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Everything posted by Becky

  1. Well, it clearly didn't work. Yeah they do. Russel Brand took the mick at the VMAs. Twas hilarious. Bad Russel
  2. It's Nick My mum stole a poster from their new book out of Asda for me It isn't what she usually does BTW - She's a good person in general
  3. Speaking of which, I haven't started that scarf yet and I failed my Maths GCSE so I have to retake which means less time to do, so it probably won't be November. A bit later. Sorry, hon I know I'm such a bitch, and you most likely hate me now... But one day, honest! *Imagines Phunks old and grey, getting a parcel, and opening a scarf which says 'Sorry it's slightly late! Becky x'*
  4. Me too! I missed the performace cause I was at school. This time tomorrow, it'll most likely all be over =( But in less than 24 hours I'll be there, experienceing it!!! Yayness!!!!
  5. I say bugger off to my dog when she looks at me, after my food. I've never even heard people say 'and all that rot' We just saved a hedgehog from our backgarden I've never seen a hedgehog properly before - only pictures. It was gorgeous. If not a bit smelly.
  6. They're doing a Disney store appearance on Thursday (they're rather overbooked on Thursday =/ ) in Hammersmith Disney Store, 4.00-6.00pm.
  7. Look, Mzie, we'll still be writing stories... Just leaving this particular one behind. It will wipe the slate clean, as we've run out of new ideas for these characters, so we're kinda going to take it to a few generations later or something. Good things don't last forever - why leave this thread to suffer any longer? Anyway, it'll be nice to have a good ending for the characters.
  8. Everyone says what a bad thing that is, but I don't think so. I mean, so many people took loads of time in college or uni, studying what they thought they wanted to do, then changed their mind, and took and totally different path in life. It's goof that you're thinking about it instead of throwing yourself into something you think you might wat to do. Not that I am, I've wanted to be a doctor ever since I was 5 But I seen so many people that have. My hairdressing teacher told us how for years she worked in an office, became a millionaire, but it just bored her. So she quit and became a hairdresser instead.
  9. Yep! Paediactric doctor. I don't know what I want to specialize in though...
  10. Hey ER - 6000 posts!! Yay!! Well, seeing as you bite, bite her I'm in Year 11... I'm not actually sure where to apply for. Because I don't know what A-Levels I need to get into a Medical Uni. I have to speak to the Connections lady on Tuesday, to find out...
  11. It should be called: Pink Pony Riders Part 9 - The End?? Since we were discussing the end and all...
  12. College is strange It was a good deed, though Arts. Does that count as today's good deed or yesterdays though?
  13. In P.E. I do, but otherwise, no. I prefer being at home and doing sprots, because you don't have to wear 'the correct kit'. So if I feel like playing football (soccer) I don't to wear shin pads and uncomfortable socks, or if we play rounders it's not with 20ish people. And Phunks, I agree
  14. I didn't mean it like 'I'm fat' cause I know I'm not. I'm happy with my size =D *High fives in return*
  15. I was on the verge of collapsing after that point. I'm really unfit. I just felt ill afterwards.
  16. It's like the school's version of laughing at the unfit kids/child cruelty. You have to get to the other side of the hall/to the marker before the beep. At first you walk it, slowly building up until you're sprinting across the room. There are 10 runs in every level. I got to level 5 the last tme I did it. I've 'had a bad leg' in those tests ever since.
  17. Oh good, I love spoofs. Lyrics are brilliant! I will have to start watching this now
  18. Well, the drinks, flavoured water and boiled sweets as well. But tomorrow I can add chicken to the list of things I'm allowed. I add an extra something every two days (not of my choice, unfortunately, cause it'd be Pizza now and then Pasta tomorrow, with toast on Saturday ) It's all to see if I bring it up again. But the cycle is over - it's been too long, but no one seems to get it.
  19. Oh, your more than welcome to. But keep in mind this answer won't give you the nicest visual Basically, since I was 8, I've had this thing, and I say thing cause no one knows what it is, when in cycles I just can't keep down solid foods. It's really weird, as it doesn't really have a pattern or anything, so it's difficult to track what causes it. Anyway, I've been back and forth to hospitals and whatever, undergone numerous tests and stuff, and this is their lastest tryout. Both to heal the inflammation and ulcers they found in my stomach in the last endioscopy and the slow back onto food thing is 'to see if it's an intolerance'. Pfft. Crap, as far as I'm concerned, since I think I might have noticed if it was a certain food, but doctors have the brains, so I go along with it.
  20. The drinks. They're called Elemental 028 extra, or thats what it says on the side of the box. It had all the stuff I needed to stay alive in it. It didn't taste nice. The dietician said yesterday about the amount I should eat 'I would advise at least two portions a day' and I just thought 'Two porrtions? Are you mad? I'll be eating more than that!' but now I realise why. A few mouthfuls are very filling. It's really weird.
  21. Thanks for all of your words of support I get to add chicken tomorrow. Then Saturday I can have carrots, then Monday apples, Wednesday bread, Friday yogurt something I've forgotten Sunday, then we have to call the dietician, to find out where we go from there. Sadly, I still have to drink three of the drinks, but I can deal with it
  22. I'm having food for the first time in 6 weeks in about three minutes!!! I never knew you could get so happy over a bowl of rice
  23. We're in a lab, caught by scientists. Ages ago, we went to the future, and found out we got put down by the government. A little later, the British PM told the American President there was prophercy, which, even though good, could not be fufilled, so we must be destroyed. However, our kids lived on in the future, so that means the kids survived I know for that to make sense, Mzee must have a child. I meant, the government who put us down feel for the children and send them to adoption homes.
  24. Thing is, is if we do end it, you'd want your kids to 'go on' as such, or something, wouldn't you Mzee? Arts? Phunky? Maybe you could all be preggers and they hold you for nine months Well, if I wrote it, I'd write you all a cheque first and tell you to leave off, it mine!
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