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Everything posted by ada692

  1. I'm deffinitely eating toooooooo much. My stomach is getting bigger and bigger, it makes room for more and more food and I think if I had to live without any Mika news for a longer time I would be the biggest big girl in the world... but I'm not, not yet
  2. Well, I wanted to sound cool I think we seriously need some new stuff from Mika, unless he wants us to starve to death. :/
  3. Anyway, I think I'm not going to leave my computer until I finally see the new SOMETHING, more than this, whatever it is, bebe, I hate days like this! Yeah...
  4. Just checked the mikasoundsblog on youtube and guess what!!!!! Mika logged in 4 hours ago!!!! MAYBE SOMETHING IS BEING PREPARED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. This is sooo funny!!! But I hope it doesn't become our anthem...MIKA!!!!! LET US KNOW THAT YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! $&@*^_)^#@(_#Y!*^& :mf_plasmawhore: .............please...
  6. Am I mistaken or it's the longest break in blogs since the new website? It quite worries me and I think we should keep ommmmmmmmmmming.
  7. Good evening or good morning, wherever you are, I'm back after my holiday at the seaside. I tell you, it was so hard without the Internet!!! But luckily, I'm back, and ready!
  8. Thank YOU!!!!! Maybe not that soon, but I definitely will! Have fun with MFC, as always! One thing is for sure: THE MIKA-SPIRIT WILL BE WITH ME!
  9. Thank You, I hope so too! Ostatnio się trochę postarałam (to dzięki dżulajowym koncertom), niedawno miałam niecałe 100 postów, nie jest źle Mogłoby być lepiej, ale nie należy oceniać ludzi po liczbie ich postów! Kurka, gdybym miała swój komp i trochę więcej wolnego czasu, miałabym jakieś sto tysięcy p. A teraz jeszcze to morze! Może to i dobrze, że trochę odpocznę od tych wszystkich cudów techniki, ale tu przecież chodzi o Micka! Pozostaje mi słuchać mojego mp draja. Co to będzie jak wrócę!!!!! Kiedy ja obczaję te niusy!!!!!! Trochę mnie to przeraża. Tak czy inaczej, będę tęsknić za pomarańczowymi stronami naszego fanclubu! Mam nadzieję, że kiedyś zobaczymy się na koncercie Miki! Thank Yooouuuuu!!!!! And You have fun with MFC!!!!
  10. In short, I just write to say goodbye, but not forever!!!!!!! I'm going to the seaside tomorrow, where I won't have the access to the computer. It won't be easy, but I hope I will survive! So, see You after a one-month break! BYE!!!!!!!! LOVE, Ada.
  11. Lucky YOUUUUUUUUUU! I think I have to go now, have to pack my things and tomorrow morning.... Maybe I will come back later this evening.... BYE...
  12. As every year, I am going to the seaside, where the only atraction is the sea and some fields. At some point it's quite nice to rest in the nature, but a month is a bit too much. Unfortunately, I experience it every year......
  13. That would be great!! Sara seems to be a very sweet and helpful person But anyway I will probably find out about the lyrics after a one-month break as I won't have the access to the computer! Can You believe that?! NO computer for over A MONTH! And no Mika stuff, except for the music. :eek:
  14. You're right, Sam is totally singing that! I didn't catch that I will have to study it a bit more, although I repeat that bit in my mp3 all the time.
  15. give me blablablablablablablabla Yeah, I forgot about that one. Still nothing from what Sam says, though.
  16. I was actually thinking about it this morning and the only thing I can add is after "everybody put your hands in the air" I think there is "if you know Mika say 'yaaaaayyyy'", but I'm not sure, as I'm not a native English speaker I think we should analyse a few videos and audios, because it's hard to say what they are singing from one audio from Werchter, which I am listening to all the time. By the way, I think the first performance of this song was THE BEST! What do you think? So, if anybody has any ideas, help us, it would be nice to know, what they are singing!
  17. I remember him saying that he used to be big, but he lost it all at the age of 15. On that pic with the opera guy, the describtion says he was 15 there (I remember somebody translating it). Probably both pictures were taken when he was 15 as both Mikas look quite slim.
  18. I know, that made me laugh! Mika is a great moviemaker!
  19. I'm afraid we can't help it. But geing a gay icon isn't necessarily the synonym for being gay.
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