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Blue Eyes

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Posts posted by Blue Eyes

  1. i called you blue sky as well:blush-anim-cl: lol


    did u manage to get your balloon home ok?


    Tia - it was lovely to meet you and your sweet daughter (hope we didn't scare her too much?!).


    Yep balloon got back all safe and sound - and the recepient LOVED it !




    When I got to Sadlers Wells, there was already plenty of people. I saw Liliana and her boyfriend first there, waiting for their tickets. Later on most people started approaching me and saying hi and as I told most of them it was all quite weird for me because I’d just have to go like : “Ermmm who are you?” when they said hi Carlota or Neiobi xD Then I started doing the same, coming up to people I recognized and saying hi… I met Freddie (Who looked so insane to me,with the all the beers and wich accent is so so funny :lmfao: ), Cazzie, who is so nice and chatted with her for a bit (Loved it hun :D) , Daisylou and Mikafish, and so many other people like Blue Eyes and her hubby, CazGirl before entering the foyer, Tauruslady and Shaza!


    Was lovely to meet you too Neiobi - your 'frock' was gorgeous. And *waves* to Tauruslady n Shaza! - glad we found each other lol !!



    From the moment I arrived at Sadler's Wells, I began meeting MFCers who

    I had previously only known as names on a computer screen.


    It began when I spotted Blue Eyes (the original, Jules!)

    and her hubby JesterKevin over

    at a table. I marched right over and introduced myself, and we spent a

    delightful while chatting and struggling to get my Mika rosette pinned

    onto my bag. Thanks, Kev, for eventually coming through! :thumb_yello: And

    thanks, Jules, for the small badge! You're both so lovely!


    Deb - it was an absolute delight and a pleasure to meet you - and Kev said he's glad to have been of service :wink2: You made a list of MFC'ers names - that is so me :roftl:


    can anyone remember who the LOVELY lady next to me was? she was sat on here own between me and blue eyes. She did say but iv 4gotten.


    The lovely lady between us was Bettasan !


    Thanks everyone for the wonderful reports / videos / photos. Liliana - your photos are AWESOME - thank you for sharing!

  2. I also met Daz and Blue Eyes in the foyer as well, I forgot to mention. Apologies!!


    :huglove: It was great to meet you. Soooo happy that you FINALLY got to meet MIKA !! Your reports are awesome, bless ya. How long will you be on cloud 9 ?!!



    Also remembered something. Mika commented on the stage design and said it all looked like chewing gum wrappers. Everyone laughed....Mika gave a nervous laugh and said "I shouldn't have said that...." crowd laughed even more, then he said "sing, you f***ing idiot, sing." :roftl: :roftl:


    Bless him. :fangurl:



    That was very funny :roftl:



    I wish it had been me, but no, it was Blue EYES..we are often confused, heck we even mix ourselves up sometimes, eh Jules?!


    Who said that? Was it me LOL ! :wink2:


    Isn't there any MFcrs pics by now?


    I did post some but they aren't that great :blush-anim-cl:

  3. Hi,


    I was just in front of Daz, Blue Sky and her husband in the queue(sorry forgot your forum name) and got chatting to them.


    Tee hee - you didn't get my forum name right either... but don't worry - people are always confusing Blue Sky and myself :huglove: Hubby is 'Jesterkevin' and it was great to meet you - thanks for your report.


    Big thanks for everyone else's reports / vids / pics - it's always interesting to hear different viewpoints and peoples experiences, wish we could re-live it all... sigh :wub2:

  4. WOW what a wonderful day - what a wonderful gig !


    Firstly as we didn't have to spend hours queuing we sat in the stage door cafe for a while (did anyone else have a 'regular' cappuccino? It was more like an eggcup sized drink lol) We were very fortunate to meet the legendary Es Devlin and had a chat before she went back to organising the stage. She is such a nice lady - much respect for her and I felt very... :fangurl: I was gutted that I wasn't in possession of the book at that moment - it would have been great to have her sign it.


    Went off to have a bite to eat and not long after arriving back at the venue finally got to meet Deb who was just a lovely and genuine a I knew she would be. Met loads of old and new friends - real feel good atmosphere - what a great bunch the MFC'ers are.:wub2:


    It was bliss having seats, but still being able to have a 'bop' too AND having the space to do it without being elbowed in the back !! Had brill seats too - thank you to our 'musical chairs' friend :huglove: So on to the songs...

    Loved Lonely Alcoholic, Blue Eyes... well ok, I loved every minute! It amazes me that I still get goosebumps when I hear the old ones though - guess that's a result of not experiencing a live MIKA gig for 16 months, sigh...


    MIKA was lapping up all the adoration, and our reward was an absolutely amazingly entertaining evening! Roll on September / Winter (must start saving now!).


    Will echo what Kev said about the M&G, and I know I'm a little selfish but would have loved the opportunity to have had a chat with MIKA. Oh well, who knows what the future will bring... Oh, and special thanks to Daz for keeping up entertained before and after the show! (Hope you've recovered from your near death experience x)


    Just a few photos - sorry they aren't great. Gave up in the end and just enjoyed the show without worrying about getting the 'right' shot! Enjoy...






    "How much more chewing gum have I gotta chew?!"







