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Posts posted by lilmot

  1. Yes, I'm afraid it is truly the end of an era, the penguin is now going somewhere Mika can't find it, heh heh.

    At least now he'll call me by my proper name, now he finally got around to asking what it is, ha ha. And if he forgets I can remind him by showing hm what he wrote on the flag;-).


    That was very cool, what he wrote on the flag. And I bet he might even remember it now!!! And, I love your pic with Andy. :mf_lustslow:

  2. I’ve really enjoyed reading all the posts in this thread…the good, the bad, the ugly, the sad and the happy. Thank you all for sharing. The only thing that got me down were the people who felt only the “happy” posts should be here. I don’t understand that at all. I felt many of the posts where the posters seem to have some valid complaints also seem to have the most appreciation for Mika and what he did for his fans. And they seemed honest, they were thought provoking, and they didn’t go on and on and on…..so it really annoyed me to keep seeing posts where people were telling other people what they should be feeling or posting.


    A special thanks to scg and sariflor for finishing their discussion like adults and for not taking it to PMs. I know it wasn’t my place to be involved at all….but I can’t help feeling satisfied (and a bit “schooled”) to see the end result. It is probably a lesson I need to be schooled in, so I did appreciate it too.


    Suzy :wub2: :wub2: (sorry can't help it)


    and Rak1 :wub2: :wub2: penguin love to you! thanks for all of your reports (is the penguin really retiring?) :tears: coz then it is a true end of an era

  3. pics please??

    Mine is this one, but bear in mind that it looks quite different on him, LOL!


    This is a bad shot of the Tshirt squished on the bed:




    I think it is a GREAT Tshirt. No wonder Mika loves it and wears it all the time. Wow, good job, Sariflor. And thanks for sharing your story too. It was very nice. :wub2:

  4. I miss you guys!!!! Lilmot !

    Damango! Ritchie and I are going to Seattle to go to Elliot books in a month or so! would you like to go for Supper or something? maybe we all can go out Dancing with some more Seattle peeps! I miss all of you and I will send out your prezzies once I get paid



    would any like a poster of some mika shots I took?


    Our work does poster size photos!


    I would love to make one for any ofyou!


    Pick one I have posted and i will send away to get them made!


    love Suzanne...The Canadian who knows no borders!


    Hi Suzanne....let me know when you are coming to Seattle. I love Elliott Books...but I haven't been there in a long long time. I miss all of the MFCers we met too. It was so wonderful to finally meet so many people.


    Are you serious about the poster? The ones I love the best are the angel of light pics. That, or the Purple Any Other World. Your pics were amazing. The Seattle concert was so special to me, even with some of the pushing, hot crowd. There are so many things that I can not stop thinking about. I love to look at the pics and the videos again. <sigh>


    I think this is my favorite pic


    Angel of light......:wub2: :wub2:



    :wub2: :wub2:


  5. I officially love that boy so much. We waited around outside for him after and it was so worth the four seconds that I spoke to him for. My best friend is hellishly annoyed, had to pay £50 for a cab back to East London because all the stations were closed, but I couldn't care less. It was actually amazing.


    My favourite picture of the night, methinks, although I'll have to go through them properly tomorrow:




    THank you!!! :mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:

  6. Hiya Elanorelle.


    OK, Abby has sorted the red eye on Wendi's Mika pic so I will post it. I dare not post the other one, as I got into trouble for taking it but it is very nice so if anyone wants to pm me I will send them it :roftl:


    Thanks for sharing the photo. It is so precious. :wub2:


    I had some fun with Andy .... and Rose! Andy confirming that ROSE IS ALWAYS his Valentine! so sweet!:wink2: She was very happy.


    Ohhhhhh, I'm so happy to hear this! LOL, I guess I've been reading the wrong thread. To get the gig news that I wanted to hear....I needed to come here and not the gig reports thread. :naughty:

  7. To start, it was great to meet Pooh and Gary, wish I could have met you before the show.

    Got to the chaos that was the queue, and we managed to the front again on Mikeys side, despite being quite far back in the queue. The bonus of having no bags!

    Yelle was fanastic, she gets better every time and tonight the crowd loved her, everyone was bouncing to her music. Andy was in the gap between the barrier and the stage dancing like a madman, security told him to sit down! I think he quite likes Yelle too, ha ha.

    Iceman came out with Andy for Mikas set, Andy was filming most of the show tonight.

    Tonights show, blew last nights away, as Mika seemed to have rested well and was really up for it tonight.

    At one point he said "are there any critics in the house tonight" I think that was a dig at the Evening Standard who didn't give him a good review for last nights show, idiots!

    He then went on to thank everyone for their support over the last 18 months again.

    Every song tonight was amazing, but Lollipop was outstanding for the simpke reason that Jo Whiley and her son were dressed as animals!

    For those not in the know, Jo is one of Mikas biggest supporters on R1, it was her house Mika went to for his Live Lounge perfomance before Christmas.

