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Posts posted by Jamakkronic

  1. Yup, agree... though some (most) of my boyfriends at that time would have been behaving the same... Not that I'm a very good example lol I was dressed in a suit with a tie on at that time.:roftl:


    I was thinking....and I came to the conclusion that I can't imagine any of my boy friends dance this way in their bedrooms even in their teenage years.

    It might mean that he is gay, but it all seems totally natural to me. I mean, the fact that he is like this. He might be gay, bisexual or anything, I don't want to use any of these words on him, it's just Mika. The way he is. Might call it gay, girlish, stupid.....etc.....but I would rather just call it Mika. :mf_rosetinted:

    Do you get what I mean?

  2. I can attest of one thing (and I want to): I've never ever read anything from you which was not respectful. On the contrary, you're a peace bringer. WTF has happened? (It's not a real question, I'm expecting any answer to this).

    Now I have to say I don't want my bad experience about the mikasounds forum to be put in parallel with you, the people who made me run away were not like you and should I have known you by the time I was there, I would have a totally different opinion.

    Patricia, I'm sorry. You're a nice person, a really nice one, I know it, Mika knows it, and I hope Perez will find out.

    ps: If you prefer me to remove the comment I did before I read everything (ans so knew it was you). I will of course. (To start with I'll edit it and send the link to here.)


    ok now it's my turn to reply.

    at first i was the one who wrote that email.

    as some know i'm member of both.


    second i want to say i was trying to explain perez something about how alot of people feel on that forum. i wasn't personally attacking anyone!


    then i think it's rude to post a personal email on a forum i even said i wanted to explain if he doesn't know what is going on. he could have just asked me because it wasn't meant the way everybody is reading it now.



    i said that our forum is pushed aside and thats how it is. and i understand that happens by a big website like this , but thats not the point.

    and it's not about jealousy it's just that it would be nice if the fans who choose to stick with the old forum would hear about important news to , personally from the one who is making this happen !


    the only thing i was trying to do is stand up for our forum


    so come on and attack me with more personal emails

  3. Ah yeah obviously I didn't read everything and I will now read carefully cause there's something that doesn't seem to fit to what I know of the people involved.


    thank you i hope that too

    yes a reaction of perez would be nice but that's probably not going to happen , i've send him a couple of emails explaining what i meant and said sorry but no email back.he has had enoughtime to respond. but if he never does , what kind of person makes that of him?

    in dutch we say who says A must say B !!!!


    i could have ignored this thread and acted if it wasn't me but i'm not a coward .


    and for the ones who just come in and think they know what its about i suggest to read the whole thread , i'm not feeling much for saying everything all over again

  4. Can I just ask you to clarify who you mean exactly? Who talks about what they would or wouldnt do in bed with mika?? And who has killed their chance to attract mika or any other fan?


    [added after I found out Patricia was the message sender: please read message 587]

    You sound a bit offended, this was not the point, I can explain, yes, sure:

    * Some people I personally tried to talk to on the "original forum": the one Perez mentions (oh I'm not to give names, I'm not to send the cavalry against those people and it was in PM anyway) I just wanted to stress that the place here was much more interesting than just chat about sex. I gave up very quickly as I was not interested in such discussions.

    The point was just to tell Perez that the atmosphere was mostly respectful here (even if not all the time), and that he would most probably feel better on the MFC.

    May I mention, that to me, Perez is not just a regular fan, he's a friend of Mika's and when he says something, he speaks as so?


    * About killing the attraction: I just mention a fact, when you are negative to someone, you prevent them from feeling good with you so they don't feel like spending time with you, they prefer to turn to people who have a positive point of view. There was nothing wicked in my thought. :) I was welcoming Perez and tried to make him feel better after someone has complained about something he did to be nice.


    I hope this made it clear for you :) If ever something is still not clear, just ask me, but you have to know I can't be very often online during the next week.

  5. [added after I found out Patricia was the message sender: please read message 587

    I wouldn't associate Patricia with bitchaness... this doesn't fit what I know of her]


    Duh ! My point of view is they have made the very choice to kill their last chance to attract either Mika, you or any real fan who (of course) would be there for nothing but music, fun, respect and love for the "Mika family" we are.

    Mika has been openly chosing those who where ALWAYS there for him, and this FROM THE START. Why should it be different? People here are really doing their best to DO things for him and to show love, they are not just chatting about what they'd do in bed (or not) with him.

    Of course they are some bitches and trolls here too, but this is what a family is always made of, is it?

    Please feel loved here Perez, you are and you can trust us. We're grateful for what you do. :)

    Btw, if they have learnt about something... wouldn't that mean that they come and get some informations here? Almost everyone has an account in all the existing Mika fan clubs around the planet !!!!!!!!!!

    This was just mean and pointless.

    Take care Perez, and please don't let such people hurt you.




    I didn't even know there was another forum! In her email, I thought she was referring to the MikaFanClub forum. I was under the impression the whole time that THIS was the official one.


    Whatever. There's been a lot of bitchaness in my original post and in her email.


    I tell it like it is, like me or not.

  6. Coucou !


    @fanny : j'ai un vieil ordinateur (de secours!) à la maison, mais il fonctionne quand il veut :thumbdown:


    Il fait un temps magnifique, encore plus chaud qu'hier, ça va chauffer cet après midi :cool:


    Profitez bien du soleil , bonne journée , A+ :wink2:


    Pour le vieil ordi, tu sais que mon obsession du moment, c'est d'optimiser les ordinosaurs ? (J'y suis presque avec mon Pentium I de 1998 avec une carte mère dans les choux lol) Si tu veux que je te transforme ton vieux coucou en bétail de compétition, tu me dis. Je me ferais un plaisir de te donner des solutions personnalisées clef en mains ;)



    Sosso xxx

  7. Aw corse... I love it


    I hope I can give her. She's always been so supportive and nice to me.


    OMG, that's perfect!


    :blush-anim-cl: Thank you !!!! But it's not perfect.:naughty: I still can see many details I would do differently now that I can see it finished.

    I like it ! But I see some things I want to do better next time.


    I second that !It is just amazing !




    You paaaainted that??!!






    It looks amazing.


    Thank you, yes I did. I've just varnished it and I bring it to the exhibition tomorrow.


    Yeah, I know. It's just so unbelieveable. Especially the hair. I keep thinking if I'M staring at it for a long time I will find out her secret, how she's done it...but I think I will give it up now.


    It's just perfect as it is.


    Maybe the best SAM portrait ever. Perfect.


    I take a bow.


    :blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl: The secret is there: I've concentrated on the left side of the hair. I wanted to make it look untidy so I did as I do with the details I want to suggest only: I show as little as possible (like the parts of some faces in the dark or in full blinding light). Trying to keep the real photograph in mind but not looking at it. Does it make sense?

  8. B - E - A - utiful! :mf_lustslow:



    Great work Jamakkronic! Just black and white and you can recognize Mika in it.

    :kachinga:coooooooool I hope everyone can recognize him


    oh i wish you could do that


    Pat !!!!!!!! But what you do is so incredibly talented !!!!

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