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Posts posted by Mici

  1. REALLY? :shocked:


    Yes Im terrible .. flights is the worst for me .. now going through the scanner is just hell .. having to take off my belt and shoes and ohh has my passport gone down the gap while they were scanning my bag and eekkkkk is anything still in there:shocked: ... so I check all over again :aah:


    I can sooo relate, yet again...i calmed down a bit since my first travel but i still check my bag almost every other moment just to check if everything is there...:aah:


    Yes .. that is something else


    I used to travel a lot more than I do now and with a sales girl too .. she used to have that ... germany and holland .. like touching her All OVER .. eekkkkk:shocked:


    That has happened to me on my first visit to London, in the security check point, it was very annoying...and same thing only a bit worst happened when i visited USA...they took me to a seperate room, asked me to take off my shoes.. unpack my suitcase...i felt like a criminal... :thumbdown::huh:


    Hi~! Just back from my biz trip. Hopefully I still survive and the cold is getting better. :blush-anim-cl:


    Actually, we'll stroll around Barcelona for 5 days. You're welcome if you want to join us. We'll use a day for visiting Gaudi's architecture including Casa Milà, Casa Batllo, Sagrada Familia and Park Guell. If you are interested in, then we'll schedule this on 17/4. We'll also visit the Dali Museum and Barri Gotic.


    What is your arrival time on 16/4? Just let me know if you have any plan. Or PM me. :wink2:


    Awesome, not sure i will be able on the 17th but i will send you a pm over the weekend with an idea. :thumb_yello:

  2. Ohhh no that would be my nightmare "ill think about it next week" .. im mega OCD with wanting things organised :aah::roftl:


    Hahaha.. join the club! :aah::roftl:


    Yeh I would LOVE to be that free and easy ... but Im the type or person that checks my pockets for my passport 10000 times to make sure its there:aah:



    Have i just found my long lost identical brother????:shocked: Seriously Fred, you scare me...:aah:

  3. Ohh you get in early .. 16th when is that


    <checks calender>


    16th is Friday, i arrive very early in the day (will be spending the whole night at the airport:boxed:) and as there are no flights from Israel to Spain on the 17th, this was my only choice. I also wanted to arrive to Barcelona early to do some sightseeing. :thumb_yello:

  4. Yes! and start my trip on 9/4. But a little bit different from the plan at the beginning.


    I will fly to Madrid first, then travel around. To Toledo, Segovia, Sevilla, Granada and finally Barcelona.


    Although I infect flu this few days and need to go to a business trip tmw. I can stand for it as I know there is a great party waiting for me.





    :dance_man: :dance_man::dance_man:


    If you'll be in Barcelona around the 16th of April let me know, maybe we can go sightseeing together :biggrin2:

  5. I'm a materialistic biatch, get me something and I'll love you more:mf_rosetinted: :roftl:


    Oh oh, then i am happy i am bringing with me something for ya...:roftl:



    Hahahaha, I'm so excited I couldn't help it! How could you forget about the flight??:shocked::roftl: You still have time, don't worry, normal people (unlike us, rare, unique individuals) pack only the day before:naughty:


    I know, i am even surprised on myself, i usually never forget those kind of things but i have been so busy lately so the mind can play tricks on you...:aah:

  6. :biggrin2::biggrin2:


    Believe it or not, I already know exactly what to bring on my mini trip to Barcelona, hahahaha.



    HAHAHAHA, You beat me, usually by this time i am ready too but i was soo busy lately that at some point i forgot i am flying at all. :shocked:

    Luckily now i got a bit more then 2weeks to get myself ready which will do. :thumb_yello:



    Don't know about hte weather yet, too soon to have a certain forecast, but here's a link to the National Weather Institute, you can check it from time to time, they're usually right i their predictions:naughty::




    However, expect a warm weather, especially in Barcelona, maybe with some Spring showers now and then, a typical spring weather around here! I'll post any news regarding the subject tho.


    That's good to know, thanks for the tip. :thumb_yello:

    It looks to be a very similar weather to here, which i like a lot. :)


    I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting more excited by the hour now!! And (you know this better than anybody else in here) not because of Mika, not at all!!!:biggrin2::huglove::huglove::huglove:


    Oh yeah i know, and i am really happy for the same reason as well. :cheers:


    Already started to make a list of things to take (way in advance...that's how i roll :mf_rosetinted::aah:), but one thing that i keep thinking about is what the weather will be like?

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