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Cattie Gurl

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Posts posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. Oh of course..okay..but then.. you know.. that site...where the members who had more than 300 posts could get them..is that site...you know...kinda banned?We did not advertise those songs...we just downloaded them...to our PC-s..

    Anyway I totally agree...Just wanted to ask about it.


    Wait wait wait. There's a pleace to get them? Wait. Never mind, I don't want to go agaonst Mika!

  2. Oh of course..okay..but then.. you know.. that site...where the members who had more than 300 posts could get them..is that site...you know...kinda banned?We did not advertise those songs...we just downloaded them...to our PC-s..

    Anyway I totally agree...Just wanted to ask about it.


    Wait wait wait. There's a pleace to get them? Wait. Never mind, I don't want to go agaonst Mika!

  3. Okay, so I printed off pictures form my computer of Mika, and I made 2 sort of bulletin boards with all of the pictures and I asked my dad if he could help me to put them up on the wall in my bedroom.


    Dad: Who is in the pictures?

    Me: Mika, the singer/songwriter that I am obsessed and in love with

    Dad: Oh, we'll put them up later

    Me: Okay


    The next day:


    Mom: Aren't you going to help Catherine put those pictures of Mika up on her wall?

    Dad: Who is Mika?

    Me (thinking): OHMYGAWD!!!


    My mom actually likes some of his songs and she tells me over and over which one is stuck in her head at the moment! lol

  4. Well, I have to go to bed (it's 12:16 here in Canada), and I have to get up early to go babysit. Ugh! So maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow night? I hope you are feeling better! Ok, g'night hunni *infinite hugs*


    P.S.- Thank you for being here for me and feel free to PM me at anytime (I'm always here for you even if I'm not on the computer!) *hugs*

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