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Posts posted by lilmot

  1. I could make an exception and make this a random question if you like.


    I would like to know if he got to meet Mika too. Then again, I bet you already have some great questions lined up. I hope someone will be getting a picture of the wrinkled nose when the questions are asked?

  2. This is my first post here other than thanking the moderator for the warm welcome.


    I think all of you here know more about Mika than I do as I only heard his music & instantly became a fan last June.


    I have watched every vid & every article about Mika that I can get my hands on. Finding the Mika Fan Club here has really given me more exposure & more information about this Very talented songwriter, performer, artist & singer.

    Mika is a showman through and through!


    I think some or a lot of you will Blast me for what I am about to say though.


    From every interview that I have read & watched I am certain ( IMO ) that Mika does not really care about awards. He has certainly stated many times that he does not do what he does for that kind of attention & reward.

    So I was surprised that so many of the diehard fans here were saying how they thought Mika was upset & disappointed at not winning in the other three categories. Could you be projecting our own disappointment on him?

    I was disappointed too. But I still don't think he was or that he showed any kind of disappointment.


    I also don't understand where a few of the Great fans here think Mika was drunk or had been tipsy at the Capitaol One interview.

    Mika looked & sounded like the fungoing & mischevious tike that he is always seems to be in his interviews plus he is probably on medication.


    I realize that this is not a good way to start my interacting here having joined about ten days ago & spent all my time here reading your Wonderful & Insightful posts with So much Incredible information & tales of meeting Mika in person.


    All of you are truly Amazing!

    Babspanky your vids are Excellent!

    Rak1 I was Happy to read that your valentine wishes were well received by Luke!

    Dcedb I Love the way you skillfully moderate everything here & your Terrific additions!

    Lollipop_monkey your narration of your time at the Vancouver concert & your meeting with Mika was Beathtaking! I felt like I was there!Writing should definitely be in your career or future if you have the passion because you cerrtainly have the skill.

    I know I am missing a Lot of other fans here but just trying to read the posts as quickly as they are posted is a lot to take in.


    I know I am biased but I think Mika's performance was the Hit of the night!

    I think the exposure & nominations & the one win will attract a lot more fans.

    Mika suffering bronchitis while performing as well as he did truly says a lot about the man!

    The theatre set was Dazzling & to me So was Mika!!

    Mika's acceptance speech was Gracious, humble and all inclusive as the man is himself.


    Mika Rocks!


    Kudos Mika!!


    Kudos to you Kodes100 for a brilliant first post, and Welcome.


    Now, down to the important things.....Luke Luke??? :shocked: OMG who is going to tell Andy that he apparently has some competition? :naughty: :naughty:

  3. Well, that's when BBCAmerica aired the show last year :(


    I don't see it on their schedule at all yet, and it goes up to about

    24 March, I think.




    You don't get CBC? We get it here on our cable and so I will get to watch them on the 21st at 8pm also. I'm sure I will be seeing it on YouTube before that though! :naughty:

  4. I did the same :blush-anim-cl:


    Love your voice, and with or without Mika I wanna hear you at least once live with big letters announcing your name on the venue :wub2:


    Yes yes yes, I so agree with you about DaMango. I was so lucky that she rode with me from Seattle to Vancouver to keep me company. There were two parts of that trip....the was the Mika portion (listening to LICM) and then there was the Prince portion (listening to Prince Ultimate). The second half was a big longer since we did get stuck in traffic. :naughty: However, we both love Prince also. Every once in awhile Rani graced me by singing along and her voice was so clear and beautiful. It always surprised me since I am not used to just hanging around people who have such a beautiful and well-trained voices. I wouldn't have mind if she would have sang the whole trip! :wub2:


    It turned into a very long journey with all the traffic problems and thank goodness Rani was there to keep me company! Yes, it was an extraordinary two days.....so many things that I will never forget! :thumb_yello:

  5. This thread is wonderful and I have really enjoyed reading everyone's reviews. The Vancouver concert was so very amazing and I get to re-live it everytime I read a post by one of you. I will probably write more about Vancouver later....but I do have to say one thing now.


