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Posts posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. communism is when the government takes everything and distributes it between everybody equally and gives everyone the same wage and they all live in communes together. like i said it works in theory. but when they get 10 pesos a month the equivilent to about £6, its just terrible. and they tradewith rich countries too.

  2. my mums a historian and wouldnt shut up about communism all the time, so i know why. communism works in theory, but not in practice. philip is great! hes been abit quiet since saje banned him from the bar. poor philip.the world just isnt ready for nose fondling salmon with cupcake fettishes.

  3. yeah, I've got the whole moving thing going on. (au pair NZ, you know?) Lots to do, so little time. :blink: And I spend waay too much time on here than I can afford :roftl:


    how's it been coming home then? :D





    Cuba? Wow that's an interesting country! What did you do there?


    I don't know.. you prob have to.. but please try? I'd love to hear it :D

    it was great, but it really makes you realise how poor the people are. i get had-me-down clothes through 4 other kids and i still felt way too well dressed! it was terrible. communism, ay?


    ooh i see.. how's he doing in there? :fisch:




    unfortunately.. :thumbdown:


    :biggrin2: x x


    badly, he keeps having relapses. he's addicted to purple cadyfloss and is very fond of fluffy puffing, you know? shame its a class a drug here.....

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