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Posts posted by lazy_daisy

  1. I admire them, because they kept the show going in spite of the fall. And Cherisse is really good. Do you have any idea of how difficult it is to catch up when the rest of the musical instruments are already playing a song and you have to join in later? But she did it. Of course, Cherisse could at least hide behind the drums, whereas Mika was the center of attention. But he kept on singing! Man, those are gutts. That's what I call a professional. :punk:

  2. Oh, God. I can't believe I'm saying this; I'm supposed to be a rational person. Oh, what the h*ll: I LOVE MIKA. At the beginning, it were only his voice and his amazing sense of humor which I loved. But after seeing him dancing in that sexy way (moreover, shirtless) I fell head over heels. In conclusion, I'm in love with every aspect of the man. :shocked: Is there a cure for this? I'll pay anything. :biggrin2:


    P.S.: Ok, ok! I admit I'm dating someone else. :biggrin2:

  3. What's wrong with his chin? I love it. It fits perfectly with his face. I remember him saying he doesn't like his ears either, because they are too big. Nonsense. Someone should tell Mika he looks great and that his features are completely proportional. I would do it myself, but I live too far away into the south for that. However, that doesn't mean I can't be part of Mika's chin lovers club. ADD ME, PLEASE!

  4. I see what you mean Lazy daisy. Mika's sexier image may be a side effect of new-found confidence...perhaps?


    Haha! Yeah, that was the main idea. I'm a bit confusing at times, hehe. But now I come to think about it, you may be right Jack: maybe there's something conscious (though not so much) in Mika's sexy moves. After all, he's an artist and being famous demands a greater concern about personal image. But I still think it has more to do with this relatively new realization that his fans like him as he is, which in turn builts his self-confidence and compells him to show all he's got inside. God! This thread is really interesting. It gives me a lot to think about.

  5. Gosh, you are a great writer; no point in denying that. But I don't agree with you at all. You made many a good point in your essay, but I don't think Mika is so concious about his sexual image during his performances as your compositon would lead us to believe. As far as I'm concerned, music is about passion and about expressing things that are buried deep down inside people and that, for a broad variety of reasons, can't be expressed in any other way. It's true that Mika's performance changes with time, but I assume this is due to the fact that he's more experienced a showman by now. His confidence increases and, naturally, that results in cheekier and sexier moves (which, of course, us faithful fans fully appreciate).

    Something that must be considered as well are Mika's claims about his being constantly rejected and laughed at throughout his childhood. I gather that is reason enough to be coy and shy on stage. Only as he understands that we really like him as he is, he starts to loosen up progressively. But I don't really agree with the statement that he is asexual. There are different ways to express sexuality and this is his. It may be somewhat restrained at times, but it still shows (and I love it).

    Let's make things clear: sex sells (in the sense that it makes almost anything popular in the market). So yes, it's highly possible his manager or someone else hinted Mika into exploitig his sexy side. However, I don't think Mika is that worried about the market. He must be, of course (his album is out there), but not so much as to change his way of being just to fit in. His dancing and all the rest are, as far as I see it, a direct result of his growth and developement as an artist.

    Your distinction between Mika's subjective and objective attitude towards sexuality is very sharp and it proves I'm speaking to a person with wits (I agree with the others here). But, in my opinion, it's a bit far-fetched. I mean, would you think about a thing like that when singing or when talking to people? I certainly wouldn't be worried about looking as an available object or as a subject in people's eyes. We are going too deep to explain a fact that probably is only natural: Mika is more confident now and has learnt how to manage his body on stage.

    Anyway, this post does not intend to hold the ultimate truth. It's only an opinion. The world would be utterly boring if every person on earth thought in the same way.

  6. Have a look of my avatar in a bigger pic! Enjoy the wonderful hands!:wub2:




    Seriously, they are the most incredible hands I beheld in my entire life. :mf_lustslow: I wonder why is it that musicians have always incredible hands. Regarding Jhonny Depp's, I'm sorry but I don't like them. They seem... too rough to me (sorry, I can't find a suitable word in english). Mika's, on the other hand (hahah of course his are 'other hands'), are beautiful.

    Mika's hands are another thing I should add to my list, which BTW is getting rather long. Anyway, he's perfect. What would I want a list like that for?

  7. entre al MySpace y esta quedando muy bueno! es verdad que mika tiene poco culo pero lo poco que tiene es muy lindo:mf_lustslow: very yummy!

    por ahora no puedo comprar los braces:thumbdown: pero mi bien pueda los compro, no se como me quedaran pero me hace recordar a mika.

    no consigo your sympathy en el Ares, alguien si lo tiene me los pasa, please. lo unico que puedo hacer es escucharlo en youtube.

    volviendo a la colita de Mika, al igual que sus rulos ya tienen dueña... ojala ese sueño hermoso se vuelva realidad.:wub2: que sea todito mio, aunque se que en el MFC hay que compartirlo


    Tengo Your Sympathy y si querés te lo paso. Pero necesito una dirección de correo. PM me if you are still interested jajaja (entré un poquito tarde). NO TENGO TIEMPOOO. Hoy es un día terrible. Prometo que después leo todo. Un beso a todas.

  8. I know I promissed you all not to sing anymore... :boxed: but I WANT TO PARTICIPATE! I can't help it! I love all these collective projects and I get excited easily when I read people's posts. Please, add me to the list! I'd love to be part of this!

  9. I'm obsessed with his neck and that cute moles!:mf_lustslow:




    ABSOLUTELY! They are IMMENSELY sexy. :wub2: I thought I was going crazy, but someone else noticed them too, luckily! I love his hair, his eyes, his nose, his mouth and... his butt :blush-anim-cl: (sorry, I'm human). His voice is not technically a body part so... I'll add his blessed vocal chords to my list. GOD, DON'T MAKE ME THINK ABOUT HIM IN THIS INSANE WAY! I'm melting and I'm in serious peril of electrocuting myslef with the keyboard. :stretcher:

  10. I'm obsessed with his neck and that cute moles!:mf_lustslow:




    ABSOLUTELY! They are IMMENSELY sexy. :wub2: I thought I was going crazy, but someone else noticed them too, luckily! I love his hair, his eyes, his nose, his mouth and... his butt :blush-anim-cl: (sorry, I'm human). His voice is not a body part technically, so... I'll add his blessed vocal chords to my list. GOD, DON'T MAKE ME THINK ABOUT HIM IN THIS INSANE WAY! I'm melting and I'm in serious peril of electrocuting myslef with the keyboard. :stretcher:

  11. They are great! Wish I could make something like that. And I love the kitty. Was it one of those bookmarks which use a long, thin ribbon to mark the page, living the kitty's head outside the book? I had one similar to that, but it was in the form of a mouse.

  12. ¡Buenísimo lo de las zapas!


    Che, una duda: ¿uds. hicieron que, cuando apretás el link para ir al Myspace argentinp de Mika, aparezca una página que vende ropa interior? jaja Está bien que seamos una pervers, pero tampoco es cuetión de que lo andemos publicitando.

  13. FujiRockMikaHands.jpg


    Good God! Whose hand is that! :shocked: hahaha! Poor Mika! I gather he must have sang out of tune after that! hahah It must have been pretty scary. Well, but that's entirely his fault: he keeps going around without his shirt and dancing in that sexy way. Are us poor fans expected to react differently? :blush-anim-cl:

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