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Posts posted by cathij0269

  1. I know what ya mean - last night I went to the pub quiz really excited because I am going to Birmingham and wanted to share my good news. I got comments like - oh my god aren't you a bit old and, he's rubbish why bother! - ok so perhaps I shouldn't have sulked like a petulant child for the next hour and refused to answer a thing - but they deserved it!!!

    for the record - the girl who dissed Mika is called Hayley and she's the grumpy one appearing on National lottery quiz thingy on BBC1 on Saturday - so make sure you know who not to support! - maybe some mika joy would cheer her up!!:biggrin2:


    Am I the only, lonely one? as a great man once asked???


    Oh well all the More Mika for us then:wink2:

  2. I couldn't agree more. I posted a message to Mika Myspace asking if she would write a book on Parenting. She has been a strong, determined and very caring parent, who has held her family together through thick and thin. Many parents when faced with a dyslexic child would just accept it an go-with-the-flow, but she spotted the creative talent within and nurtured it, for Mika to go from being unable to read or write to penning some of the most touching songs I have heard is a monument to her unceasing determination wanting the best for her kids and encouraging them to blossom in their own directions. At least 2 of her children are creative and that requires empathy and emotion developed from birth.

    I only hope I can be half as devoted a parent that she is and that someday my children will become the wonderfully, family based, down the earth and talented people that she has produced.

    Mrs Penniman you are an inspiration - Thank you.


  3. For some crazy reason the admins in control of the Mika Wikipedia page are no longer including a link to MikaFanClub in the links section.


    Not only is MFC the biggest resource of Mika info on the net, but Mika himself reads it.


    To make matters worse, they are linking to a french Mika forum with a handful of members. :shocked:


    Recent events have proven that the people who are supposed to be controlling that page are not doing a good job.


    So this is a protest to get a member of MFC to run the Mika Wikipedia page instead.


    With a MFC member moderating that page, we can be assured that the Mika info on that page will be up to date and accurate at all times. Unlike the shambles it has become.


    There is no other source on the net that knows more about Mika than MFC, so it makes perfect sense to have people who really care about Mika to moderate or help moderate the page.


    If you agree with this, then please leave a message on this thread. If we can get enough people to support us, then maybe the mods at Wikipedia will take notice.


    Also, do not bother trying to add MFC to the links section, they seem to have banned the url :thumbdown:


    However, you can raise your arguements on this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Mika_%28singer%29


    Simply explain why you feel MFC is a valuable and unique source of Mika information, but please do not give any insults.


    With the power of the real Mika fans behind us, we can ensure that the Mika page improves over the coming months and years.





    OMG! - I've just read the objection page link you provided - did someone really call Mika a "Minor Pop star" and us "Teenybopper music fans".


    Wikipedia - thickischmidia!. I haven't bothered with Wik for over a year because they were so unreliable. When I wanted Mika info, I Googled "mika" and found this place from the Official Mika.com site, and I am pretty sure that most normal people who wanted serious Mika info would do exactly the same. The people at Wik have got all above themselves and actually think they are now the British Library, do they not realise that most people take their info with a pinch of salt and always double check it elsewhere before believing it?


  4. Steph or Freddie


    Since everyone is wearing different tops (and I haven't got a pink flashy anything!!!) - can you design a badge only us proper fans can download from this site and print out- that way we can spot each other a mile off and Mika's people know we are very speshul and importunt guests and let us in early or barge past all the other hangers-on. Maybe Mika will spot them and invite us all go on to party with him later!!!:naughty:


    p.s. please please let me know where you are staying so I can try and book - I don't want to miss the party .

  5. Me?


    Parking - Theres a car park right opposite the Academy (Not sure about the price though...)

    Eat - There's a McDonalds opposite the Academy too but there are also lots of Pubs/restaurants/cafe's near by

    Meet - Erm... not sure what we agreed on now whether it was Selfridges or the Bull?

    Stay - That's probably a bit tricky depending on the budget - most places in the city centre are at least £50 per night unless you venture out of the centre a bit. I've obviously never tried any of them because I don't need to but there are plenty of places available to stay if you don't mind the cost too much


    If anyone wants my phone number for if they get lost on the day they can have it and I can (try to) give directions.



    Oh and don't worry - the Academy is MUCH easier to find than the Barfly :)


    Thanks Jennie, that's very helpful. I would appreciate your number for emergencies (as you will see from other posts I could get lost in my own bathroom!).

    See you there


  6. Nicole is staying here in Monmouth (South Wales). I guess that you must be from Mid/North Wales because you said you'd be coming down, is that right?

    I'm sorry, but I don't know where would be good to stay because Birmingham is a complete mystery to me! (although I do know that the Barfly and the Academy aren't the same place).

