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Posts posted by Becky

  1. Man, I missed a lot... Just got t'internet back, unlikely I will return before not next Wednesday but Wednesday after cause that's my last exam (thank God) then I get three weeks of no revision, no thinking 'I should read ahead' or anything school related. After that three weeks, I'll be really busy until end of July... But yeah, I will hopefully be caught up by the 10th =)

  2. You sound spoilt for choice, Arts :naughty: Well done though! :biggrin2:

    I just finished The Time Travellers Wife. New favourite book. And, hopefully, news books = inspiration.

    I enclose a picture of Harvey - it's difficult to get him to stay still long enough to get a good picture. And I'm getting used to the new camera and can't master the art of holding it still :naughty:




    I'm 17 today!! And I got a lovely glass penguin for my desk! It's beautiful. As is my new blue camera :biggrin2:

  3. Sorry I haven't been around for a few days - we've been setting up for a little monster called Harvey. He's whinging at me at the moment because my mum is moving his newspaper :naughty: He's a border collie puppy by the way. I'll post pictures if you like :biggrin2: I've caught up, and I may post later =)

    By the way, I didn;t say hi to you, Mickey. Welcome!

    As for whose child you'll be, the strange dreams link into my power (of pulling people from their dreams into mine), so that could be an idea :original:

  4. One of the boys shook his head.

    "Screw this. How the hell do we even know what that guys is telling us is true? How do we know what you're telling us is true?"

    The rest of the group looked around and shrugged.

    "I guess we just have to trust what we've been told." Mzee replied.

    "But why? Surely I can leave and do what I want. Nothing's stopping us from leaving." He stood and walked over to teh door and turned the door knob.

    He frowned and tried to turn the knob again. "We're locked in."

    Artsy stood up and shoved him out of the way. She tried, and again, discovered the door was locked.

    She then backed up and tried to shoulder barge the door. The door did not budge. She glared at the door.

    "Arts, take a seat. You too Mika." I stated.

    When they sat, I continued. "Right, so now we know who everyone is. What else should we talk about?"

    Soa opened the packet of information and read. "Well, it looks like transport is a lot more advanced. Our plane is no longer able to fly."

    "So how will we travel anywhere?" Mika asked.

    "We'll just have to get a new plane. We can still fly, but they've outlawed use of fossil fuels."

    Everyone turned to Artsy. "They've got a new form of fuel, it's called silvium. It does the same thing as gasoline, but is a lot cleaner and less harmful to the environment."

    "Oh," Mika replied quietly.

    "I also read that there's one country who holds all the power over the other countries. It says here that the USA, England, Italy and Spain have joined forces to create a new country that they only refer to as The Nation. Seems they're fighting against the Confederation... and that consists of Canada, Australia, France and Japan. Seems the others haven't joined The Nation or the Confederation yet."

    "I guess we'll find out more about them when our host joins us." Mika replied as we heard a sounds outside the door.


    “Becky, there’s been an emergency! We’ll send a car to pick you up now!” My boss said urgently down my phone. I was sleeping, so the call left me slightly dazed. The dreams I’d been having were getting stranger. I tried to shake the images of a huge group of people including myself and a young girl I was always holding fighting people. And, occasionally, each other, and tried to snap into reality.

    I pulled some jeans on and a top that were on my bed – I would have dressed professionally, but that would involve effort – and brushed my teeth and hair. Looking presentable I headed downstairs to find some shoes.

    “Where do I put my shoes again..?” I muttered to myself. I’d lived in this house for so many years, I should know this. Thinking it was the lack of sleep, I ran around my house searching for shoes.

    I eventually found a pair of flats in a cupboard. I didn’t have time to think about how odd it was that I seemed to have one pair of shoes, as the doorbell rang.

    I headed quickly for the door. A man – my boss – stood there, looking flustered. He was Japanese, looked around 30, and was called… Actually, I couldn’t remember, which was strange.

    “Come along, miss, you are needed.” He told me, walking towards the car.

    “Will I need anything?” I asked.

    “No, everything you will need will be there.” He replied, jumping in the black car before me. “Get in.” I slid in the front seat, and put on my seatbelt.

    “What’s happened?” I asked, trying to imagine what they’d need me for. “In fact, why didn’t one of the on duty people take it? I was sleeping, since it’s my day off.” And having a particularly nice dream, I added in my head.

    “No one else was available.” He said quickly.

    “There’s an entire police force.”

