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Everything posted by Giulietta

  1. hi! can we also create a thread about torino? who can do this? only admin?
  2. giiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrlssssssssssssss!!!!! I've just tracked the whereabouts of my order of somerset and it say that:"Tickets are in stock and will be despatched shortly"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sooooooooooooooooooo happy, but I hope they won't get lost somewhere in Europe!!!!!
  3. good morning girls!!! you've written about 10 pages in about 8 h! what's up? so, I'm very happy to see so much foreign fans coming to italy. I don't see the hour( perfect and literaly translation !!! mbHAuaAHAHa) ! what can we do at the concert? strange dress? a sit-in in front of the backstage?
  4. yes, geografically bologna is in the north... centre-north italy, but for any kind of events and concerts bologna is a central point for people who comes from centre-italy more than firenze. only for this i think next date will be in the south... but obviously I hope like you it will be be in the north ^^; and I hope I'm wrong!!!
  5. tickets are 28 euros more or less. sincerly, I don't think the gig will be in milan, because Torino is in the north, bologna in the center... and i think the 3rd city will be in the south ( rome or napoli? ?_? ) but I hope it will be in milan for you!!! ps. thank you dcdeb!!!
  6. bologna *________* 40 km from my hometown!!!!!
  7. I got both tickets too: torino and bologna!!
  8. hei, I'm not able to buy tickets for bologna... and you?
  9. AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Ive finished money in my card!!!!!! O_O
  10. great!!!!! me too...:DDDD I think i'll come back home in the night... or... if koko wanted let me sleep at his home in milan...... ;P
  11. Is tourin too far??? come on... I come from Ferrara... don't care the distance!!! He's mika! I think I'll go by train... I'll be so sad if you don't come
  12. great rob!!!! I've just bought it!!!!! I'm stra-happy!!! muahmuuhah
  13. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 yessssssssssss!
  14. from the italiawave myspacefourm: "Main Stage Giovedì 19 Luglio saranno gli ****DISCO ad aprire il Main Stage. Seguiranno le CSS, cinque brasiliane e un ragazzo che vengono da San Paulo del Brasile e stanno facendo parlare di sé già in questi mesi . A seguire sul Main Stage la pop star del momento MIKA, 23enne nato a Beirut, in Libano, da madre libanese e padre statunitense. Con il singolo di debutto “Grace Kelly†Mika è balzato alla prima posizione delle classifiche inglesi solo grazie ai download digitali. Chiudono il Main Stage i KAISER CHIEFS, vincitori di 3 Brit award come “miglior gruppoâ€, “miglior artista rock britannico†e “miglior esibizione live†nel 2006."
  15. yeSSS! I suggest to meet at the bar on the left of the main stage! see this: http://arezzowave.com/iw/mappa-italiawave.pdf
  16. so... we are very very lucky..'cause.. after mika's gig...we can run to Global stage to see AvionTravel!!! mBAHWuUAWH AUWH AUWAHUW AUW HABWBHABHAnAnuahmuAHAMAUh aMUA UAH mau UAAHaahu ... I don't wanna loose them (I'm joking)
  17. yes, I saw the festival site... and I saw the map.. we have only to choose!!! In the order...mika is not the last... but the second last... I check! yes.. if this is the corret order... there'll be: 1-king suffy generator, 2-****disco,3-CSS, 4-mika, 5-kaiser chiefs
  18. Do you know what time the concert starts to? I think I'll be there after lunch. but we have to choose a point to meet because I read that the field will be 3 times bigger than ArezzoWave... and I saw Arezzowave last year... It was very very very big!
  19. come on jeyjen say something to us about your dress! ps I'VE JUST BOUGHT MY TICKET TO BRUSSELS!
  20. oh no =_= not dressed... It's a festival... there will be a lot of band... If i get dressed I'll feel a little imbarassed... but we could bring something strange ... what do you think?
  21. Thank you! you're so kind! I'm going with a friend of Milan. ok, It's so hot today =_= about 30-32°. I'm going to eat an icecream ^^; ... see you soon
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