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Posts posted by elizabethlovesmika

  1. hahah is holy johnny a real priest pastor minister kinda thing!?

    that is too cute




    and i told this kid who is mean to me and called me fat(even tho im not) and tells me im stupid that he has a big head and is the spawn of satan hahahaha:roftl:


    only after my mom and sister told me to!!!


    hahahha o yah and his father is a minister

    hahaahaha u shoulda seen his face it was kinda like this


  2. its no so much selling tickets on ebay that upsets me its just the fact that these touts are making Big money from Mika that winds me up ...But your right aslong as there is demand they always seem to supply :boxed:


    whats a tout? hahaha



    and i think it really sucks that they are selling those tickets for more than they were originally sold...some ppl just suck...and dont understand our obsessions..at least u guys have been to some of his shows though! i have yet to see mikaaaaa

  3. okay, I don't know if it's posted yet, but I can't believe I didn't post it earlier...


    Here's the johnny depp worship song!!! It's cool!!



    hahahhahahahahaha this is the best!!!!!! i love it!:biggrin2:

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