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Everything posted by mikaaloverr

  1. Nice description! No, seriously. He is a bonehead... (I have't used that word since second grade )
  2. NOO! Don't do it! (I don't think she will anyway) Her drawings are unique... if she sells them all the colourful circles and flowers and colours will be everyone's
  3. I thought about that too... but you never know. I mean, knowing Tinelli (the producer) I wouldn't be surprised if they're used without permission.
  4. Talk about plagiarism... well, Tinelli (the host of Show Match - that commercial was made for that show) is the producer of Patito Feo. I see the CD Cover isn't the only thing he's plagiarized.
  5. LOL , I know, I hate that show... but it is famous in Argentina... and after all, it is Yasmine's work.
  6. Maybe... someone can let Mika know by his MySpace? I know this may seem a bit exaggerated, but there are NO credits, and it's clearly a fake imitation.
  7. I know... I mean, who is capable of making such an OBVIOUS imitation? But then again... Do you think Yasmine would sell her drawings?
  8. Just read the back of the CD... nope! NO CREDITS to Yasmine, or Mika, or anyone related with Universal Music.
  9. I can't see much... maybe someone with super zoom? I'll try to look for a larger image
  10. Mmm, hold on. Let me see if I can find an image of the back of the CD
  11. I know!! I was soooo angry when I saw it at first!!
  12. Hey everyone. First of all, I've not made this threat to accuse anyone of plagiarism, but to give you a heads up and to see what could be done. The following is a comparative image between the "Patito Feo" CD ("La Vida Es Una Fiesta" - 2008), which include the soundtracks of a popular Argentinean soap-opera made for teenagers and Mika's CD cover ("Life In Cartoon Motion" - 2007) (I'm pretty sure we're all familiar with it but just so you can see several similarities between both CD covers). And another one... (look at the piano and the arrows!) I just think they're waaay too similar. Is there any way we can let Mika know about this? Thanks Agus
  13. I hope it'll be just as perfect as LICM. I can't wait for him to finish it! (No pressure, Mika ) I don't think it'll be as colourful and crazy as his first album, maybe it'll be a bit more... serious.
  14. I can't waait, I'm bouncing with excitement! Does anyone know the name of the CD?
  15. HOOLA GENTE! Como andan todas? Me acabo de despertar, ayer fui a bailar y cuando pasaron Love Today, todos mis amigos me miraron a mi como diciendo, "Estas feliz?!" Y ayer también nacio mi primita, se llama Ambar y la vamos a visitar a ella y a mi tía al sanatorio hoy Hoy tambien es mi ultimo diaaaaaaaaa, nooo! Y lo peor es que soy escolta y todos me van a ver ahi paradita, tratando de estar perfecta y no mirar a nadie porque me rio , seguro que nuestros compañeros nos van a aplaudir (cuando no deberian) cuando digan nuestros nombres En fin, hoy la estoy disfrutando a full, ya que mañana me voy a tener que despertar a las 6 AM para bañarme y prepararme. Bueno, no creo que vaya a volver a escribirles hoy, porque como mañana tambien es el cumpleaños de mi abuela, lo vamos a celebrar hoy a la noche porque mañana va a ser un caos. Asi que, para las que hoy es su ultimo dia antes de trabajar/volver al cole, DISFRUTENLO , miren muchas fotos de Mika y escriban como las maquinas que son Besos chicas!
  16. As soon as I read "Mikaism" I knew this had been created by Carol (jajaja, te queremos Carol! Y al Papi Rulo Salvador tambien, jajaja cuando digo eso me muero de risa).
  17. HELLO?! Estan todos durmiendo a las 12 de la mañana en vez de estar durmiendo a las 5! JAJAJA
  18. SE QUEDARON HASTA LAS 6 DE LA MAÑANA HABLANDO?! JAJA Parece un Pijama PArty, solo que aca no se ven cara a cara y hablan mas que en un pijama party, ya da miedo. Mi mama a las 12 me dijo que ya era muy tarde, blablabla, que no me iba a poder despertar despues. Y me desperte a las 8! HA!
  19. DIOS!! Puede ser que cada dia esten mas pervers? Especialmente tarde a la noche y temprano a la madrugada...
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