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Everything posted by xx_emily_x

  1. thanks! i thought i'd spend a few minutes on here, but half and hour has already passed.. i'll just stay on here then. unless someone can help me with my music..
  2. we'll both study together then 3 weeks?! my exam's don't start until 4 weeks.. my teacher goes, 'there's 768 hours until your unit 3 exams..' when did this happen?! i didn't know about this..
  3. i have a stupid music theory exam next wednesday and there is so much to learn! i am scared! and on top of that i have to perform infront of the school on wednesday, and i have an accounting practice exam tomorrow. LOL! yay!
  4. wow, 3 in 1! makes it easier for you to remember then:naughty:
  5. hey! thought i'd pop by for a little while.. but i'll probably end up spending hours here! i really need to get studying..
  6. chemistry IS boring! i fell asleep during class the other day. the sheet is about asymmetrical molecules, electronegativity, polarity..and so on.. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! ok, i'll add it! Thanks!
  7. someone can film you while you're on the MFC!... no, actually that's stupid. i'm not creative so it's hard to come up with ideas.. arghhhh i need help with my chemistry!
  8. hey OD! nice to see you on our very special 'drool day' EDIT: LOL! it looks like the drool of the drool smiley is going in to the mouth of the other smiley..
  9. it's my favourite flower scent too, and i like jasmine tea as well really?! i didn't know it was that common!
  10. where do you buy a mika hoodie from?! and i really want a mika rosette!
  11. aww, isn't that nice? so she lives in england? i want to live there one day.. i love the name jasmine. my name is too common. at school, when someone yells out EMILY, all the emily's turn around.
  12. ooh i wanna see your t-shirt that you made! well..i have his cd's and singles.. and plus the dvd as well and a few posters. oh, and a special MFC bracelet i think that's it..
  13. really?! what's her name?! i received your comment and i replied! i almost for got this as well:
  14. yeah, the one i recently watched was the aftermath of the tornado. i was going to explain it in detail..but realized that there are some people that haven't seen it yet.
  15. yes, that could be the next one!! we could have a new one each week/day depending on whether we get sick of using them.. LOL!! i didn't think it was lame..
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