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Everything posted by uhsofamous

  1. goooood! whats your favorite Gael movie?
  2. now i just have to go to the store and buy it... and a question is it the U.S Vogue or U.K Vogue?
  3. Cover your ears daughters.... GAEL IS SOOOO SMEXY!
  4. It must be Vogue because I own the March Teen Vogue and Yasmine is no where to be found...
  5. Here you go honey.. *gives milk+cookies* And here is your special treat...
  6. I wish i could give you better info but I think all you can do is message and comment him on MYSPACE and after gigs to possibly meet him.. im not sure what else you could do
  7. Thank you daughter. Would you like some milk and cookies?
  8. HI!Welcome to the thread! We've never meet before, so my name is Shannon!
  9. Hey there Beatriz! Welcome to MFC and have lots of fun
  10. Very cute!! Yes! i am finally a father, believe me this has been my goal in life.
  11. He's a great actor isnt he? And can i join the family... i'll be your Grandpa
  12. its the actor Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, and its a clip from the movie The Science of Sleep! Its a reaally good movie
  13. Ok, do you guys want to know the best type of chicken ever? The breaded chicken from M&M's! ITS SO GOOOOOOOOOOD its like chicken in my mouth! (baha get it ^) i make the worst jokes.
  14. i would but my dad is out and he's going to being home supper so i have to wait.. and i've never noticed this smiley before.. :bond:
  15. YEAAAHAA!! that would be fun, and this is off-topic but im really hungry right now...
  16. If only we lived in the same province.. imagine the possibilites,
  17. Be Kind,Rewind. Its by my favorite director Michel Gondry.. he also directed my 2 favorite movies Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Science of Sleep haha probaly more info then you wanted to know
  18. heres a funny videooo ^^these guys are soooo funny!
  19. hhmmm.. not much, im really bored all my friends wouldnt see a movie with me because they thought it looked dumb GAWD.
  20. oh so you saw that Corny Collins picture.. i never posted that.
  21. dont worry, i'll get Luke for you.... *gets ropes, and giant box..*
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