    I LOVED meeting all the MFCrs in Vancouver. There were so many wonderful people I met. I know I will probably forget to name everyone...but here goes. I met Elanorelle in Seattle. In Canada I met Stormy Weather (thanks for the gift, it is wonderful), CanuckChick, Bookwurm, CalicoJasmine, and of course Standard Toaster and Lollipop_Monkey! (I am forgetting someone...I know it!) Standing in line and chatting with everyone before and after the show was wonderful. And thanks to John (LM and Standard Toaster) for the coffee. It was so great to be able to sit down and share experiences from the show (and LM had quite a few good ones to share!!!!) I wish that DaMango and I would have made it to the dinner. Once we crossed the border it took us another 3 1/2 hours to get to Vancouver! It was horrible traffic and we did not expect it. Hopefully there will be another time to meet again. You are all such fun, happy, wonderful people (no wonder you all like Mika, huh?) I miss you :blush-anim-cl: Thanks for being so friendly and hope this thread just keeps going......:wub2: :wub2:


    edit: Wow, my 1000th post was telling the Canadian MFCers how much I love them!! Perfect.

  6. I was sooo bummed. I brought my camera with me but decided to read the ticketmaster ticket before I went into the show. The ticket said that at most venues, camera's are not allowed. I didn't want to get to the front of the line and have bag check people tell me that I couldn't bring it in, so I left it in the car. When I saw that everyone had their camera's out, I was bummed. Oh well, there WILL be next time. I will definately make sure that I go. :biggrin2:


    I know....I was worried about that also, but decided to take the chance. Then they didn't even search the bags at all, it seems. My concert pics are few and very poor quality. Wildsong posted some good ones and I found some other ones on the internet. I will be glad to see Elanorelle's also.

  7. Thanks for the answer Lilmot.

    Wish I could have had my 20 seconds. As it was, I didn't get home until about 2:30am, and of course was still revved up with all the music still running through my head and couldn't fall asleep right away. I was a zombie at work the next day. :boxed:

    But I would do it ALL again! :thumb_yello:


    You're welcome. I couldn't sleep either. I went to bed around 2:30am and just watched the clock until around 4:15am. Finally fell asleep. I didn't have to go to work the next day...but I woke up around 7:30am anyway. :blink:

    But yes, I would do it ALL again too. :thumb_yello:

  8. I was at his show in Seattle. A perk for being over 21, was that we were let into the bar before the doors opened. They opened up the doors to the bar before the main doors so my friend and I got an excellent spot (center, 1-2 people back).


    His intro for "Lollipop" with the shadow show = priceless. Especially since it was an all ages show. I had an amazing time and can't wait to see him live again! I guess I'll just have to watch my dvd over and over until then.


    Hi Margsy....welcome to the MFC! I was at the Seattle concert too and had a wonderful time. I'm glad you had such a good spot. Did you happen to take any good photos? I can't wait until I see him again too. I guess until then I will just have to feed my addiction by hanging out at the MFC (it is rather addicting around here). :welcomeani: Enjoy!

  9. I have a question...

    For those of you that stayed after to meet Mika.

    How long did you have to wait before he came out?


    I had to drive back to Portland and then work the next morning. I had wanted to wait but knew I really had to hit the road in case it took a long time. I can only hope that chance will arise again!


    I'm going to say that it took about one hour before we saw him. I wasn't really paying too much attention to the time though. I think there were about 20 or so people waiting. It was really nice and yet his manager made sure that you only had about 20 seconds or less to say something or ask for an autograph. If Mika started to talk to you then you got in trouble for "engaging the singer in a conversation". I do hope you will get a chance to see Mika again and talk to him too. It was very nice to meet you and thanks again for the good pics.

  10. OK.


    Then it was time for Mika to come on. I hadn't read anyones reports and hadn't watched any youtube video's of his concerts, because I had wanted to keep it all a surprise, so I had no clue what was happening at the concert.


    The lights dimmed, and to my surprise, the big blue round thing in the middle of the stage popped, and I watched a beautiful angel dance.


    At this point, I don't even know what it was I was feeling, but I guess it was the disbelief that I was going to be watching Mika on stage Live. No more videos or pictures of him on the screen, this was going to be the real thing... :shocked: I was sooooooo nervous.


