

  10. hahah. no but the getting in part was horrible!! there was just a gargantuan clump of poeple and it all went out the the parking lot. everyone was trying to get into the tiny doors all at the same time and everyone was pushing and yelling. It took like 45 minutes or an hour to get in. It sucked. and at the door you had to show them your id, they would search your purse, and they would pat the guys down and then they had to check the girls for dress code violations and if your dress was too short you had to put on these shorts that they gave you and then you had to go to the line to get marked off from the list to get in and then they had a place where you could put your stuff so you had to wait to do that. That was the only sucky part. Inside the gym it was soooooooooo burning hot you have no idea.haha


    now i feel like my hc was a bit better, i mean the music wasnt that loud, but theres no dresscode limit on our things and omfg, they had this special wrist band that we had to wear, omgosh its just too funny..ill put a picture up of it




    i guess thats how stick figures freak dance..hahahhaha


    lol it said "NO FREAKING: violaters will be removed"...but the ratio of people getting kicked out to people freaking was really about zero...and it took like an hour just for that to get in when it wasnt even used...

  11. My weekend was awesome so far!!!!!

    Friday I went to the homecoming game, and they played lollipop and danced to it. Yeah, I know. AMAZING. so now like everyone at my school has listened to mika.


    Satruday me and my family took family pictures with a professional photographer at the beach!!! Im excited to see them!!!!

    And then we went out to eat something at the harbor.

    and AFTER that I went home to get ready for homecoming!!!! It was soooo aweseom!!!!!!! I wore a turqoise dress with polka dots!! it was so cute!!! And the dance was soooooo awesome!!!! It was SOOO fun! It was like a club in there. It was in the gym and they put in this huge stage thing with these things at the top and they had these biiiigg box things on the floor that lit up neon colors and changed colours and you could go on top of em and dance. It was awesome. And crazy insane strobe lights and tons of lights. it was amazing


    and today is just relaxing day.


    how is everyone!!!???



    im sooooooo jealous that your hc was awesomely awesome...lol, mine sucked, the dj didnt play ANY good music and i waited like over an hour just to get in....senior hc sucked and it just put my weekend in a slump, but hanging out with my amigos afterwards was fun

  12. my fellow californians!!!!!!!!! ITS sunday and tommorows school BUT its SUNDAY


    lol well how was everybody's saturday? omgosh hc SUCKED and it was my last but whatevs i think i looked pretty decent, not to sound vain in any way:naughty:


    teehee, well im waiting for thanksgiving break already, ok well have a good day/week



    I seriously wish I went to your school. At least I get to share the Mika love


    seriously i wish the same, my friends know mika and they always are like, what annoying music, but its not annoying, its an escape that we always need from reality:biggrin2:


    lol well HC game TONIGHT! no work all weekend, omgosh this is my LAST hc as a high school student EVURRRR!:shocked: im going to miss these moments in college, BUT i really want the moment of turning the tassel and throwing my cap in the air i.e GRADUATION to come like NOW!

  14. so....hows everyone today?


    I had an interesting day....instead of going straight to school this morning...i had to drive my mom to the hospital because she was having intense stomach pains...

    my dad works an hour away, so i had to drive her there and sit and wait for him to come so i could go to school...

    luckily, everything is fine now...we don't know exactly what it was, but she's feeling better and is home now...


    So...top that...


    wow my morning may be quite scary situation similar to yours...lol,


    so i was coming outta my parking spot from the condos that my fambam lives in and i looked behind me both ways and then started coming out slowly and halfway out i hear a BAM!!! and i was liek omgosh wtf? what did i hit?????, so then i look behind me and somebody rear ended me! and i was literally shaking and freaked out like no other, i was not able to comprehend what happened and my bumper isnt as bad as i thought it was and i did all that legal stuff so basically i got back in my car started crying because i was so distraught as to the situation and the fact that my airbags didnt deploy and called my dad and cried on my way to school and had people looking at me like i was crazy and i was late to school on top of that:boxed:

    so there you go...i was so nervous that when i went out to lunch, i had my friend drive my car for me since i was scared to


    but your morning literally seems terrifying, not knowing whats wrong with your mother, i hope she is ok.

  15. I think everyone forgot about this with the hair thing and the gigs starting. I know I did!

    Can us non UKers watch this online?


    seriously i think the hair thing has become yesterday mika news,

    i hate this suspense of waiting to see mika after soooo loong in NEW interviews and stuff

  16. I guess it would be fun. For my school's major football game this year (battle of the bay) everyone went but just to hang out. I stayed at home and watched it on TV and wow it was boooorrrrrriiiiiiiiiiinggggggg! Plus my school's team lost really terribly!



    watching high school football on tv?!?!?! omgosh that IS boring...lol

    can you believe its only tuesday, i want it to be like friday AFTERNOON like NOW!

  17. THAT'S SO COOL! I'm trying to get my friend to join the MFC and she has agreed!


    I am supeeerrrrrrr busy this weekend, I just found out :( I'm really sad because I wanna Mika-it-up at Knotts.


    not this weekend, lets make it like ummmmmmmmmmmmmm a weekend over christmas break or something or maybe like those random 3 day weekends, idk, i think i just invited myself, lol hahahaha:biggrin2:

  18. I'm pretty sure Mika just gelled his hair back. Seriously, I think it's still curly, he just gelled it to look fancy.


    anyways, how is everyone todayy?


    pretty ok, my schools HC is THIS weekend, woot woot:biggrin2:

    BUT i have 3 finals before and work and hc planning, college apps basically = STRESS!!!


    lol well yeah im working for the weekend :)


    what about you day?

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