    But he was never ready. He got all his dreams wiped off time after time by his plastic surgeon who performed many plastic surgeries on him. The fan club of his idol thought he looked great and nothing should be changed, and that this ‘brother’ of his would love him no matter what he looked like. The surgeon, however, didn’t think so. Se was a perfectionist who performed many surgeries aside and kept him in the waiting line, being never quite finished with him.




    His boyfriend wasn’t the only one who knew how to throw a good tea party. The toy boy used to do that a lot. He partied and partied and got to keep his own blog on the Internet. He was going out of town twice, but his trips got canceled due to the surgeon. She didn’t let him go anywhere alone. She operated his face five times and also did his hairdo again and again countless times. Then one day, after eleven months, she decided that it was finally time for him to go!





    Hope you didn't mind me correcting :blush-anim-cl:


    You've done a brilliant job - can't wait to see MIKA's reaction :biggrin2:

  6. If we buy them at the concert there is a chance of getting it signed, you don't get that chance with pre order...

    though I'm also afraid to cancel my order in case there are none left at the concerts...




    I thought the original shipping date for the EP was May 25th (even though that was Bank Holiday Monday) but was chuffed as I thought it would arrive before the Sadler's Wells gig. Then soon after that the release date was put back to June 8 :annoyed_h4h:


    What really narks me is the reason given 'slight delay in manufacture' grrrrr :poke:

  7. Hmm...do you think one of the mods could check:


    1. whether we can cancel the order, cost free

    2. Whether Mika's peeps will have enough on sale at Sadlers Welss for us to buy them there and maybe try to get them signed???


    Rather than all of us emailing/phoning Sandbag to ask.


    I can't believe that we suposesdly had a treat in buying these limited edition items in advance and now we're worse off than Joe Public! :blink::sneaky2:



    Arghhhhhhhhh... well that's just the end to a 'perfect' week :sneaky2:


    Thanks Liz, just what I wanted to know too - I wouldn't want to cancel my preordered EP without first having a copy in my mitts on Monday evening.


    I wonder whether this means the revealing of the mysterious codes will be delayed yet again :mf_rosetinted:


    Thanks for sending out emails Deb

  8. I'm devastated I'll and have to miss you all and Mika on Monday now as my husband is ill in hospital... can't tell you how sad i am, all round. Thankfully MFC will keep me in touch and it may just save me.... it's funny how i found Mika and MFC in times of sadness before and now it'll be a life line again i feel at this time. Have fun everyone ..really do and look after each other xx



    So sorry to hear your news Vicky, my thoughts are with you. Keep strong and I hope your husband will get well soon.


    Take care, *hugs*


  9. Just got my tickets:) BB23/24 Anyone else near by please say hello:biggrin2:


    :bye: Hello Tia !!!!


    Me n hubby are in BB 20/21 :biggrin2:


    Mind you - I have to go and pick the tickets up tomorrow. Missed the courier, so phoned the number on the card to arrange re-delivery and found out that the courier company is 2 units down from where I work :shocked: so I can walk round and get them tomorrow LOL !! What are the chances of that?... I didn't even know there was a courier company near my office!! :lmao:

  10. "> Subject

    > RE: Mika Order Enquiry - London 8th











    > We received the tickets this morning and they will be collected by our

    > courier company (SMS) tomorrow. You should have the first delivery

    > attempt and tracking number from us on Monday.


    > Kind regards


    > Helen@sandbag"




    taken from my E-mail.




    Thanks for the info (can I start getting excited yet? Can't wait to find out my ticket numbers!):roll1:

  11. ops sorry BE!:blush-anim-cl:

    i mean the emails they sent to us when asking about tickets to be collected at box offices instead of being shipped...as allegra posted above!:thumb_yello:



    That's ok - I thought I was having an 'oldling' moment as I hadn't seen that on my email !!

  12. they'll refund us, as stated in their emails.

    of course you have to tell them that you want to collect your ticket at the box office..they will have a list of names and then refund them.:thumb_yello:




    There's nothing on my ticket email confirmation about that - mine says (quote)



    'All sales are final. No refunds can be made unless the event is cancelled.


    Tickets will be mailed, using registered post, two weeks prior to the show, earlier if possible. You will receive an email on the day of dispatch.


    Tickets for the show in Milan will not be mailed but you will be asked to collect them from the venue box office on the day of the show.'



    But thanks for the info anyway :thumb_yello:

  13. To be fair to the ticket agency, we know these dates were released at short notice, we don't know how much notice the venues and the ticket agency actually had either. These things take time and I imagine it's all in a chain, Mika has to confirm, then tickets have to be sold, printed and sent out.

    I would love to be a fly on the wall and see behind the scenes and observe the actual process.


    In 2007 when Mika released his dates nearly six months ahead of time though, we still didn't get the tickets till a week or two before the gigs. One gig I had to get them sent to the box office because I was travelling needed to leave home before the tickets came.

    It all worked out OK. I think it's fairly normal.



    Fair comment, and like you say Sandbag may not have had much notice but what happens to all those 'shipping' charges that we have paid if we then don't get the tickets posted out to us? :dunno:

  14. I have 2 spare tickets for the Sadler's Wells gig which I was planning to put on ebay next week, obviously I'd prefer it if they went to an MFC'er though, so if anyone is interested please PM me :biggrin2:





    p.s. they are B28-29 in the stalls

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