    And then the music started for Relax... we all went crazy. I couldn't believe it was happening. So he was standing there, on the stage, and we couldn't really see him. And then when he started singing, some lights came on behind him, and we could see his silhouette. And he was just standing there, singing, and then when he started to sing "relax, take it easy..." the lights came on, he started dancing around, and I got my first look at him in the real-lifeness that was on stage, and it felt so unreal, like I was just watching another video of him, except not, because he was there, up on the stage, with his beautiful hair and his movements, and his face!!! OMG OMG OMG. It's been two days, and I'm still all spazzy. At one point he did this crazy yell, and everyone went crazy, and we all started singing along with him.

    So much energy...


    You said that so perfectly.....it sent shivers down my spine. It felt exactly like that to me too. Thank you....can't wait to hear more of your reports!

  11. OK, I think I'm finally ready to get my review out. I can't believe it has been 3 days since the show already. In some ways it feels like it happened forever ago. A lot has already been reported, so I'll try not to repeat too much.


    When I got to the line before the show, Suzanne was being interviewed by Andy. I felt bad, because I didn't fully realize what was going on, and I started waving to her yelling "Suzanne! Suzanne! It's me, DaMango!" But she was busy, so I felt like an idiot. :naughty: At one point, Andy turned the camera on me, and I gave a cheesy smile and a wave. After he was done filming, I introduced myself to him, and told him that Mika should stick around in Seattle for a while. Andy turned the camera back on and asked where I would suggest he hang out. I told him about my favorite bar, Bleu Bistro, because it had a ginormous drink menu and amazing food. He asked me what some of the drinks were, and I got a bit shy, because most of them had very naughty names. The only ones I could think of were the Kentucky Handjob, and the Rusty Bitch. So yeah, now Mika has me on film saying handjob. I'm awesome.


    The venue was hot, crowded, and some people were very rude. That didn't stop me from enjoying the show, which was fantabulous. I hadn't been watching youtube vids from the previous shows because I wanted to be surprised. I'm glad that I waited, because his new show is better than the one I saw last June! My favorite video was of my favorite song, SITM, with the incredibly funky extended jam. Delicious! It reminded me of something Prince does at his concerts, so I was delighted. Of course. :wink2:


    I also have to mention this one thing: Saranayde is seeexxxxyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Holy cow, that woman adds so much to the performance! She has a beautiful voice, and her sensuality and energy gave Mika's show a sassy kick in the pants! I don't know how long she'll be performing with him, but her presence certainly made an impact on this last tour. :punk:


    After the show, lilmot and I waited by the stage door for a chance to see Mika. I was becoming more and more annoyed with some of the other people who were waiting, because they were very loud and obnoxious. I was worried that their antics would ruin it for everyone. I was especially upset when some of the kids were acting like wild animals when Mika's mother had so kindly brought us donuts. They didn't know she was his mother, and when I told them, they looked embarrassed. (Rightfully they should.) It was wonderful to talk to her though. I told her that I had spoken to her briefly in LA last June, and that my sister said hello. Her smile was sweeter than the donut I held in my hand. Love her! I also spoke to Yasmine, and once again, the folks around me were clueless. After she walked away, I told them she was Mika's sister, and they looked at me like I was from another planet. They asked how I knew his mom and sister and I replied, "Oh, I've met them before." That was true, but the truth of the matter is, any REAL Mika fan would have known who they were from a mile away! LOL!


    Ok, so now for the best part. Security made us get in a single file line near the tour bus. I saw Andy, and ran up to him. We chatted for a bit, and I told him that I had been waiting a loooonnnng time to get Mika's autograph. He said "Tonight's the night!" and laughed. Then, Mika walked out, all bundled in his cozy jacket, and looking a bit exhausted. All the girly girls let out an "awww...." when they saw him (and I think I did too). John told us there would be no posed pictures, and that we could talk to Mika, but he could not respond. He had to save his voice for the next gig. I quickly thought of what I wanted to say, so that Mika wouldn't have to say anything back to me. When it was my turn, I was taken aback by 2 things. One: Mika's eyes are the warmest shade of brown that I have ever seen. I was truly amazed at the color, because I have only seen it a few times in my life. Two: Mika looks larger than life on stage, but standing before me, he looked so fragile, like a strong gust of wind would blow him away.