    There is someone here on this thread (I can't remember who) who lives in Birmingham. She should be able to advise us all about where to park/eat/meet/stay etc.

    Hopefully, we'll meet you on the night!


    I'm in Caerphilly (south) - Geography/navigation was never my strong point.:blink: Are you going by train (think it passes through Hereford - my home town) if so which one - I was considering getting one leaving Cardiff at about 7am - we could all sing-a-long-a-mika - that would cheer up the commuters!LOL. Not sure yet if Daughter is coming yet (she's got exams and she's been v mean about my Mika addiction!- if she's not I will have spare ticket, keep everyone posted.). If I came by myself is there going to be a meeting up/group hug with the MFC - can we wear badges????LOL

    See ya soon

    Cathi XX

  7. I've got Over my shoulder as track 3 on the Grace kelly cd single. But I have heard some say that Satellite is the bonus track on GK - eh??? I'm confused now.:boxed:

    Also today I bought the 12" single vinyl versions of Grace Kelly and Love today - brilliant remixes, now to find a vinyl copy of Relax

  8. Yeh welcome to the party!!!:biggrin2::punk:


    Thanks I am soo excited - bringing daughter too - I am coming down on 17th in a.m. but no trains till 5.30 next morning so going to stay. what is everone else doing - staying overnight? if so where? Searching for a decent (i.e. cheap) price hotel close to the venue, any suggestions?



  9. Also my 12 yr old daughter is Mika obssessed too - when she asked if I found tickets to a concert she could come with me - found myself seriously thinking of a nice way to say no so she didn't cramp my style - oh god help me - anyone got social services number.... it's for the best......:shocked:

  10. Think my family think I am obsessed. My PC connection suddely went down on Friday - discovered today that modem cable had been pulled out ..... sabotage?? think so!. Hubby getting a bit jealous about all the intimate moments I'm spending with our boy wonder - partypooper!

    Poor bloke tried to distract me on Saturday by taking me out - only everywhere we went Mika was playing on radio - sign from above perhaps??? I'm taking it as a Divine instruction that the path I have chosen is the good and just one!

    Thankfully he has to at least go to work so I can catch up on the news in private, just have to remember to delete history files!!! LOL - oh this is all too devious - I used to be such a good (ish) girl! - Is there a Mikaholics Annonymous?:boxed:

    cathi X

  11. Having recovered from recent scandals regarding your murder of your previous offspring - you are now a proud single parent again. Will you continue to be a full time super-parent, juggling work and family or, now that you have some pennies in the bank, will you be employing a nanny to handle the caring of your tamagotchi during gigs????

    p.s. I can handle the job - save you advertising, I have references an' everything!!! :biggrin2: :biggrin2:

    Cathi XX

  12. Not sure the whole picture comparisson thing is ideal, physical comparissons are not the way to go (although we all know who would win that one!).


    Focus on unfair comments made towards Mika's music. Mika is a talented writer, singer and musician who has worked hard to become a well respected and chart topping artist, through sheer hard work and dedication, without the help of "star-pushers" such as Simon Cowell, he even helped his sister design his own artwork - all of this and still only 23. His fanbase covers all agegroups, sexes, countries and religions. He has struggled through some very difficult times in his life and has used these experiences to become a better person and more prolific songwriter. There have been vocal comparissons to his work such as Sissor sisters, freddie and robbie - not many artists can cover all of these styles and still retain their own individual style sound and humour.

    I have a sneaky suspicion that Chris Moyles may be Homophobic (the gay community hate him with a passion for some of his comments). As the sexuality of our lad is still unconfirmed, and Mika has a unique high range of vocals, an original personal style of dressing, and isn't afraid to show his femine side (more likely to be as a result of having many sisters), I feel Moyle's judgemental idiocy may have more to do with his own personal ignorance than a real dislike to Mika's music.

    This man is a "presenter" so why doesn't he just present and leave the judging of music/musicians to the people who choose to buy music - the people, I hasten to add, who have put Mika to number 1 in the singles chart twice and have made is debut album a smash hit - a very rare occurance for a fresh newcomer with his debut album, on a tight budget.

    Moyles is a big Beatles fan - surely Mika's work, i.e. the cartoony songwriting style is very similar, the Beatles didn't take life too seriously either.

    Mika has never been anything but gracious to his fans, old and young, and doesn't seem to have got "above himself", often doing smaller more personal gigs and never refusing to talk to fans or sign autographs


    What more does Mika need to do to prove he deserves to be taken seriously as a good man, a writer, a pianist, a singer and an all round entertainer.


    "Should he bend over, should he look older just to be put on his shelf?" as a very great man once said.


    Cathi XXX

    p.s. Guarantee my signature, count me in whatever you decide to go with

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