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Posts posted by nico_collard

  1. On 5/9/2018 at 6:45 AM, silver said:

    Is Sam looking forward to the new arrival?



    Not sure he really understands it TBH, he does kiss my belly sometimes but he's a bit rough. I'm sure he'll be a bit excited when bub is here. He followed my sister in law into the back room at mum and dad's while she was feeding my niece and was shushing her when she was crying :lmfao:


    Anyways, bub will be born on the 9th of July, if he doesn't decide to come beforehand. 

  2. On 4/28/2018 at 9:48 PM, silver said:


    Well, it sounds as if you are in good shape if the hospital can't find anything wrong - it may just have been something temporary :dunno:  Anyway hope all goes well for the next few week until baby turns up :hug:


    The smileys have changed as there has been a software upgrade.  Apparently they are similar to ones on smartphones, but the old ones are still there too.


    It probably was just temporary. Annoying, but temporary. I've been able to tell when I'm getting tired so I try and rest then. At least I've still got plenty of time to get baby stuff done :biggrin2: So, 9 more weeks to go! 


    Ah, okay. I've found the smileys though I have to try and remember not to just type the shortcuts. 

  3. On 4/12/2018 at 12:17 AM, silver said:


    Maybe you could spend the time relaxing and listening to the album :wink2:


    Though I guess with a toddler about there's not much chance of that.


    Yeah, little chance of relaxing :teehee: I managed to get my school stuff done though was in hospital again the next Saturday, this time for 4 days. Still don't know what's wrong but apparently I don't have any DVTs in my legs, no clots in the brain, no new seizure activity, lungs are good and my heart's okay. If it happens again they're upping the clexane dosage to make sure I don't develop a blood clot. 


    I think I heard some of the newer stuff through Spotify last week (I think). 



    Anyway, I get to sort out some baby stuff over the next 9 or so weeks, I'll be having baby in 10 weeks time :shocked:


    I have to ask... what's with the smileys? they look weird and they wouldn't work when I typed them in manually... 

  4. On 4/5/2018 at 2:52 PM, Oakie Doke said:

    Yesterday I discovered a new album and it's all I've been listening to on repeat since yesterday because I quite like it. It's called "No Place in Heaven" by some guy called Mika. Maybe you've heard of it, apparently it came out in 2015?  :dunno:


    I like your new house and garden Silver, and congrats on the upcoming new baby Tegan! :yay:


    You're a step ahead of me... I haven't listened to it at all :teehee:


    Cheers Bianca! Hope you're doing well... 



    Well I finished work a week early - On Sunday I passed out and was sick while we were travelling back from a highland gathering, was in a smaller hospital ER for a few hours and had to stay in said smaller town overnight cause the doctor was worried I'd get sick again on the way home... then the GP gave me the week off. So yeah... real fun here! 

  5. On 2/16/2018 at 9:53 AM, silver said:

    Sounds pretty hairy to me.  I hope they get the fires under control soon.


    Twas pretty hairy. They got it under control and out. The National Park is closed and will be for a few months cause they're worried about trees falling and trying to find injured animals. 


    I see the weather is pretty hairy over in England as well! Hope you're staying out of the snow! 

  6. On 2/12/2018 at 1:52 AM, silver said:

    That is worrying :shocked:  We sometimes get heath fires but nothing like the wildfires you experience.  Hope the wind keeps the fires away from town.


    Very worrying. The mountain fire would have to burn 15km (and most of town) before it gets to us, so I'm pretty sure we're safe.  It's also hit farmland and it's not burning there too well. 


    They've had planes and helicopters flying over and dumping water and this gel that stops fires from spreading, which seems to have helped. They've also been doing some backburning today so that's helped. According to the Fires Near Me app, the fire's being controlled at the moment but has burnt 1333 ha at this stage. The other fire is at a similar size and is also being controlled. They're hoping to get both under control before conditions worsen (they're thinking the next few days could be pretty bad). The town is pretty smoky but okay.    

  7. On 1/24/2018 at 8:52 AM, silver said:


    It's a big signature now though - could you use a smaller font?