    After taking that in, I marched up to him, stuck out my hand and said "Hello, my name is Rani Weatherby." One of my regrets about meeting him last year was that I did not even tell him my name, so I made a point of properly introducing myself. He seemed a little surprised by my gesture, but he slowly reached out, shook my hand and said, "Hello." His hand was surprisingly soft. I then handed him my Japanese version of LICM to sign, because I have absolutely no idea where my other copy is. Haha!! I told him that I saw him LA last June and he asked, "Which show?"


    ME: "The Avalon."


    MIKA: "How did you like it?"


    ME: "It was great, but tonight was even better, you've grown so much much as a performer. I'm a musician and..."


    MIKA: "Are you a singer?"


    ME: "Yes, in fact...."


    Mika started to say something, but suddenly John cut him off and said, "No engaging the singer in conversation. He has a show tomorrow night." Security bellowed, "Keep it moving!"


    I felt like a child who had been chastised, so I scampered away feeling a little embarrassed. I didn't mean to engage him in conversation. In fact, HE was the one asking the questions. I had been so flustered that I completely forgot to give him the shirt I had for him. (Pics here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=418460&postcount=3176)


    The shirt was rolled into a neat little package, tied with ribbon, with a card attached that explained what it was all about. I ran up to John and asked if I could give it to Mika. He took it from me, and said he would make sure that Mika got it.


    Lilmot and I walked back to the car feeling thrilled, exhausted, and excited about our next Mika adventure. We were disappointed that the meet'n'greet was so rushed, but we were hopeful that we would have another chance to talk to him in Vancouver. This story is not over! The next installment will be in the Vancouver thread. Stay tuned!


    DaMango....this is such a great review. I was right there with you....and yet it is so great to hear about it from your point of view. DaMango really made my night more special. I might not even of stayed and met Mika if it hadn't been for DaMango. She was a great concert companion and I had so much fun with her. :wub2:

  12. <sigh> today I am re-living my Seattle Mika memories. I read through the thread again and I just want to say how much it means to me that the MFC is such a supportive WONDERFUL group of people. It really makes a world of difference to have all of you to relate to......thanks again.



    We want you in London! :punk:

    I would soooooooooooo love to come to London and meet all of you MFCers. Wow, that would be a dream come true. We WOULD have a queue party then!!!!


    Aww...lilmot...I am sooooo absolutely, sincerely, so touched and thrilled for you. Really I am. Finally....this happened for you... :wub2:


    Thanks, Suzy. It really means a lot to me.....you are so supportive of everyone here. The MFC is lucky to have you! Hope I can meet you one day.


    Glad that you had such a great time and that you've met Mika!



    Love your report Lilmot


    Aww you gave some to him :wub2: Thank you.

    I can so see his confused face when he said "the netherlands" :naughty:


    awwww that is so sweet :wub2:


    Starrats....the badges were such a big hit. I passed them out to the first 30 people in line or so. They LOVED them and it made them all feel so special to have a Seattle Mika souvenir badge. It was great telling Mika about you...and your are right about his confused face. I really didn't give him time to process things....because I was trying to hurry up. He really looked impressed with them and amazed that someone in the Netherlands designed badges for Seattle.


    Just been reading Molly's report and sat here giggling to myself.


    But im glad you enjoyed it :)

    Shame about the restrictions afterwards, i do find all that lot a bit silly but hey ho.

    And I was so PROUD to wear my pink monkey shoelaces from PinkUnicorn123. They made me giggle too.


    Doughnuts? You got doughnuts, too? What are they trying to do -- fatten

    us all up?


    And lilmot, how great that you passed on the message that way!


    Awww... Are you kidding? I was the lucky one to GET the phone calls

    and texts! Made my night! Thank YOU!


    And I'm so so so glad that you had such a positive experience. Sorry

    that Mika couldn't talk more -- I'm sure he would have liked to. But

    you have tonight as well, right? So excited and happy for you!




    And I got to share the Seattle concert with Deb via my phone. That was fun for me. Poor her though, having to hear my severly untrained voice yelling out the lyrics.



    AHAHAHA Molly that is like me at concerts too! The mum.



    I really did enjoy the queue at this one. Not sure I would ever do it again, but it was a fun one!



    Yay!!! Thank you so much Lilmot for posting that pic of us! It's on my MySpace.


    You are sooooo welcome. It is a great pic. Awwww....Seattle was such a mob of people and my first Mika concert. I will never forget it.....so many memories of the whole night! :wub2:

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