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Posts posted by Zsina

  1. I wouldn't want to be cured :mf_rosetinted:


    Do you know what? I just don't understand ONE thing. Several people have a crush on Brad Pitt or George Clooney....and so on....you know there all all these guys that MOST girls/women like....


    And when I'm with friends and I'm like....ohmyphuckingod look at that Mika pic, he looks soo gorgeous.....too cute, I wanna hug him....and they are like...'Ehh..he's okay...*rolling eyes*'

    Or when I showed them the WAG video, I was like : omg look, there...oh and there..that...his muscles, he's so hot, etc....*biting mouth,shocked face*

    They are still making fun of me because of that...:roftl:


    I dunno why is that some girls think he is drop dead gorgeous while others just don't really see that? It's such a HUGE question for me lol.


    I know that we ARE different...but comeon.....not SO much. :aah::roftl::dunno:


    PS.: I'm not this hardcore 'mad for Mika and his body' fan,don't worry, I just think he's gorgeous, so I'm all good. :biggrin2:

  2. My problem isn't money too much, though money makes it a lot harder to do anything. Mainly he needs to come back to Florida. I can't afford to travel out of state. :sad:


    Yeah...but it all comes down to money....if he were to come to Hungary, I'd go, but I guess he won't. Not in the near future. So I have to save money to flight,hotel,etc....and I'm 20, I don't wanna ask money from my parents...or at least not too much... :aah:

  3. One of mine too :blush-anim-cl:




    Yep. Almost 3 years of constant love and devotion,. And what do I have? 1 cd and 2 dvds. That's it! No memories or autographs! (well my dad got an autographed Mika pic off ebay but I'm pretty sure it's fake :sneaky2: )


    lovely... :wub2: classic Mika... :wub2:




    same here... never saw him, almost 2 and a half years of mad obssesion and never got to see or him live once... Im starting to dount I ever will... :tears:


    but im buzzing BIOTG- well I blame it on Mika! for being an incredibly talented, beautiful person... its all his fault the brilliant bastard!

    his, and the fact that I dont have money :sneay2:




    Count me in too. I've been his fan from the very start, and I've never seen him. But I'm planning to go to a gig next year. Planning. I hope it will come true though. Money...money....:hair:




    yeah,girls,i know we have to work hard everyday to be understood!:naughty:

    In my case,my parents think i need a doctor sometimes!:aah::biggrin2: ....and i tell them:"go ahead,call the doctor,i'll start thinking about some Mika's songs to teach him and keep dancing....:mf_rosetinted:..."


    Hahaha, good answer! :floor:

  4. :ot:

    Oh, yes, thank you for noticing:blush-anim-cl:..


    I actually dyed it this colour over a year ago, and I thought it was time to let people know so that they can recognise me when we meet:mf_rosetinted:

    .. I also drew nice long eye-lashes for myself as the Arctic Monkeys blogger thought I might be a boy:blink:





    I noticed the lashes too, but that wasn't so obvious, I didn't really remember whether you had lashes on the previous one or not! Anyway: yay I'll recognize you now! :roftl: Just make sure you'll talk to me in Hungarian if we meet at a Mika gig! :biggrin2::aah:

  5. But why would they? If I won any tickets to anything, I would choose my own friends ( perhaps even family) or the fan who I think deserve it best...:teehee:


    It is very nice of Caz to offer this but I don't think it should be set as the norm and I don't think anyone should feel uneasy about not offering the other ticket here ..


    Ha I know this is totally off topic but you dyed your hair?!!!! :biggrin2:

  6. That's horrible!


    Noone should be allowed to download it before release date. Someoen who has the opportunity should contact Mika's people. I'M thinking of a mod now anyway!


    And I agree with Robertina..some heads might drop becasue of this.


    I know that i TUnes isn't illegal, but it is not supposed to happen, even on there.

    Plus if it's available for download there, it takes on a few days (or hours) for the album/songs to be on a torrent site.


    I don't want that!



