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Posts posted by lollipop_monkey

  1. Okay this is sort of along the same lines..


    Me and a friend of mine were debating the meaning of a verse in Billy Brown.


    You know the bit that goes:


    "Oh Billy Brown needed a place, somewhere to go

    He found an island of the coast of Mexico

    Leaving his lover and his family behind,

    Billy Brown needed to find some peace of mind.


    And on his journey, in his travels on the way

    He met a girlie who was brave enough to say

    When they made love he shared the burden of his mind

    Oh, Billy Brown you are a victim of the times!"


    So I interpreted that to mean that Billy meets a girl on this island, gets involved with her, they sleep together, and he tells her about his ordeal -y'know, being torn between his wife and his gay lover.


    My friend thinks that Billy and this girl on the island have a purely platonic relationship, and they sit around drinkning lattes or something. He thinks the "when they made love" line refers to when Billy made love with his lover back home, and he's simply referring to that when discussing his situation with this girl he met, on a completely friends-only level.


    What do you guys think?





    god i hope he comes to edmonton!!!! but i would still drive to calgary or anywhere in alberta for that matter!!!


    Another MFCer in Alberta? I was starting to think I was the only one in the entire province! *high five* Oh, and my name is Amanda, too - what a koinky-dink!

  3. Holy Johnny (and sisters), I have a confession to make!


    My desire to see our Lord perform live has intensified! See, I'm getting a bonus at work in August, and the responsible thing to do would be to invest it or pay extra on my student loans, or something.:bleh:


    But, hearing that our dear Mika might announce some new North American tour dates makes me very tempted to take said bonus and use it to travel to a performance! He's not going to be anywhere near me, I'm sure of it, so I'm looking at a 4 - 6 hour plane ride.My fiance is on board with this idea! Does that make me a bad person, Holy Johnny? Should I be responsible and add some offshore blue chip stocks to my investment portfolio :roftl: , or say screw it and go see the great Mika...?

  4. So my thought of the day is...


    How do airlines calculate fare prices?


    See, I'm clinically obsessed with Mika, and have become fixated on the idea of seeing him live before the year is over. When I heard he might be doing some dates in the Eastern US in September, I started pricing out the cost of flights.


    Now apparently, it's cheaper for me to fly from Calgary, Canada to Miami, Florida or Atlanta, Georgia (in the United States) than it is to fly to Toronto or Montreal in Canada. That seems so strange to me!


    In case anyone needs some brushing up on North American geography, here's a map:




    I live basically at the "T" in "ALTA" on the top left corner. Toronto is on the right, above NY. Way south of that are FL (Florida) and GA (Georgia).


    So why the heck is it cheaper to fly to Florida than Toronto? Airlines perplex me :roftl:

  5. :naughty: You know it's not *that* crazy. One of the reasons I didn't go to Boston yesterday is because airfare is $500. I figured for that price I may as well go to London and kill two birds with one stone.


    Only problem is I don't think the gigs in London are going to be that great. I was looking at the seating for the Hammersmith Apollo and it's so freaking huge. I couldn't figure out the chart vs the tickets either. :thumbdown:


    I really want to catch another NA show.


    If you need to come to Toronto, I'll help you out. I live within walking distance of most potential venues. My condo also has a guest suite for about $55 per night. I just hope he comes when I'm available.



    I was originally hoping that he'd come to Vancouver or Seattle, but we're hearing a lot of rumours about more northeastern US gigs, so I doubt he will. If he comes to Toronto, I'm almost certainly going to go. There are about six million flights a day between Calgary and Toronto, so that should be doable! A TO concert would be fun - me, you, and Suzy could sure stir up some trouble :punk:

  6. I've wondered what it must be like to be in Mika's shoes, going from studying music in London to all this crazy madness. And all the travelling has to be so draining! Sitting in an airplane takes a lot out of 'ya.


    However, I get the impression that while he might be tired and a bit run down, maybe even a bit overwhelmed, he knew what he was getting into, and I'd be willing to bet that he wouldn't trade it to go back to his pre-LICM life. He's been sort of the captain of his own success - he made the demos, he went to the States, he got a record deal. He comes across as being very much in control. Compare that to Britney Spears, for example - she was what, 16 when her first album came out? Polished and shined and moulded by the industry..I highly doubt she had any control over her first year of fame.


    We love you Mika!


    (I just realized this is my second Britney Spears reference on this forum...y'all are gonna think I'm obsessed with her :roftl: )


    Oh and I just have to say - look at his expression in the concert videos where you see him point the microphone at the audience, and he hears them sing his songs back at him. He looks positively elated!

  7. If Mika comes to Canada in September when I'm out of the country :no:, I am going to see him in the US because it sounds like you guys have had such a fantastic time at the recent shows. I'd also love to meet some MFC peeps!


    I agree!


    We've heard rumblings about him coming to Missouri, Montreal and Ohio in the fall...I hope he doesn't skip the western half of the continent:bleh: . I'm thinking that if he does an eastern tour, though, I just might have to get meself a plane ticket! I've never been east of Winnipeg.