    Yep, I'll edit it. 


    Does it look better now?


    Oooooh, guess what??? My brother and sister in law had their baby on Tuesday, they had a girl! :woot_jump:


    On 1/29/2018 at 9:04 AM, silver said:

    Hope people are surviving the hot weather OK :sweatdrop:


    The hot weather isn't the massive concern for us in the Citrus City, there's a bushfire out of town and it's moving east at the moment (over 700 hectares so far). The first is from my grandparents' place (opposite side of town to the fire), middle one is near the hospital (south side of town and a lot closer) and the third is near the Rural Fire Service building out of town and as close as I will get. There apparently have been some idiots driving along some of the roads for a look. The news were saying it was suspicious. RFS say weather could make the fire worse tomorrow. 


    There's another one about 10-15km in a sorta NE direction from me but cause the wind is blowing E-NE it's going in the opposite direction to town (this one was apparently a lightning strike, though that doesn't make it any better).  


    Here's the newspaper's link if you're curious: Central Western Daily





  8. On 1/22/2018 at 5:28 AM, silver said:


    The idea is to have it instead of the one in your signature.  However, I suggest you add "World Rep for Australia" to your signature, together with the link to your welcome message.


    I had to add mine to my signature because i already have the Mod team logo in my profile.


    Okies, will do. 


    Once I figure out how to edit the siggie... 


    EDIT: Nevermind, I worked it out. 


  9. On 12/31/2017 at 5:42 AM, silver said:

    Teegs - congrats :huglove: .  When is the baby due?


    15th of July. Chances are I'll be having another c section but we'll see how we go. We had the 12 week scan on Friday and bub looks pretty happy (he/she was kicking away). Sam was pretending to do the scan while the woman was doing it, it was pretty cute. 


    On 1/4/2018 at 8:22 AM, silver said:

    Also it doesn't seem worth starting a new thread for 2018 so I will just change the title of the current thread.


    I remember when there were pages of chat every day :tears:




    Yeah, prob not worth it. It's really sad it's died off so much but people have lives and have moved on from Mika. :sad:



    While I think of it, when did we get the world rep badges below our avatars? Have they been there for ages and I'm just really unobservant?

  10. On 12/27/2017 at 2:43 AM, silver said:


    If the 11 weeks go well, is there a prospect of more work like that?  Or is that not what you want to do?


    :yay: for the Christmas skirt, I don't think I could sew anything like that (I can just about manage hems and buttons).


    Hope you had a good Christmas, here it has just been cold and raining :sad: 


    The job is for up to 11 weeks, cause they've already advertised it for a permanent position and aren't culling applications/doing interviews till week 2/3. The principal said there could be day to day casual work there which will help. I only need it till the end of term 2 (end of June) anyways, as it'll be a bit hard to work when heavily pregnant/with a newborn :fisch: :wink2:  (anyone on FB might want to keep this to themselves cause I haven't told all the family yet)


    Buttonholes and any sewing where I need to sew straight is where I struggle... so basically most sewing :teehee:


    Christmas day was pretty good, though it got very cold and wet in the afternoon/night. I ended up changing into a pair of jeans and a jumper. 

  11. On 11/25/2017 at 11:03 PM, silver said:


    Sounds like you are running out of time :crossed:


    Yeah, I was a little bit. Managed to get the typing tests done before teaching finished and the other stuff finished by about the 14th. 



    I've had an interesting few days. I managed to agree to teaching some support and mainstream classes for first term next year, so 11 weeks. Luckily for me, the history and geography subjects  plus the STEM classes are all programmed so I just have to teach the topic. the Sport classes are dependent on whether it's a double or two single classes (if it's a double then the year group does everything together, if single classes then I have to do some modified games to practice fundamental movement skills). 


    I also sewed a Christmas skirt and finished it off within a few days. Considering I didn't want to do any sewing in the first place, I did pretty well. 



    And, yeah... that's about it I think. 


    If I don't hop on here before tomorrow, Merry Christmas! 


