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Everything posted by Sara

  1. Brillaint pics! Thanks for sharing. Love the ones where Mika is on the 'M' -Fab! The doggy suit is wicked. I like it better than the chicken suit he wears over here.
  2. Rosie, you are a star!!! Thank you so much for putting a comment on there to correct them! LOL!!! I have also done one. ha ha. Think they have to 'approve' it first before putting it on there. Well done!
  3. Sara


    I don't reckon there will be a pre-sale. I haven't had any mika mail or anything anyway to say that there will be. Good job i'll be at home then on Friday morning innit! LOL!
  4. Sara


    Yep! Absolutely! I was gonna say that. Will be fabulous!
  5. WOOHOOOOO!!!!! Very excited to hear about the new tour dates!!! This one i will be at for sure!!
  6. Sara


    I'd love to that ya know but would have to see if my wonderful friend can look after my little one AND have to try and pursuade hubby to let me. I've already been told off tonight about spending too much money on tickets!! Ooops!! LOL!!!
  7. Sara


    Hellooo!!! You're back from work then? LOL!!
  8. Sara


    Yeah......i'm not so bad where i am actually. It's still a bit of a trek but better than being in Cornwall or summat!
  9. Sara


    Ya know, they really need to update the blog in the secret society on Mikasounds....still says about sbe and that....no news on there as yet about the new tour.
  10. Sara


    YES!!!!! That i CAN confirm!! He will be doing Europe in October. I know this because MIKA told me AND am gutted because i invited him to celebrate my birthday in LA and he can't make it because of this.....boo hoo....... LOL! x:thumb_yello:
  11. Sara


    There's quite a few of you that are 'up north' then? Quite interestin to see where people are...........
  12. Sara


    TEN???!!!!!! Flippin eck!!!! Mind you, i'm probably as bad - been to 3, got one coming up, er....can i count the T4 thing? I'll be seeing him there anyway so that's 5......er......2 for defo at new tour.....mmmmm, could be tricky. LOL!!!
  13. Sara


    Ha ha ha...yeah, i know. Fab innit! This is wonderful!!!!!! It will certainly be a MIKA year for me this year! Love loads of gigs!!!! Hope i've got enough money..............
  14. This is going to be great if you all dress up! I won't feel like such an outsider now!
  15. I wonder if they will have anywhere to store your coats and bags like they had at the other venues.....that way you could wear a really long THIN coat or cardy, just to cover up til you get there.
  16. We'll have to try and sort summat out for you. If you can sell your ticket to a MFC member that'd be really good. Where abouts will you be travelling from? Are you in London?
  17. What!!!??? You're kidding! Oh no!.....erm......you're going on your own? That's terrible. Doesn't anyone need a ticket on MFC ? Do you have two tickets?
  18. mmmm....gotta be careful. How are you getting there? If by car you could get changed after if the car park is close by. That's what i've done - twice now! Ha ha ha!! Quite amusing gettin' my kit off in a car park! LOL! I got oil all over my fluffy socks but nevermind! LOL! How many of you are going aswell? Safety in numbers and all that. ;+)
  19. I've had quite a few strange ones, but the last one i had was a bit odd......Mika gave me his piano to play and i just sat on the stool, blank. I couldn't play it. I was trying to explain that i don't play but Mika kept insisting that i try. As soon as i hit the first note, that was it - a masterpiece!! I woke up confused becausethe only songs i could ever play were 'Hotel California' and 'Are friends electric' - that was about 12 years ago and i couldn't play them now if i tried!!!
  20. LOL!!!! Yeah, that'd be flippin' typical wouldn't it. LOL! Bikini and grass skirt is cool! I did that once for my mates hen night. Was fab! We were all supposed to dress like it and everyone chickened out and had shorts on underneath and a vest top! I was the only one who did it properly! Tut tut! LOL!!
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