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Everything posted by Jamakkronic

  1. Bon courage Paloma, nous sommes de tout cœur avec vous. Nos prières ne faiblissent pas et nous cultivons les bonnes ondes pour vous aider tant que nous pouvons.
  2. Paloma, toutes mes prières sont pour vous. Tous mes amis et toute ma famille se joignent à moi pour vous envoyer tout le courage et toutes les pensées positives qui puissent vous aider.
  3. Pauvre de toi, dommage que tu ne puisses pas nous passer ta blessure, je suis sure que plein de monde se relayerait volontiers pour t'aider. Un petit coussin pour poser ton pied?
  4. Yup, agree... though some (most) of my boyfriends at that time would have been behaving the same... Not that I'm a very good example lol I was dressed in a suit with a tie on at that time.
  5. OMG... I keep on trying to remember to breathe in - breathe out - breathe in - breathe out... I keep on forgetting !!!! Thank you Mika, thank you David.
  6. I can attest of one thing (and I want to): I've never ever read anything from you which was not respectful. On the contrary, you're a peace bringer. WTF has happened? (It's not a real question, I'm expecting any answer to this). Now I have to say I don't want my bad experience about the mikasounds forum to be put in parallel with you, the people who made me run away were not like you and should I have known you by the time I was there, I would have a totally different opinion. Patricia, I'm sorry. You're a nice person, a really nice one, I know it, Mika knows it, and I hope Perez will find out. ps: If you prefer me to remove the comment I did before I read everything (ans so knew it was you). I will of course. (To start with I'll edit it and send the link to here.)
  7. Ah yeah obviously I didn't read everything and I will now read carefully cause there's something that doesn't seem to fit to what I know of the people involved.
  8. [added after I found out Patricia was the message sender: please read message 587] You sound a bit offended, this was not the point, I can explain, yes, sure: * Some people I personally tried to talk to on the "original forum": the one Perez mentions (oh I'm not to give names, I'm not to send the cavalry against those people and it was in PM anyway) I just wanted to stress that the place here was much more interesting than just chat about sex. I gave up very quickly as I was not interested in such discussions. The point was just to tell Perez that the atmosphere was mostly respectful here (even if not all the time), and that he would most probably feel better on the MFC. May I mention, that to me, Perez is not just a regular fan, he's a friend of Mika's and when he says something, he speaks as so? * About killing the attraction: I just mention a fact, when you are negative to someone, you prevent them from feeling good with you so they don't feel like spending time with you, they prefer to turn to people who have a positive point of view. There was nothing wicked in my thought. I was welcoming Perez and tried to make him feel better after someone has complained about something he did to be nice. I hope this made it clear for you If ever something is still not clear, just ask me, but you have to know I can't be very often online during the next week.
  9. [added after I found out Patricia was the message sender: please read message 587 I wouldn't associate Patricia with bitchaness... this doesn't fit what I know of her] Duh ! My point of view is they have made the very choice to kill their last chance to attract either Mika, you or any real fan who (of course) would be there for nothing but music, fun, respect and love for the "Mika family" we are. Mika has been openly chosing those who where ALWAYS there for him, and this FROM THE START. Why should it be different? People here are really doing their best to DO things for him and to show love, they are not just chatting about what they'd do in bed (or not) with him. Of course they are some bitches and trolls here too, but this is what a family is always made of, is it? Please feel loved here Perez, you are and you can trust us. We're grateful for what you do. Btw, if they have learnt about something... wouldn't that mean that they come and get some informations here? Almost everyone has an account in all the existing Mika fan clubs around the planet !!!!!!!!!! This was just mean and pointless. Take care Perez, and please don't let such people hurt you.
  10. Pour le vieil ordi, tu sais que mon obsession du moment, c'est d'optimiser les ordinosaurs ? (J'y suis presque avec mon Pentium I de 1998 avec une carte mère dans les choux lol) Si tu veux que je te transforme ton vieux coucou en bétail de compétition, tu me dis. Je me ferais un plaisir de te donner des solutions personnalisées clef en mains Bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Sosso xxx
  11. J'avoue qu'à moi aussi il me manque... Mais bon, on sait bien que c'est juste un peu de patience qu'il nous faut. :) J'adore son jeu avec Sophie, il en ressort vraiment des idées impressionnantes. :D Et puis c'est si mignon !!

  12. AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ça y est j'ai compris pourquoi ça ne marchait jamais lol C'te nulle que je suis: j'avais oublié de cocher la case alors forcément, tous les jours ton invitation réapparaissait...hrm la honte lol


    Mais comment tu vas dis?

    Gros bisous

    Sophie xxx


    ps: Sa main...


  13. hihihi cause it's a beautiful one? lol

    Is it a good answer? :D


    btw Illlllllllllllllllllllove yours !!!!


    I'm just fine, I hope all's well for you too :)

  14. tihihi toi aussi il te fait rire cet avatar?

    J'ai ENFIN réussi à renvoyer tout le dossier pour le livre de l'année !!!! C'est que j'en avais des choses à dire. :))))) Et toi? Comment vas-tu?

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