    “You knew what came with the job.” He snapped in reply. I was surprised at his tone, but didn’t say anything. We drove in silence for the rest of the journey, even when I didn’t know where we were going.

    We eventually pulled up in front of a large mansion. There was clearly a masquerade party going on. I was used to being underdressed, yet I felt there was something wrong with the setting of this ‘emergency’ – no one seemed scared or worried. They weren’t even whispering, like it was exciting even though it shouldn’t be.

    “Go through to the back room. A man I know may escort you there.” My boss ushered me out of the car.

    “Shouldn’t I have a radio or a gun or something?” I asked.

    “You won’t need it.” He replied. Before I could ask what sort of emergency this was if I wouldn’t need a radio, he drove off.

    “Great.” I murmured, feeling under-protected. I headed towards the mansion, and everyone stared at me. Now I felt undressed.

    I walked through the huge front doors in a hall full of food and streamers, as well as party goers.

    I was approached almost automatically by a man who also wasn't in masquerade. I felt more at ease at the dress situation after seeing him.

    “I am Nobu. Come with me.” He turned on his heel and headed to the small door at the back of the room.

    “Are you the friend of… my boss?” I still had trouble remembering his name. He looked around as we reached the door.

    “… Yes. Please go inside.” He put a key in the door.

    “Shouldn’t I at least know what sort of situation I’m going into? This is very unorthodox. And suspicious.”

    “Believe me; you will learn all you need to know when you enter.” He opened the door, and I was faced with the people who plagued my dreams.

  5. I had a really weird one last night. It started off really scary, but turned to funny and so very odd. I apologize that my writing won't be correctly structured :roftl:


    So, I on my way to school and I was driving to the train station and I went into the parking garage and drove into a space. I was about to get out of the car when I look up and there's a huge moose standing in front of my car. I was like :shocked: and all of a sudden it charged my car. I don't know how strong moose are in real life, but this one was tearing my car to pieces, and it was that scariest thing ever. I kept having to move through the crushed car so that its antlers wouldn't get me...gah it was bad. So it got to the point were the car was almost flat, save for the area around the driver's side window, and I was sitting there and the moose was standing by the window just looking at me, and I was like, "Please, moose, just go away, please!" :tears: and I thought I was going to die, and all of a sudden, this guy comes out of nowhere with a golf club, and scares the moose away. Then that guy went away.


    I somehow managed to get myself out of the car and just thought "Oh crap I'm late for class" :aah: I run into the train station, which had become my school to save time I guess and I rush to my classroom and sit down, and my teacher's eyes bug out and he's like "Hold on a moment class." and I think I'm going to be in big trouble, and all of a sudden, he shapeshifts into Mika. :blink: Yeah, shapeshifts into Mika. I'm just sitting there :shocked: and the whole class jumps up and screams, "OMG MIKA AAHAHAAAHHHH" and they all crowd him to get pictures and what not, and they're all :mf_lustslow:, and I'm just sitting there like, "Oh, okay what? No one else thought that was strange?" and after everyone gets what they want, he's like "Now, class dismissed, everyone out."


    So everyone leaves and I get up to leave and Mika's like "Not you," and motions for me to come up to him. So I did and he just looks down at his feet and goes "Sorry about that" and I get really confused and I ask "Sorry about what?" and he puts his hands up like moose antlers, says "You know..." and does a charging gesture with his head and I was like :jawdrop: and I asked him what he meant by that and he said "Sometimes I turn into a Moose. I don't know why, I just do." and I'm just staring at him, and I said "What? You...what?" and he just said, "I'm really sorry, but just imagine how it's like for me at the Opera!" (no idea where that came from) and he started laughing and I became super :furious: and I screamed "YOU FU-" and my dream ended before I got that last word out... :aah:



    I know where every piece of that dream came from, but I don't know why it manifested itself in that manner. If it means anything, I don't know. I hope it's not a premonition of me being attacked by a moose, because that would be a whole bunch of no fun. :lol3:

    :roftl: I wish my dreams were like that. It sounded hilarious =)

  6. Finally have the internet back to give a report.

    I got there about twenty past nine, making me 21 in the queue. It was absolutely freezing, but I didn;t mind (if I ignored the fact I couldn't feel my toes :bleh: ). Chatted with a bunch of different people, and the numbering system was great, especially when it got to the proper queueing. It makes it a lot easier to get back to your place if you have to get out quickly. By the way, thank you to Suzy, who was very nice and next to me in the queue :biggrin2:

    That was until we got into the auditorium, and they said to split into 2 queues. I was scared I'd end up behind someone really tall like I had before and wouldn;t be able to see anything. But I got front row! I was next to a really nice girl from Rome.

