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Posts posted by elizabethlovesmika

  1. my highschool doesnt get out till june 20 something...:thumbdown: and then i have regents in biology spanish and global and finals in math and english! im kinda in trouble because i had a 5 day weekend this weekend i had friday the weekend and then mon and tues off and now i only have like three more days to study! and i have a soccer game today! ah i have to pass all of my regents to get graduate...and they are keeping me from going to mikas concert!:thumbdown: because my family is a strictly 90s and above type of family... and i my mom wouldnt let me go cus thats the week before regents and she wants me to study...im getting kinda worried though because i cant pull myself away from mfc for more than 30 mins! i may have to shut down my computer and give it to my mom until finals are over..otherwise ill FAIL!!!:blink:

  2. Well as long as you have a plan .... :roftl: :roftl:


    hahahaha well i like to have a plan! especially because i know the first time i see him im probably gonna be crying hystrically and screaming and pointing and jumping up and down lol i may have to see him a second time in order to do those things! lol

  3. Soo, are you guys planning on asking him about this before or after you ask to touch his hair ??...............................:roftl::doh::roftl:


    haha maybe 1. get a hug 2.ask about contacts 3. touch the hair.. then run away smiling and laughing hysterically with excitment!:biggrin2::roftl: well thats if i ever meet him!! and HOPEFULLY! ill know the answer by then

  4. my eye's are brown with a dark gray outline pretty normal.


    My eyes look like medium brown and green paint swirled together. :D They're a sort of reddish brown in the center and they get lighter as they move farther from the pupil.


    awww everyone on here has such cute eyes!! i love it! my eyes are like a light blue with a thick dark blue outline around them:biggrin2:

  5. omg.. that picture! i can like see all his pores! madness lol:naughty:


    hmmm i dont know =/ maybe he does wear, maybe he doesnt.



    MY EYES ARE BLACK. they suck. lol not even dark brown.. black =/ okay or maby REALLY dark brown.


    thats really cool though!! they sound mysterious!!! lol im gonna be known on this forum as the girl obsessed with eye balls! :roftl:

  6. Mine do the same thing. I've actually had people come up to me and ask what color exactly are your eyes? They are green with brown, gold, grey and black flecks in them and depending on what I'm wearing, certain colors stand out more....


    awwwwww they sound so pretty and interesting!! u need to post like a close up pic of ur eyes now!! haha i think this post has officially turned into the post a close up of ur beautiful eyes thread!!!

  7. lucky!!! i LOVE bllue eyes!! theyre like the ocean!! theyre so pretty!!! i like my eye color still tho.......


    aww thanks! ur eyes sound super sweet though! my eyes dont really change like that...itd be fun to have different colors some days! more variety in your life:thumb_yello:

  8. yeah and then sometimes theyre like dark brown....

    idk the same happens w/ me though.... cuz his eyes are hazel (like mine) with brown and green

    and i dont have colored ones, but people say i have green eyes, but then i have brown...

    the green comes out in the light more

    me eyes are brown more in the middle, but really green on the outside

    what color are your eyes?


    mine are blueeeee

  9. hahaha i belong! one time when nobody was in the halls my friend and i will sing mika songs at the top of our lungs! and one time a teacher popped out and told us to quite down because we were disturbing classes:blush-anim-cl: and i was in the car with my mom and dancing/singing/blasting music it was pretty insane the whole car was bouncing and i looked out the window because we were at a stop light and this man in the car next to me was looking at me with this look of disgust and shaking his head hahahaha

  10. HOWEVER - somebody did say at the Big Girl video that he ate KitKat bars.("Course he must have the fastest metabolism on the planet!!!!)


    hahaha hes a lucky bunny! i bet he could eat whatever he wanted and stay that skinny! and kit kat bars arent that bad! ya they r candy but if he eats that healthly all the time a kit kat bar is NOTHING!

  11. i wear contacts, and you can see the blue in my eyes and in others w/ contacts too.... so yes, it does look like he wears contacts!!!!! YAY we both wear contacts! i personally think they arenet colored though. i think thats his real eye colour!! i mean, people w/o contacts dont have a blue ring around their eyes!!! so i personally think he does.


    yeah i thought they were contacts i didnt think they were colored though..i think he might wear colored ones sometimes tho cus ive seen pics where his eyes look greeen

  12. LOL - :lmao: seriously, some of you read too much into things.

    Contact lenses are far more recognizable then they are supposed to be in that pic - and you even could see it if it wasn't soo close.

    And I wonder what Mika would think about these closeups if he knew about them. I can say for myself that I truly would not be very amused if I knew that people were discussing the size of my pores...:lmao:


    haha aww he knows its all in good fun and that we just care about him enough to wonder about his eye sight! hahaha:naughty: and im sure his pores are microscopicly small because we all know how much he likes his skin care products!!!

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