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Everything posted by jassisa

  1. Amazing job! Feels good to have contributed Thank you all this is so great
  2. Hiiiii guys! I came home around midnight yesterday and was soooo tired... The whole thing was just unreal and amazing and I can't even think straight I have tons of videos on my cellphone from every song and when he's speaking almost perfect swedish! Me and Luna got to the front row a bit on the right but some rude girl tried to push me back the whole time but as the warrior I am I stod there solid and didn't move an inch I have bruises on my arms but oh well everything for Mika hehe ^^ I'll wright a detailed report later, sorry if you have to wait guys But I can tell you that I got to meet Mika *iiiihhh* got my big poster signed, gave him the bracelet I made him from May aaand he gave me a hug!! Hahaha I was in total aw and could barely speak, when he signed my poster I had a chance to talk but couldn't say a word! I only told him about the bracelet and said that I wanted to give it to him and he said "aaaw that's so sweet of you" and smiled at me (he has the most mezmerizing eyes ever ). I said Byyyyyyeeee Miiiikkkkaaaa in a dreamy way (LMFAO) and he held eyecontact with me and said byeee!!!!! OK as I said I'll tell you all about it in detail I'm still in chock and my hands are shaking while I'm writing this hehe... To all you wonderful MFC:ers that I met, Lunafish, sienna, Mirano, Anzuzu, Marianne83, Lella and her friend, Nika you are such nice people I was very excited about meeting u and u made my expirience so much more fun! Love from a very hyper Jasmin
  3. Oh that's great! I'll see them there in less than 18 hours... Thanx Blue Sky! I'll try my best.... I might just die in shock of seeing Mika or something
  4. Ja vi syns verkligen imorron Sov gott
  5. Allvar... måste av datorn nu o gå packa allt jag ska ha med mig Är sååå nervös hihihi
  6. I'm aaaalmost as happy as I can be!!! xP Sorrry booba but my brain isn't functioning properly right now Ooooh mighty one!!!! Glad u popped in today hehe
  7. Ooooh I see me just thinkng swedish ya know
  8. Thank you avoca we will! (and it's "svenskar" in plural form ) Mina katter tuggar på allt oxå, hopplösa djur *Muahahhaha* aaaldrig skorna e mina, baraaa miinaaaaa (gick igenom helvete för att få tag på dom) Rosa o grönt, allt funkar i Mikaland
  9. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! *fladdrar med ögonfransarna* taaaack Blå svea mössa ^^ Vad heter du föresten? Lite svårt att hålla koll på alla vi börjar bli många nu Aaaaw när jag va liten klädde jag ut mig till katt o hade sånna öron x) Jag kommer att ha mina silvriga MIKA SKOR Jag ska börja packa nu också.... e heeelt hyper kommer inte att kunna sova.... vilket inte är en bra sak för jag ska ta bussen 7:45
  11. GAWD KILL ME!!!! I might look at that tomorrow *faints
  12. IMORGON GÄLLER DET!!! jag kan inte tro det... Jag kommer att ha på mig röda jeans, en färgglad top, mitt blinkande mfc hjärta och ett sånt här på huvet iaf Iiiiihhhh längatr efter o få träffa alla MFC:are! *huggles to everyone*
  13. Hello there! Oh wow u went to the concert so u must be in a really good Mika mood Welcome to the club
  14. Hallåå vikingar, här kommer jag! Wow fint o fräscht här inne, förlåt om mitt monster dräglar ner lite Elin vad avis jag blir........men inte på dom sliskiga stirrande männen Det är många nya vikingar som har dykt upp *hurra* fast blir lite lost, vill se ansiktet på alla innan konserten så man känner igen alla
  15. Va bra, jag tycker att så många som möjligt ska kunna ha kontakt om vi ska lyckas hjälpa varandra med köandet
  16. These pics...... the neck....the stubble... woooaaahhh Sorry I did read the whole thread.... and Caz u're right I've noticed a difference to since the summer Mika looks daaaaamn fiiiineee either way but now...this is raising my blood pressure... help...
  17. Shhhhhh säg inte såå!! Han är väl inte sjuk nu???? Har du hört nåt om det? 6 dagar kvar
  18. Hämtade ut min biljett igår föresten Och fick mina blinkande hjärtor oxå
  19. I got my 3 heart yesterday Delivered in 5 days, I'm impressed I'm all ready for Stockholm in 6 days
  20. Yeah he should, somebody warn the poor man!
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