    Merry-Christmas2.jpg 211216presentsWP.jpg


  12. 11 hours ago, silver said:

    Hi Teegs :bye:


    I like having a house with a verandah, but I think we'll change the colour from black to something else - maybe a slate grey, or even blue. 


    Work still keeping you busy?


    Slate grey would look nice, the black stands out too much with such a light coloured building. 


    Yeah, keeping very busy. Only got 3 more weeks until the end of the school year then I'm off for 6 weeks. I'm also trying to get my Cert III stuff finished by the end of the year. The teaching year for them finishes on the 1st of December so I've got to get my typing speed tests done by then :shocked: One unit I haven't even started cause I haven't gotten the learner guide or assessment for it :shocked:

  13. On 10/23/2017 at 10:24 PM, Kelzy said:

    Hellooooooo beautiful people!! What up?! :mf_rosetinted: :huglove:









    :lmfao: Hey Melz! 


    So that's where Mika got his inspiration! :teehee:


    On 10/23/2017 at 10:25 PM, Kelzy said:

    Happy Birthday Teegs! :drinks_wine::happybday::rasta:


    On 10/23/2017 at 10:43 PM, silver said:

    Happy Birthday Teegs :hug:




    Thanks ladies! Twas a good day :biggrin2:


    On 10/23/2017 at 10:51 PM, silver said:


    Just moved house.  Everything is in a box or a muddle :aah:  About to buy a lot of (cheap) furniture, not much storage space in house.  But we have a huge gardenP1060522.thumb.JPG.f13236eb259c502ae37add8f23f3c4ac.JPG







    Nice looking place! Nice garden too! 


    On 10/23/2017 at 10:55 PM, silver said:

    And I'm not supposed to be here :bleh:


    Neither am I :fisch: There's only 3 yr 10 kids here, the rest are out prettifying themselves for their formal tonight... and it's just started pissing down with rain! :lmfao:


    On 11/5/2017 at 8:57 AM, silver said:

    I've rediscovered the Tasmanian wolf!




    Awww, pretty dogs! 


    6 hours ago, silver said:

    Hello Australia - is there anybody in? :wink2:


    Yep, gonna disappear in about 5 mins or so cause that's the end of the period and I get to leave early! :kachinga:

  14. On 9/22/2017 at 6:34 AM, silver said:

    Have added the images to the first post (hope I got them all in the right place).


    I ought to save them to a folder, as a backup.


    Cool thanks, I'll double check them to be sure. 


    And probably a good idea :teehee: 


    Anywho, best be off to bed. I only was planning a quick visit cause I've got stacks to do tomorrow (always the way during holidays... of course it doesn't hurt to do actual stuff rather than play video games :sneaky2: )

  15. Ah, okay then. Pretty sure I'll grab them off Photobucket and post them in here, so you can add them. 


    EDIT: Okay, here we go... the Mikamite jar is the logo, Mika Hut and Mikacard are fairly self explanatory, the goat is Beryl Geranium, the camel is Sparkles (not the same but it'll do), the pic of Mika with the cookie is the Subway one and the Keep Calm one is under the bit on Raffa. 




    beryl geranium.jpg




  16. 14 hours ago, silver said:

    Horrible news about all the animals killed - did they catch the dogs?


    I didn't realise Sam wasn't talking but it may be nothing to worry about.  One of my cousins didn't start talking until he was over two (we think he just couldn't be bothered :naughty: , as long as he was fed and played with he was happy).  But maybe wise to rule out any physical causes.


    We should be moving to our new house some time next month, still quite a bit of work to do on it though we have been quite lucky with finding plumbers, electricians, builders etc - they all seem to be having a bit of a lull atm.  However we need to crack on before the weather starts to deteriorate in the autumn.


    Apparently they did. The ranger followed one of them home. The owner wasn't co-operating at first so I believe they got the police involved, though I think they eventually surrendered them. They'll end up being put down, if they haven't already. 


    Yeah, I'm not too sure why he's not talking. The speech pathologist thought his understanding of language was behind where he should be (It could be receptive language issues, going by what I've read). We're still in the process of getting him assessed. The Paediatrician is apparently good with language issues, so we'll soon see how that goes.Sam's def happy as long as he has food and toys. At least his social skills are developing. 


