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Everything posted by LollipopGirlSian

  1. Hehe thats funny OMG that building in the background looks so much like my school!! Haha Mika at my school... I can dream. My fave pic is the one of him satb on the chair, like sideways on... I don't have it on this computer but its on my myspace lol
  2. Oooh please oculd I join? Big Girl is awesome!!
  3. Welcome to the world of the Mika obsessed.... We love it!! Sure you will too.
  4. Lol yeh its like we get all excited about leaving school and then we decide to go back again!!! Aaah well we can enjoy the time off while it lasts. We finished last week... but we still got exams to revise for and do, which is pretty much just as bad as still being at school, the only difference is we have to work at home (which is annoying cos you have all the fun things like TV and computer there and you know you are not allowed to go on them...)
  5. Welcome Perez!!! How cool of you to join us Your blue hair is awesome!
  6. Oooh me too. 26 days to go. Not that I'm counting.....
  7. Lol thats exactly what our teacher is like!!! She just lets us do whatever we like, work is optional, and obviously being a teenager you take advantage of that.... I mean who does work when you don't have to?!?! Beginning to wish I had now though lol....
  8. Oh yes. I have to say it was erm... 'thrilling' having to teach myself about kidneys because my biology teacher can't teach.... NOT. Lol
  9. Yehh I'm goood thanx, really tired though probably cos I was on here til so late last nite lol
  10. Hello again everyone!! *waves* How are you all today?
  11. Yeah they did! Love that song. Aaah gdgd I didn't think ya would, I just said that cos not many people like their version lol!
  12. Right, I best go to bed now. Parents are giving me that 'shouldn't you be going to sleep now' look lol. And I have a wonderful day of studying tomorrow that I need to be awake for... woopee!! Night night everyone xxxxxxx
  13. Kool! You'll probably think its rubbish lol, espesh if your a big fan of the original... Not many people liked Clea, they got droppe pretty quickly... Shame, i liked em lol!
  14. Kool that must be the original lol. I only know it cos the girlband Clea covered it (the ones that didn't get into Girls Aloud lol!!). I thought it was ace so I went and bought their album, and was pleseantly surprised I have to say, for a reality TV 'reject' group it is pretty good
  15. This is completely random but Laura i LOVE that song that you have the lyrics from in your sig! U like the Clea version or the original?
  16. Oooh yeah same here!! I want some of those that have patterns on them! You can get them with like the England flag on they are SO KOOL!!! Wanted some for the World Cup lol.
  17. Lol! From past experiences I know the feeling. I often 'make excuses' for about an hour then give up and forget about whatever it was I was meant to be leaving for!!
  18. Lol I was just thinking the same thing... Its funny how time flies when your chatting away on here. I just thought 'loadsa people are going, wonder what time it is' then looked at the clock and was like its nearly midnight!! Aaah well I aint tired whats the point. I'll stay here til my mum shouts at me lol
  19. Ooh wkd thatll be well good!!! I rmember our school did a Disneyland trip but it was only for music students I was soooo annoyed!!!! So far our trips have been really bad. We've been to Bolton Abbey, Fountains Abbey (every bloomin Abbey in the country....) and Scarborough Sealife Centre.... Which is why I can't wait to get into sixth form and do the decent trips lol!!
  20. The funny thing is, you dont actually learn much about religion (or at least you dont in my school...) Its all moral issues like abortion and euthanasia, which is kinda depressing. And you have to watch these depressing videos about people with terminal illnesses and stuff. It just made me miserable more than anything lol.
  21. Yeah I've heard its OK in my school, and they do a trip to New York so that will make it totally worth it even if it is rubbish! And we get to use the new Art block which is just being built! Having said that, I'm kinda worried about using it cos the builders are a bit dodgy - theyve already set the school on fire!!! (No joke, a spark fell through the window thing on the ceiling onto someones desk and set the technology block on fire, the whole school had to be evacuated!!!)
  22. But the good thing was we didnt have to do a language!! I was SO bad at French....
  23. Yup same. Our school has waaay too many rules. This is what we got told: English, Maths, Science, I.T., R.E. are all compulsory. We can then choose 4 more subjects but one MUST be a technology subject (I chose Textiles) Its like 'woah cant we just do what we want to do?'
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