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Cattie Gurl

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Posts posted by Cattie Gurl

  1. im only 16, but its hard cause i have the mentality of a 20 yr old and no1 understands




    I'm 15, I'm mature for my age and everyone guesses that I'm older, but I'm not. Sorry, but what do you mean by mentality? (I'm not very good at defining words, lol)

  2. ahh, ive seen that!! hahahaha, i LOVE WILL FERREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    He is like the second funniest guy next to Dane Cook!


    So, how old, or young as I like to say, are you Purplegrape? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but tell me about yourself. (If you want)

  3. i would die to live there!! i love tom cruise

    i just finished the 4th, its soo good!!!


    do you feel better???


    Yes, I feel much better, and tell me what you thought of The Landlord after you watch it!!! lol

  4. i LOVE THAT!!! u seen planet unicorn???




    theres 4 of them


    OMG!!! I love it! That rox my fuzzy sox! Wouldn't life be so carefree on Planet Unicorn? That would be sweet! Brown paint is evil lol

  5. Oh, thank you, Cattie Gurl! You are kind. :wub2:


    You're welcome. I could never get tired of being thanked... You seem like a very grateful person. Thank you, Cattie Gurl, for your compliment. You've built me up! :-)


    I am a grateful person, because I feel so blessed that I have people like you in my life (maybe that WAS corny lol)

  6. I'm still here. This may sound terribly corny, but I wish I could take you guys' sadness away. :tears:


    That is not corny, well to me at least! Most people would say it was, but I would like to see them word things better! By the way, thank you! I know I've said it a million times, but really, thanks! :huglove: You are a sweet person and I appreciate it!

  7. thanks, i hoped i helped you some, dont know how. here this might cheer you up:http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=sARqCa5Cqu4&feature=PlayList&p=09EAB33B416E1325&index=37


    Thanks, that was a little bit weird, but it made me laugh anyways! lol *hugs*

  8. aww, dont feel bad, im here for you.

    ive been feeling really bad too, im easily angered and im always about to cry. my parents are always fighting and im in the middle of it. i feel worthless, and every1 is always telling me how wrong i am. mika actually helps me get through some of it. im here if you need me, dont feel alone!!


    Awww, thank you! I'm actually crying for you right now. I always used to be so happy and with my family, but nowadays I feel as if I am out of the picture, just a stupid, lonely, depressed teenager. You are not worthless, ok? You mean something to me, just because you are listening. I f you need to talk, you can always PM me if you want. Mika helps me to get through it too, but it also makes me sad that I will probably never meet him, and here are these other women bragging about how they have met him, like, 5 times!

  9. bre.jpg





    fav mika song:stuck in the middle

    fav food: freezer pops!

    fav drink:diet coke

    interests:making things,riding on imaginary pink ponies w/ milou and glowstick,designing,listening to music


    Awww, we don't even get to see your pretty face?

  10. Ohhhh, will somebody please try to cheer me up? I am so down right now, and I want to try and get him to come here, and i want to make thingd for him and give them to him, but I dont have time because I babysit almost every freaking day of my life, and....... wow, i feel dizzy!

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