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Everything posted by jassisa

  1. Wow it would really be sooo nice of you hun! Can't believe that you would actually do that for me The most important is the singles and the usb.. the us or uk albums I could get later You should have bought the US one to, bet ya regret it now
  2. Hellooooo there!!! How is Laura feeling today?
  3. I want the USB stick to. And how would I pay back? Do you have an account? When I think about it I even want the US or UK version of LICM cause my album doesn't have Erase ..... I dunno really I need to save up and buy them all at once hahaha xD
  4. ....... me to, and I dance around and sing along to GK those few seconds
  5. Uhuuu and meeting these "strangers" IRL to, creeeepy
  6. Well eehh I have the DVD to u know I still get happy when seeing him on TV, like yesterday when I saw a LICM commercial HAHA I'm such a dork
  7. Wouldn't it cost almost the same for you to send them to me?
  8. Yeah who could have imagined our mikafied future? I flick through music channels just to get to see him toooo!!!! *LMFAO*
  9. Yes on swedish online shops I just went in to one and the total for all 5 singles was £20 *cooouuuggghhhssss* :das:
  10. First time I heard GK was on the radio in February and they didn't tell what the song was called, and I remember wanting to know who this dude with the fantastic song was! Then after half an hour or so I saw him on MTV and was in total shock.... I jumped up and down and shouted "that's him, that's him"!
  11. Well in sweden they cost that much without delivary fees I really want them but all 5 will cost around £17-18, more then the album...
  12. They don't sell the singles here!! *curses swedish shops* I want to buy them on the internet but they're too expensive like u're saying, around £5
  13. Nighty!!! Suuuuuure he did, while coughing his lungs out
  14. EXACTLY! I luv u mee lady, we're in sync You better have been *huggles V tightly*
  15. We all ask ourselves that every day then.... comforting to know... and sad in a way *sighs* us terribly poor poor girls SHUSSSHHHH eviil women!! But seriously I have a strong feeling he's not gay! Can't explain it
  16. Aaw thank you celeste!! What a delicious cake, makes me happy just looking at it
  17. Yess one day! Oh man... this man.... WHY can't I have him?!?!?!
  18. Helluuuuuuuu! V!! I'm great thank you. how about you? Naughty Daniks... u know I can't or else I would come faster than u can say Miiiiiiikaaaaaaa
  19. Aah yes but they can just go out and buy it
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