    And I've turned my fiance into such a Mikaddict that he was actually online trying to figure out what it would cost us to fly to the UK for a show. I think that would top the "insanity" charts - too bad airfare overseas is so expensive.:naughty:

  8. However, Life in Cartoon Motion becomes a bit irritating when a character named Raffa Kobeisi (possibly one of Mika’s alter-egos?) appears on two pointless interludes that frame “Any Other Worldâ€. Having to endure a nonsensical monologue about a jilted bride, who speaks in broken English, makes the self-consciously serious “Any Other World†all the more ridiculous.


    Oh wow. The rest of the review was fair, but this excerpt is just a bit ignorant. Nonsensical? Hardly.

  9. (From Houstonvoice.com)


    Suckin' too hard on my Mika-pop


    Some gays may be mad at Mika for refusing to answer ever-looming questions about his sexuality. He's "come out" only to say that he wants a gay following and that the hype should be based on his music and not which gender he'd prefer to go home with. His 'Gay/Post-Gay/Not Gay?' cover of Out Magazine left a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands disappointed — a top-billed feature in a gay mag should've given us some answers.


    I saw Mika last night at Washington's 9:30 Club. Maybe I want him to be gay so that my attraction to him can morph into mere admiration. Maybe I want him to be straight so that he defies stereotypes and, well, marries me. Because Mika's show was possibly the gayest thing I've ever seen — besides Rufus Wainwright getting crucified as the gay messiah.


    Before doors opened, two Dorothy-like girls in blonde wigs and poufy dresses distributed lollipops to the crowd. Mika wore light green pants, a white T-shirt and suspenders that hung around his waist. He hopped around, curls bobbing, and sang the pop-liscious hits everyone had come to hear. There was nothing sexual about his performance; in fact, it was juvenile and playful. The crowd — consisting mostly of young girls and older gay men — was there to have fun, dance hard, suck on their lollipops and sing along.


    So I guess I don't care about Mika's orientation. His Jackson 5 and Eurythmics cover choices and the fact that he made me cry with his song "Happy Ending" help me lean in a certain direction, but it really doesn't matter anymore. It should be all about his performance, and, after last night, it definitely is.


    By Rebecca Armendariz, Online Editor

  10. Since we know Mika himself occasionally reads the forum, and that there's the possibility he has "insiders" reading it as well, I thought we'd make it nice and convenient for them when scheduling Mika's next tour.:biggrin2:


    Here's how it works. From 1-3, list the three cities you'd like Mika to play in. Most people will likely list their hometown (or more likely, the nearest major-ish city to them). Numbers 2 and 3 can be other cities that you'd travel to in order to see him play.


    Note to Mika: We love you all over the world, but please make sure you're taking time for yourself! We all want you to have concerts in our area, but more than that, we want you to take care of yourself, relax, spend time with your friends and family, and get lots of sleep! Balance, dear!


    Anyhow, I'll go first:


    Mika, please come to:


    1) Calgary, Alberta, Canada

    2) Seattle, Washington, US

    3) Vancouver, BC, Canada

  11. well, if it WAS a cover, other people than your parents would have also recognised it, and it would be all over the papers lol.


    besides, it says in the booklet it was done by him. They have to tell the truth otherwise he'd get sued.


    Precisely. In the album credits Mika is listed as the author of Grace Kelly, with a few others garnering a credit as well (including Jodi Marr, who he worked with in Miami).


    The intro to Relax (Take it Easy) incorporates the intro to (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight, but that's not a ripoff - more of a homage. It's noted in the album credits.


    And another thing - remember how he said a while back that someone pranked him by pretending to be a descendent of Grace Kelly, who maintained that they were offended by the song? Um...if he didn't write it, why would he care if someone was offended?


    Sigh. People.

  12. well, if it WAS a cover, other people than your parents would have also recognised it, and it would be all over the papers lol.


    besides, it says in the booklet it was done by him. They have to tell the truth otherwise he'd get sued.


    Precisely. In the album credits Mika is listed as the author of Grace Kelly, with a few others garnering a credit as well (including Jodi Marr, who he worked with in Miami).


    The intro to Relax (Take it Easy) incorporates the intro to (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight, but that's not a ripoff - more of a homage. It's noted in the album credits.


    And another thing - remember how he said a while back that someone pranked him by pretending to be a descendent of Grace Kelly, who maintained that they were offended by the song? Um...if he didn't write it, why would he care if someone was offended?


    Sigh. People.

  13. I don't care if he's straight, gay, or a freaking alien, he rocks my face off!


    OMG You figured it out! He's an alien! That explains his out-of-this-world sexiness. Perhaps, on his home world, there are something like 14 genders; hence why he doesn't want to explain to the press!