  7. I created the thread, in members only!!



    Oh yeah I've heard about etsy before...not many good things, coz it seems there are many fake people sellingother people's art on there....but anyway....I'm guessing that all,or most of our 'customers would be MFCers'....well, let's see...if more people join...more ideas..more connections....



  8. I know a guy! :boing: he prints it with laser I belive, so its extra good, and if we supply the shirts, bags, etc (has to be fabric though I dont think he does mugs- but ill ask) it shouldnt be too expensive...



    Ill go ask her... see what I can do with that site...


    we just need people excited and interested... and a name... and a place to start from... :naughty:


    dammet! I wanna show my surprise! hmmm... Itll give us inspiration! darn printer :sneaky2:


    think if we get Mika to know... :blush-anim-cl:



    Amazing!! But it really needs people...setting up the website....finding good quality shirts,bags,etc, sending them to the printer......in case there's an order we have to ship it to other countries....we have to have a paypal account....Building up a whole system.....etc.

    But I'm actually studying economics at Uni, it should be a challange for me, I'm after all...going to be a manager or some monster like that....:biggrin2: I'm in, I think we can make it haha! The MFC army is huge!

    I have a name, but I wanna keep it a secret I want it to be my own trademark, and it wouldn't really fit the whole Mikafans theme...but I'll be thinking....and I'm gonna start a thread ...:biggrin2:

  9. sorry luv- surprise is done, but my silly camera card wont work, so I need the cable but its at my dad's...


    first thing tommorow though- promise!:biggrin2: its worth it...




    count me in for any help of any kind, and delivering goods for this shop of course...


    I say we make it an MFC inside shop to start with, like a real one- posters, Tshirts, designed stuff (if anyone designs anything) and framed artwork... all involving MFC and Mika...


    well, If I tell you I made and what more I have in mind it will ruin Juls surprise, and I dont want that :bleh:


    thing is- I have a friend, and she has her own mini horse boutiqe- she designs everything herslef, from shirts very well fitted for the rider to an ortopadic saddle... and she runs it through an artist shop sight- and anyone can open an account there and sell through there (its hard to explain really... you open up a site, and put all things there in any way you like, and then when a person adds stuff to the basket, it adds it in that site there, and when he chacks out, he checks out at the artists store, which is legal and all that crap...)


    I am willing to help and ask her... lets go for it! Im sure we'll have volanteers who would like to put their stuff there... maybe if it becomes big Mika might be interested... who knows where it can lead...


    yeah Im a small girl with a big mind... sue me... :roftl:


    And so am I! Go ask her, I'm so in!!! Mugs, t-shirts, bag...we could sell stuff...we should just commect with people who actually print those arworks on those shirts....and ofc we should really make a profit..I mean those who help,or whose art is on these shirts. We could try! :mf_rosetinted::biggrin2:

  10. going out to go drink something nooow :P so i hope suprise is done when i'm back hahahaha i'm going craazy :( xD


    seee u later :wub2:


    hahaha...see she has to get drunk she's sooo stressed of surprises!!! :roftl:



    I joke, I joke....:bleh:



    Anyway.....ideas for our store's name.....hm......it should somehow connect with MFC...and....Mika of course.....

    I'm seriously thinking we could make a REAL shop like that...I mean not really an online shop I dunno how those things work, but really, I would love to do such thing. And MFCers would have a discount or something. :biggrin2::mf_rosetinted:

  11. Where IS everyone?! :blink:


    Ha, I would soo love to send an email, but I dun live there...typical...I'm in time for a free ticket competition, and it's just totally isn't good for me. :bleh:

    Good luck Caz, you'Ll win, I feeeeel it! :biggrin2:



    Its so so obvious , getting us on Mikasounds as "official" was the hard part , now it just flows ...


    Hmmmm feeling warm and cosy:wub2:


    It's sooo amazing! But was it hard, really? I thought we don't really have comtetitors, I mean, other serious worldwide Mika fan clubs...

    But yeah, it's so amazing, there have been many great changes for us to win tickets recently. It's soo nice. :wub2:

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