    Oh, that's lucky! Sometimes is so hard to get tradies in to do stuff, you almost don't want to jinx it if they are able to come fairly quick. Hopefully the weather takes a while before it starts getting cold and miserable.




    Oh, and here's a pic of the t shirts I did. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out :biggrin2:



  17. On 8/10/2017 at 11:13 PM, silver said:


    Busy busy busy - looking after Mum/house/dogs, plus we are going to be moving soon to a bungalow in North Devon. We will get the keys in a few weeks, then we have to see what work needs doing before we can move in.


    Sounds very busy! Been a bit busy here too. 


    On 9/3/2017 at 9:53 PM, silver said:

    So - have you finished finding all the politicians with dual nationality? :naughty:


    Far as I can tell, it's still ongoing with a few. 


    I'm still trying to work out how some of them didn't know they were dual nationals :facepalm: 



    So, I've been working pretty hard - working as a teacher's aide (the department calls them School Learning Support Officers, or SLSOs - they love their acronyms! :teehee: ). The school hasn't had a good few days, the indigenous girl's group room got broken into over the weekend and they broke the big tv and stole a stereo and a laptop, then this morning two dogs got into the Ag farm and killed about 20 sheep, plus an adult alpaca and the baby :sad: . 


    I've been also helping with some stuff for mum as she's running for the local council, plus Mayor (we get to vote for Mayor, who will stay in for 4 years rather than the councillors voting every year). It's been a bit of a s**t fight, the current councillors are acting like children, including one that couldn't fill in the form correctly and got excluded because he left handing the form in till the last minute and didn't have time to fix it (he had a hissy fit and went to a solicitor, then the electoral commission allowed him in so they had to redraw  for the form). I just printed out some iron on stuff for t shirts for Zoe, Britt and I to wear, so I'll have to take a pic to share. 


    What else... I've got a few appointments sorted out for Sam so we work out why he's not talking. So we're testing his hearing again, having a follow up with the speech pathologist and a visit to the Paediatrician. 


    We've also got a few day and overnight trips coming up, so flat out! 

  18. On 8/8/2017 at 7:39 AM, silver said:

    Just been reading about the boy who had his feet chewed by bugs in the sea :shocked:


    Only in Australia! :naughty:


    Oh yeah, that was pretty gross! I'm pleased I haven't been eaten like that! :shocked: 


    How have you been?


    On 8/8/2017 at 7:58 AM, crazyaboutmika said:

    Bugs with teeth :jawdrop: 


    Microscopic bugs with teeth! :shocked:


    I think someone said they were fleas or something. Either way, it's not something that they usually do. 

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  19. On 7/8/2017 at 0:17 AM, dcdeb said:

    Just a little update: As I already mentioned the other day, I sent a small basket of flowers to David's funeral yesterday on behalf of the MFC. I ended up sending an arrangement of multi-colored flowers -- I thought that was more appropriate from the MFC than something in muted colors or white.


    I have also sent a donation of £200 to St. Benedict's Hospice in David's memory on behalf of the fan club, in addition to a card to his mother expressing our sympathy.


    I hope all of that is OK with everyone.


    Thank you so much for organising it all Deb :huglove:  


    On 7/8/2017 at 0:55 AM, QueenElisaII said:

    I have been told that Mika sent flowers and a lovely message to David yesterday... If I have any further info I'll let you know. 


    :tears: How lovely of Mika :wub2:

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  20. Damn it, I lost my quotes! :sneaky2:


    Anyways, just wanted to say a few things: 


    Rose: :tears::huglove:

    Anne: Def think the book is a good idea. I know Angel's parents were appreciative of the book when I sent it, I bet David's family will be too. 

    Deb: I'm happy to go with whatever everyone else wants to do re: money (which seems to be going with donation/flowers). Also, I'm glad Mika knows.No doubt he appreciates that someone told him the news. 



    Also, Mika: :huglove: 

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