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Everything posted by mariposa

  1. I totally agree with you!!!
  2. Wooooooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo!!! Wow! I don't know what to say....this is just AMAZING!!! Maybe I should make my parents to switch to Alice right now.....yeah, that's a great idea!!! Unfortunatelly here in France I'm at Neuf Telecom.....the concurrence of Alice....*damn*
  3. Ich bin wieder da!!! War cool......haben 5 Stunden lang "Werwolf" gespielt...Kennt ihr das???? Was macht ihr denn den ganzen Abend schon so???? Hab ich viel verpasst (hab auf jeden Fall 1300 Posts zu lesen - Help!!! ) *hehe* better start right now..... *bisous* Schau hier aber ab und zu mal rein, versprochen!!!
  4. Bakstreet Boys....I used to like them about 10 years ago OMG - time goes by fast the Beatles or the Rolling Stones??
  5. Oh yes, I think that's where he also said that he LOVES the Irish accent, didn't he?!
  6. I've seen it ages ago when I visited a friend in England....Yes, it is amazing! Actually I still love listeing to the sondtrack from time to time.... Well, Mikachu, you talking about a cute cat brings back memories We were sittig in the front row, just in the middle, watching the show and eating our M&Ms, when suddenly (in the middle of the performance) one male cat (a pretty cute one ) came up towards us and stole a couple of M&Ms...hehe....kept looking at us all he time after that....*haha* I wonder why I still remember this after 8 years!!!!! Wooooooh!
  7. The one who did the review must be soooo right!!
  8. Das stimmt Na, dann wünsch ich dir dabei viel Spaß!!! Ich denk ich werd mir heir jetzt mal bald ausloggen, verbring schon wieder den ganzen Tag hier drin Aber heut Abend bin ich zum Glück eh nicht da!!! *freu* Ich komm leider auch zu nichts Hab am Freitag meine erste Klausur, englische Phonetik...dann jede Woche zwischen 1 und 4....Aber naja, werd ich schon irgendwie hinkriegen *hehe* Bachelor-Arbeit hab ich ja zum Glück noch 2 jahre Zeit, naja, nicht mehr ganz....müssen nächstes Jahr aber ne Projektarbeit schreiben *juhu* Also, bis evtl heut Nacht, bisous MARIPOSA
  9. Hallo Mikamaniac! Willkommen im Deutsch-Thread!!! Naja, die Meinungen über Tokio Hotel gehen nunmal auseinander....Aber in punkto Mika sind sich hier wenigstens alle einig!!
  10. Hey, kiitos! I enjoy being here as well Haha, actually it's not that bad if you don't know Mika Kojonkoski....at least if you aren't interested in mäkihyppy! He used to coach the Finnish skijumping team and now he's coaching the Norwegians....that's it
  11. Well, but I guess it's normal that nobody knows who you are talking about since the name Mika is nothing special in Finland (Of course Mika didn't consider this when chosing his name...hehe) Though, yes, I agree with you, he should be considered as something special!! However, I also do like Mika Häkkinen, still support him doing his races in the DTM
  12. Ooooh, that's a pity I hope they'll play it later on... But I'm happy Mika's doing so fine in the UK!!! Go Mika!
  13. mariposa: She always forgets the whole world around her when listening to my music (wow!) , either she freaks and sings along very loudly, or she finds herself in a dream world...(I created) As most of the girlz on MFC she seems to be really nice, but sometimes "a tiny bit" crazy...
  14. Guten Morgen @ alle!!! Ich hoffe, es geht euch allen gut! Was habt ihr heute noch vor??? Ich sollte endlich mal anfangen zu lernen, schreiben nächste Woche schon die ersten Klausuren lg and enjoy yourself, mariposa
  15. Well, I guess I can be happy then to have a flatmate who's also crazy about Mika!!! Talk about nothing else......well, at least almost!!!
  16. Thanx, haven't seen that before!!!
  17. Oh ja, die ist echt lustig!!! Cool. merci, dann such ich dich gleich mal..... Wie geht's dir??? Auch noch online??? Jaja, die Sucht.....kann mich einfach nicht losreißen
  18. Haha...the making of of "Lve today"! I loved that one!!!!
  19. Wow!!! You must ave really good eyes!!!
  20. Heya Helenpink!!!! Welcome on the MFC!!!!! I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself in here and have a good time!!! Wow!!! You'll be attending two brill Mika concerts!!! I hope you'll have fun!!!
  21. Heya!!!! Welcome and have a good time!!!!
  22. Thanks for uploaing the article!!!!
  23. Oh, kiitos!!! I'm really glad you don't just throw me out of this thread!! That's really nice! Hehe, yes, I do know that Mika's a Finnish name But since our Mika has come up it has a new meaning!! Who doesn't know Mika Häkkinen, Mika Kaurismäki or Mika Kojonkoski? Guess it's difficult for you if you tell someone that you like Mika.....and everybody's like: "Mika....which one do you mean?" Pitäkää hauskaa in here!
  24. Hehe, it's really sad that MIKA isn't THAT big in Suomi, but same in Saksa.....so I guess I'm lucky that at the moment I live in France.....where ERVERYBODY seems to love him!!! Concernig Finnish dark music, I love most of them and listen to them quite a lot And in a way in can understand that Mika doesn't fit in this pattern.... Well, but as long as you love him everything's okay =)
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