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Posts posted by 1kiwiabroad

  1. lol.. if ya say so :fisch:


    aaw.. its ok, i'm sure you'll pass other subjects.. like.. err.. mm.. or .. no.. maybe not.. hmm good luck :)


    i wish i could draw him too :) but he's so beautiful that i know if i drew him i;d just make him look butters, so i'll avoid that :naughty:


    my whole art class REALLY want to draw a nudist, but my school won't allow it and i'm worried about what my reaction would be if i had to draw him :roftl: i think i'd be to busy staring to draw


    lol, at a level at my school we do that. but hes a 86 year old war veteran. uhhhhhgggg

  2. seriously? wow i knew less sleep shortens your life but i didn't know lots of sleep would too :blink: thats weird.. but i think i'm alrite, to get my decent amount of sleep so i don't get tired, i'll sleep between 9-10 hours, sherry manages to stay awake for the whole day with just 2 hours of sleep :blink: lol.. don't know how she manages


    well, you see ill never know, cos i literally never get tired - just mentally tired. so even if im really at the point of death i wont know till i die cos im perminantly hyperactive! hahaha.....great now, but ill probs look 80 at 16

  3. its all a lie :naughty: its just cos its so addictive here i'll stay up late thinking oh whatever i'll get up, but then when the alarm goes off i can't get up.. wow 3 hours!? maddd.. lol.. i get at least 6 i think? lol


    yes.. i am mad.. maths.. ict.. what was i thinking? buttt i did get a B in my AS level maths (4 marks off an A grrrr) and an A in ICT so its not too bad.. but hey there are worst people out there doing CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS BIOLOGY AND MATHS!! now thats madness :)


    god! i may have to do that if i wanna take medicine - and i suck at maths! in south east asia, women dont need to learn to be a wife, so i wasnt taught anything good till i was 11...i was pretty much home schooled.grr...ill pay for it. i should sleep more, but i cant! ill pay for that too later on!

    well done! a B is amazing at AS!and an A even better!

  4. yeah i did - history. and then latin and music in yr 10! NOT fun! and youre supposed to sleep, youre only a youngling! under 7 hours shortens you life. over 11 does too....you cant win! and everything has to be perfect with me. other wise i get restless and cant sleep anyway, so id rather spend that time getting peace of mind!

  5. Okay if i was to be with Mika in a dessert island I would first of all hug him an give him a big kiss and tell him how much I love him and how amazing he is and then I would ask him to be my boyfriend :D and if he said yes il be so happy and if he said no, il tell him its just the 2 of us , nobody is here pleaseee mika !! and then il flirt a lot with him and talk about his childhood I really want to know what realy happend because Im so a like with him I probably make him to eat and help him write songs :D


    aww...that IS really sweet! i would make him eat too....he has NO ASS! (oops....im a hypocrite extreme!...oh well...) youre like mika? share the story!

  6. yeah art takes up sooo much time its unbelievable, for all my books i literally had to rush them on the last day of giving them in :blink: and yet i never learn from my lesson.. but its still fun i guess :) lol.. or am i just weird :fisch:


    hahaha...mee too! im reallly annoyed, cos my ma doesnt understand that i HAVE to do well, and she just says im only allowed to do a certain amount.....and my art teachers convinced i have OCD cos everything has to be perfect before ill hand it in and i have to work under pressure all the time - its not my fault my imagination only works when im really stressed out!

  7. HAHA :roftl: no, I never did... but next time I'll hear SITM I will probably giggle a bit at that part :wink2:


    Imagine if he would sing that

    *visualizes the shorts.... and the shorter shorts*



    (ps: jihaa, finally, my 100 post!)


    lol....just me then! i ALWAYS giggle at that line......hehehehe

  8. haha....well, iwas foolish enough to take art gcse, so i spent ht ewhole weekend - and i mean all of it, i didnt even stop to eat!- catching up cos i didnt have the summer to do it like everone else! but ive already dont 3 gcses so at least im used the them now! do you know what youre gonna take as options?

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