    I think they should have had a more varied playlist. There was one song that must have been play at least 6 times. It was a relief when it changed.

    I didn't expect Erik Hassle to be that good after seeing on GMTV, but he was great! I really liked his set.

    Then just before Mika came on, the school bell went off and for a split second I thought it was a fire drill and thought my ten hours in the cold had been a waste. But when no one else reacted I worked out it must have been a part of the show.

    Mika was amazing!! I adored the show and didn't realise that some of the instruments broke. The smoke machine worked very well though.

    I thought the opening to We Are Golden was a new song at first, but then it got into it and I realised it wasn't.

    Mika shows aren't long enough.

    I loved it, and I can't wait til the next tour, when I'll be leaving early again. I hope it'll be warmer though :biggrin2:

    I'll post some of my better pictures later.

  7. I got third row last time at the Hammersmith Apollo and I got there just before 4. I couldn;t see much though cause I'm tiny and there was a tall person in front of me, but the person I went with was quite far back and they could see fine. So I'm leaving very early this time so I can see and hopefully get front row =)

  8. I had a Mika dream for the first time in ages last night (if you don;t include the night before where I was forgot about the concert the next day and realised I hadn;t got anything to wear).

    It started by my mum telling me that we were going to this party held by Mika. I thought it would be like the one I'd been to before (no idea when this was supposed to be) where, though he was there, he was too busy to talk to anyone so I didn;t see him. I was being slow about getting there because I wasn't particularly looking forward to it. When my mum knocked on the door, I was still on the other side of the road, but I heard Mika greet her. When I heard this, I got all excited, and hurried to join my mum. He invited us in like old friends (except I was still a huge fan in the dream).

    He showed us around the house, and I realised he had only invited us to this 'party'. Though a few people randomly appeared later on in the dream.

    He started teaching me and my sister a few piano techniques in his garden, which he continued to say we had to remember for a game later on. They weren;t anything amazing - just being able to hit keys on either side of the piano, basically.

    Numerous things happened that I don't remember. Then the game happened, and it was me playing two guys I hadn't seen before. We each had a piano and I think Mika was in a plane above us. Saying that, I never got any confirmation, but its a dream, who cares? So anyway, I gathered the more of these piano techniques we did, the more the plane edged towards the player. I worked this out once the plane was almost completely at their side. So I tried to remember, and could only work out one.

    After the game, it looked like the plane was going to crash, and I was panicking.

    Then the dream jumped and I was upstairs, and something was going outside one of the widows, and two people were watching, so I went to see. Mika was on a huge elastic string, and he was bouncing on it (to describe, has anyone seen those trampoline things at funfairs, where they have the trampolines plus the elastic strings so that the people on them go higher? It was that except with one strig going across, no safety strap, and no trampoline). He noticed me come up and said

    "Trust you to come just as I finish. Do you want to see?" I nodded and he showed me and the other people again. I was thinking to myself how nice he was to fan, continuously trying to make them happy.

    There was more to the dream, but little involved Mika after that, and he was just there rather than having an active role.

    It was so nice :wub2:

  9. T4P!! The clip it showed at the start when he was sing Grace Kelly, I remember seeing that! I vivdly remember sitting on my hospital bed, the nurses had woken me up early and it was about 9, and I was waiting for my mum to come up so I'd been watching GMTV. Then Mika came on, I rolled my eyes and thought 'Urgh, there's so much hype around this stupid song!' and took the headphones off :naughty: Little did I know, 2 months later, I'd hear Love Today and fall in love with the album and him :bleh:

  10. Marc St. James played by Michael Urie in Ugly Betty




    I love him too!!


    I was always incredibly fascinated by Valmont in The Dangerous Liaisons, even though he was an arsehole :blush-anim-cl:. I think that it had a lot to do with the character being played by John Malkovich.

    That man and the character merged into one so beautifully, that it captivated me. I still feel the same attraction if I watch the movie nowadays, so long after the initial time :thumb_yello:








    He played Dr. Jekyll/Mr.Hyde in a film about an Irish girl who went to America and worked for Dr Jekyll,m and they fell in love but Mr Hyde got in the way, and I loved Dr. Jekyll in that.


    I thought of another one - Roger from American Dad!


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