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Everything posted by Becky

  1. I actually like the idea. If we end it here and now, make this where the government 'put us down' and the kids get put into homes, because 'they don't have powers'. We find out about the supposed prophercy, metioned by the PM (and the guy who taught us our powers?) give a little bit of an aftermath thing, of Kairi and that, leaving a bit of an open ending, maybe, just in case, and begin an entirely new story. You never know, one of us may write the sequel to this one day and make a best seller. Edit: Maybe not here and now then. But whenever.
  2. They walked along the cold corridor, searching for a door, until they finally found what they were looking for. A metal door, cutting off the corridor, which looked about as welcoming as shark infested waters. "Open it then." Kelzy said after a moment of just standing their, staring at the cold, metal door. Calvin looked at her, as if to say 'But I don't want to'. Kelzy rolled her eyes, and stared at the next man nearest the door, Finn, who just shrugged. "Oh for god's sake." Artsy said irritably, opening the door. To Calvin surprise, it wasn't a room full of booby traps and murderers. Infact, it was a science lab-cum-surgery. There was numerous cupboards around, with small bottles on the side, with very technical look equipment. In the middle of the room was a theatre table, with mirrors and, scarily enough, straps to the side of it. This would suggest it wasn't well run, however, the sparkling clean equipment and disposable plastic gloves box on the small table next to it otherwise. "I have this horrible feeling this is for us, you know." Calvin said after examining the straps. "But why," ER contradicted, "have they not joined us, drugged us, or booby trapped us, or something? Surely it would have been easier to catch us off guard rather than show us what we have in store." "Maybe thats part of the torture. See how we react." M shrugged. Artsy looked at her, and mind messaged Kelzy. *Thats it! They're waiting for us to use our powers, to make sure we have them, along with proof, I guess, so then they can experiment and find out what's caused it or something!* *Why that? No one's ever actually known, except baddies.* Becky asked, while Mika began examining the walls. *Exactly. Surely its run through the 'baddie' network.* Artsy began. *And they know if we don't hae our powers, we'll be a hundred times weaker.* "Who do you think put us here? Let's face it, it couldn't be a random, could it? There must be someone we know behind it." Phunky asked aloud, making sure it wasn't clear they'd been communicating through Kelzy. "I can't think of anyone, personally." Nico shrugged, looking at the others for answers. "A-Ha!" Mika exclaimed, staring at the wall behind what seemed like a pulled out microwave, making everyone look at him. "What?" Artsy voiced everyone's thoughts. "They're watching us. I mean, a microwave in a science lab? It's not like they're eating while performing god knows what to their patients, or victims, or whatever. Look, threre's a whole at the back of the microwave, and obviously the front isn't opaque." Mika explained, pointing out the small hole in the microwave. As everyone came to investigate, sure enough there was a small hole in the wall, exactly where the hole in the microwave had been placed. "I never knew you knew words like 'opaque'." Luke said, with raised eyebrows. Mika narrowed his eyes at him. "Oi. If you ever need saving again, don't ask me."
  3. Wow it sounds amazing!! Fireworks would have been perfect... I love fireworks
  4. I didn't read the whole thread, I read the first two pages, but I have this to say of the 10 commandments. Surely, if God didn't want us to do these things he would programme us against it? Some of these things come naturally to people, such as lust. For example, some parents, or people in general, don't have the right to not be hated. I mean, do you honestly unconditionally love your parents, and you would no matter what? My parent and I have our arguments, and my father and I don't get along a lot of the time, due to differences in belief. Another I disagree with is the 'Have you always loved God' thing. Surely, you would have to know about God to love him/her? If it isn't clear to people, how would they know? Other, obviously, are by choice. I am agnostic, because when I leave my house (I was brought up a strong atheist, and told while living in the house, I am not allowed a religion) I do plan on taking up a religion. However, I can't agree with Christianity, or numerous other religions.
  5. They woke up in a truck, tied up and gagged. When everyone had awoken properly, Kelzy felt like she was being attcked by thoughts. "Oh perfectly safe!" Came one of many sarcastic thoughts. That was, until they noticed him gagged along with them. His eyes were wide, and he kept staring at the back of the truck. "He has us." Kelzy broadcated the man's thoughts. "They were no safer with me than in the house. I knew I shouldn't have killed his sheep!" "You're not broadcsting to him are you?" Lolly asked Kelzy. She didn't even bother to reply with words, but just gave her a 'look'. "How do we know he's not double bluffing?" Artsy said. "Why do you say that?" M asked. "Well, it's just... Nevermind." Yet she couldn't help but wonder how this supposed 'killer' knew they would be there. And why arm them? It all seemed a bit suspicious. "We'll be careful from now on. Suspect everyone." Mika contributed. "Where are the kids?!" Came a loud thought from JJL, send her, Becky, Nico and Glow into a panic. "They'll be fine." Kelzy tried to reason with them, but they were slightly frantic. "What if they're using them as ransom or something?" Nico said. "Oh, my baby..." Becky tried to shout something muffled through her gag, but it made no sense. About 5 seconds, later, the truck came to a halt, send the PRRs flying across the small space in the truck. They all sat, waiting for thier kidnapper to show themselves.
  6. Oooh where are they playing? Is it worth turning up early to meet them before a concert? I mean, do they come out and say hi?
  7. Very! The only person who could have ever replaced him was James Nesbitt and I knew he wasn't going to do it so I was like NOOOOOO!
  8. I know! I was in tears. But it wasn't - and still isn't - as bad as when The Doctor and Rose got separated. That was heartbreaking But I didn't like her comeback so much... I'd recommend it Phunky. It's aweosme
  9. Oh, I know that one! Yes, I love Doctor Who. Have you seen the end of the latest series, with Catherine Tate?
  10. What, the one where they hand deliver it???!! That is soo awesome! Congrats!! (If it is the one where they hand deliver it, say I said Hi )
  11. *Shouts for ER* Has anyone spoken to her recently? We were planning to meet up on the 28th, and the date is drawing nearer... We need to do details :S
  12. Thankies And I have to agree with Phunks about the shoes - they're amazing!
  13. I forgot to say last night, I did science GCSE moduals earlier this year, and was scared I'd fail cause I missed loads of school but I got the results yesterday and... I got two Bs!! I'm so happy
  14. Okie dokie. I'll keep you updated - but what colours, so I can buy the wool.
  15. My creating skills are terrible. The best I could do would be knit you a multi-coloured scarf, but that'd take me til at least November. But if you're happy to wait (I wouldn't be surprised if you weren't, being I'm never good with time keeping), tell me what colours you wish for. I can't guarentee you'd want to wear it, mind you Nice post
  16. Really? You're so lovely. I haven't even sent you anything. Tell ya what - when I finally send that bracelet, is there anything special that you can only get here you want? (Could be food (I'm sending you some Cadbury's Giant Buttons ), a tshirt, an ornament..) Cause I owe ya something.
  17. I've got that, but I've tried the fours things that it could be. Either the actual words, in the word, with the extra bit on the end and another idea I had last night but I've forgoten now.
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