    I'm only mentioning this because she is also one of my heros, and I finally got to meet her afterwards, quite by chance in a back alley at the side of the venue. I cannot tell you how happy I was, still chuffed about it now. She was incredibly nice and even said she liked my costume! I was ecstatic, my hero liked my costume! I think I bored everyone ridgid going on about it forr the rest of the night.LOL!

    But I don't care, I may not have got to do the random question with Mika, which did tick me off a bit, but at least I talked to Jo, which was amazing.

    Did talk quickly to Martin, Sara and Cherisse, who actually approached me while I was chatting to Sara, which surprised me a bit.And had a bit of a conversation with Luke, which is always a pleasure, he is so nice to talk to.


    Debs if you think of anything by Thursday for me to ask Luke, feel free to text, and I'll do what I can to ask him for you. He has such a cute smile, hard not t o talk to him.

    Don't worry Luke lovers, Andy and me are still pretty tight;-)

    The whole Jo Whiley thing was a complete shock. All the times I've been to Glastonbury in the hope of bumping into her (no I'm not a stalker, I go for the bands too.LOL!), and to meet her like that, and BIG thanks to Carri for that, she spotted her first, love you for that Carri ;-)


    Thanks, Rose, for the reports. It is always nice to hear from you. I am glad that you got to meet Jo Whiley! Sounds like it was a great gig tonight!

  8. Any Other World now uploaded






    Laurel, Thank you for the great reports and for the videos. Any Other World is definitely my favorite of all time.....and this performance is amazing. It made me cry. I will never forget seeing him perform this song live in Seattle. It was a truly wonderful performance there too. Although there are many similarities in his performances I always notice the differences and I am amazed at how the subtle differences can be so unique and so beautiful. He is an amazing performer. :wub2: :wub2: :wub2: I am always amazed that someone who is so talented at song-writing is also so talented at performing. Well, enough said. :blush-anim-cl: ...thanks again for sharing.... :wub2:

  9. If that went unnoticed, the scene where Mika and his band dressed in teddy bear and bunny costumes and simulated chicken behind a screen probably did require some awkward explanations from parents on the way home.


    :lmfao: Like AMP said...they read the forum!:naughty:


    Yeah, dcdeb.....make me open up the link to see who quoting "chicken" now. And, my hunch was correct. :naughty: :naughty:

  10. I'm remembering it all in bits, so forgive me if its not in sync.


    Billy Brown


    Mika: "Are there any critics in the house?"

    We all shouted yesss!


    Mika: "Well actually I don't care!"


    Ok.... We all laughed at that and my thoughts immediately went to JackViolets post about repeating soundbites etc- his introduction to BB was simply: here's Billy Brown:roftl:



    :shocked::naughty: :naughty: My favorite post so far. Thanks for that! :roftl:

  11. Oh Mana....I have a present for you!!!!! :wink2:




    Download complete. YAY! That is a great clip. But did you see that one Lollipop Girl? You know the one....that was "over-the-top" hitting the balloons back to the audience. I could have sworn that was a Lollipop_Monkey *pretending* to be a LG. :naughty: :naughty: Naughty, Naughty....if only Mika knew. :bleh:


    Great performance, Mana. Thanks for the video, Rani. :wub2:

  12. We're here.

    That is, me, Vicky, Kath, Abby and Joana.

    We are about 50th in the queue, so we're looking good.

    The penguin is on!


    Christine just sent me a photo message on my phone of Kata and sariflor with donuts in their mouths...:roftl: I wish I could figure out how to post it here (but I'm working at the moment...).


    Oh, I am sooooooo excited for everyone and so happy that we are getting live updates. It is time for me to go to work, which means by the time I come home this thread will be quadrupled in size huh? (Maybe I will have to sneak on at work)


  13. Molly!!!!!!!:) hey!!!!howya doing?????


    Hi Suzanne! I am great, considering I am recovering from bronchitis. Sometimes I am still on a Mika high....sometimes I suffer from a bit of Mika withdrawal.....It is all a bit of a rollercoaster...but all in all I will survive.


    It is nice to keep in touch with everyone. Not looking forward to Monday morning and work that I am way behind on. Then again, I am looking forward to the gig reviews that should be coming in by the time I get home from work. :wub2: :wub2:

  14. Ok....FINALLY, here is a link to download Holy Johnny featuring Greg Wells on washboard! :naughty: It's a very big file (297mb :shocked: ), so it may take a long time to download. I will try to compress it later, but for now, here it is in it's original glory! The first part is the end of Billy Brown, then the go right into Holy Johnny (and a little washboard lesson from Mika :) ). Enjoy!




    Holy Johnny :shocked: :shocked: That is a big file. One hour later and I'm only 35% done. BUT, I am sure it will be worth it. :blush-anim-cl: I am having some serious withdrawal symptoms. I'm happy for our friends across the pond that they have some upcoming gigs very very soon. I will be in those gig review threads waiting for any news I can get.


    Thank you, Rani. Can't wait until the download is finished!!!

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