  14. favorite mika quote: See my signature!


    favorite mika mannerism: I love the way he says "I don't know". And he says it a lot, and I swoon each time.


    favorite mika song on LICM: Love Today, Billy Brown, Happy Ending, My Interpretation...okay, that's like half the album right there


    Favorite mika lyric: "When they made love he shared the burden of his mind," or "licks her lips like they're something other"


    favorite mika unreleased song: Overrated and Instant Martyr


    favorite mika moment: The phone interview with a reporter in California right before the LA concert...where she was being all boring, and he jumped in with "What do you want to know? Not what your editors want to know. If you bumped into me on the street, and we were both slightly drunk..." Mika, you rock!:thumb_yello:

  15. :blink: :blink:

    It's just that people discuss all sorts of things relating to Mika that have nothing to do with his music, so I don't understand some fans' defensive reaction about the sexuality question with claims that it's "irrelevant". His body hair is also irrelevant but that doesn't make it a taboo topic or an affront to his musical talent.


    I think what makes his sexuality different than, say, his body hair, his appreciation of penguins or his Chubby Bunny skills is because, for some people and some forms of media, his sexuality is something they can use to cast him in a negative light, which is something fans of his music are frustrated by.


    No doubt there are people who would avoid listening to an artist's music because of his/her sexuality. No doubt there are media outlets who would(and do!) overly fixate on Mika's sexuality, in such a way that it could potentially overshadow other aspects of him and the music he creates. And in today's world, that's unfortunate.


    I personally get a bit frustrated when you see the whole "is he/isn't he" theme played out again and again, especially at the expense of a fair review of him as a musician. You're never going to see a headline screaming "Mika has hair on his chest! But does it go lower?!". Body hair isn't news. Sexuality, for whatever reason, is.


    This is just my perspective, but I think the sexuality topic is more of a sensitve one with fans (moreso than other facts about Mika that have no bearing on his music) becuase we're aware of people being judgemental toward him based on it. And, being card-carrying, flag-waving Mika fans, we feel that if you don't enjoy his music, fine - he is, after all, the self-proclaimed Marmite of pop music. But I think a lot of fans find it a bit sad when people judge him based on elements of his personal life, even though that is one of the expected, albeit less positive, side effects of being in the public eye. We have a quite insatiable appetite for celeb gossip - otherwise the tabloids, gossip shows, and Perez wouldn't have the popularity they do.


    I hope that makes sense! I do realize I'm kind of rambling here, and I apologize if I've offended other fans with my blanket summary. :blush-anim-cl:

  16. oh yes possibly :shocked:


    its all about the fans i love it when they say that.....still waiting for the mika concert only for MFC members though :naughty:


    Can you imagine how crazy a concert only for MFC members would be? We'd be and endlesss sea of lollipop girls (and a few boys!) singinging every lyric...and if he took off his shirt, the whole lot of us would collectively faint in perfect unison :naughty:

  17. Turn down that hippie music???? LOL That was good. Is your dad a comedian? :biggrin2:


    Nah, he's just a very...interesting man. He also insisted that one of Garth Brooks's songs (he of North American country music fame) was in fact rap music. Sigh.:blink:

  18. BUT THIS IS A FAN CLUB now we dont want MIKA coming on here and let his fan thinks he gay COZ HES NOT imagin if he did come on here he prob wondering wat the people hu DON'T like him think


    Not to split hairs...but we don't actually know for sure that he's not gay. Saying "imagin if he did come on here he prob wondering wat the people hu DON'T like him think" also kind of implies that to wonder if Mika is gay means you don't like him, as though being gay is something not to like...and that's not true at all.


    But yeah. The general consensus is that we don't know for sure, we don't care either way, just BRING ON THE MUSIC!!

  19. my mom doesnt like mikas MUSIC. she loves his voice but not when it goes high. she thinks he has lots of talent. i want to convince her to like him but she was in a rock band for 25 years, so shes hard to convince. any suggustions?



    Play her "Erase" - he doesn't go so high in that track. Some people are just not fans of males who sing high.


    Oh, and take parental musical opinions with a grain of salt...I remember once I was listening to the "Lion King" soundtrack, and my dad came, knocked on my door, and asked me to, and I quote, "turn down that hippie music!":roftl:

  20. As one eloquent MFCer put it, he's not necessarily gay, not necessarily straight - he's "Mikasexual". My apologies to the fan who coined the term for the lack of credit; I can't remember which thread it's from!


    And we all proudly declare "We don't care!" - but that's not entirely true. If Mika went public and revealed his sexuality, this forum would light up like a Vegas night. What we mean is, we don't care if he's gay, we don't care if he's straight, we don't care of he's of some grey area in between; we all love him, and his music, as is. And we don't mind that he chooses not to disclose the details of his sexuality.


    But, to directly answer your question... Mika has never answered that question publicly. When asked by the media, he generally responds that he's not embarrassed or shy about it, or anything to that effect, but that he respects himself enough to keep his private life private. And, 'round these parts, we accept that.


    Hope that helps!

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