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Posts posted by Sarina

  1. Hi Sarina, I'm also teamless. Perhaps we could create a new team. :blush-anim-cl:


    Yes sure :) DM me, ok :)?


    I have a team and we will need one more person. Would you like to join ours?


    Thank you s much :)

    Only one more person? Cause Graciosa is looking for a team too so we are 2 :blush-anim-cl:

  2. of course we can assume that mika wasn't aware of those pix being taken, until he spotted the photographer. but who knows what happened then? we assumed in 2007 that he wasn't comfortable with showing his bare chest in public. if someone had said a year ago that mika would judge x-factor and the voice, we would have thought it was a joke. really guys, we don't know what he thinks of it. or his family/friends.

    yes, for all we know he and his family cherish their privacy. but just recently i said on the popular thread that paparazzi pix and scandalous stories seem to be the way to sell music nowadays, and that i'm glad mika doesn't do it that way. but maybe his italian promoters convinced him that a few pix of him having fun with his family would help his career there,and everyone agreed to have them published? this *might* be the reason for his italian website posting them. i'm pretty sure someone must've tipped off this pap. and there probably was at least a week between those pix being taken and being published. enough time to intervene.

    the reason paparazzi still exist is that they are part of the whole fame game. so far they luckily never were a big part of mika's career, but who knows, maybe this is another change we have to get used to. not one i like, but i guess that's all the italian girls wanted to say: whether we understand or like it or not, it does help his career in italy. and maybe him and his family accept this as part of the fame game. or maybe his italian promoters decided this all for themselves, and mika is totally angry with them now. or any other scenario. we simply don't know. that's why, besides being glad that mfc isn't a tabloid, i won't take sides in the sense of moaning about the bad paps and feeling sorry for anyone who's on their pix, until i know what their opinion on it is.


    edit: sorry deb, only saw your post after i sent mine. i think we've all agreed here that we don't want pix on mfc that were taken in mika's private time without his consent. only from there the discussion went to why his official italian website posts them. i guess it'd be different if his official international website or he himself on twitter posted them, then we could be sure that him and the others in the pix were fine with it. but who knows who updates his italian site and whether they make sure first that he's fine with it.


    Karin I agree with you in some points but not the bolded one.

    The italian manager was informed after the article was online on mika italia and he informed Mika himself.


    This is exactly what I was thinking because his official Italian site posting the pics is simply too weird. Why on earth would they otherwise post them? So maybe they convinced him this is what needs to be done. Not a pleasant thought, imo, and I would rather see it happening other way. Of course we can't know how it really is.


    Nina as I said 3-4 times already here the article was promoting XF and was a positive one and for the italian standards on tabloids this column only emphasized Mika as a normal guy who spent the vacation with family, friends and dog and they used it to talk about his role in XF. No allusions at all, just positive promotion so I'm sure this is why the article was posted. Mika here is not mainstream so if they give the message that even if he's a popstar is a normal guy, is a good thing so who doesn't know him can start to understand who he is with no preconceptions.

    Would have been absolutely worse to see pics like the ones after some parties (also by paparazzi) when he seems really drunk or stuff like that...his image on people's mind would have been SO negative here...instead this message is a positive one. I know is not fair to steal pics and I agree with you all so paparazzi do a dirty job, but since those pics are out (and no one can control this process unless Mika buys the pics from the paparazzi before they are out but is illegal), I think we are lucky they used them in a good way. I bet Mika Italia thinks the same, they need good news to increase his popularity and to update the page and this scan is a way to do that. The page gained almost 100 more likes in 1 day..

    No excuses here...just facts.


    I'm agree with you both.







    My thought....

    I guess that those allusions/thoughts must be made only when you all are 100% sure of what happened. Is kinda bad to even think that the italian management "sold" Mika to increase his career here. I don't think you would ever think that about the Team M...so...why should the italian one be different?

    I don't understand :doh:

  3. Yes they exist, and yes Mika knew this was a possibility, but that doesn't mean we have to support it. Katy Perry has specifically asked us not to post bikini pictures or any pictures from private affairs on the forum, because she doesn't want these to spread. These pictures of Mika could also be identified as "bikini" pictures, so regardless of how it makes other people feel, let's just think about how it makes him feel.


    If there is a specific statement YES but I dont know if Mika asked that to the mods here. If yes, sure they must respect that and we must too:)

    Ad as I said I agree to not put pics here even if I saw the Corsica ones often in some threads!


    Yes, there is a philosophy that any publicity is good publicity. But the fact that these photos were taken probably looking for gossip means, to me, that we should not condone them. As I said earlier, I see that the article is promo for X Factor -- that's fine. If the photos had been of Mika playing ball with Mel only, and they had run just 1-2, I would still be uncomfortable with them. But they online they published two dozen photos of Mika and family. I think that's excessive and totally unnecessary, and I don't think we need to publish them here.


    Yes I agree with you about the family and friends pics like i said milion times.

    I dont think that any pubblicity is a good one but in this case the article on the tabloid is good and the pics (except the first one) are nice pics where Mika is himself and they show a very great personality so I won't waste them completely!

  4. I'm not aggressive. If you have read my posts in the past, you should know that I just have a very forward way of writing in discussions. I say the f word a lot, but I don't see what you consider to be 'aggressive'.


    When I read tabloid magazines at the dentist or whatever, I don't care what they wrote. I look at the pictures. And even though these pictures are 'normal' they were taken with a telezoom without Mika's consent and therefore I see no point in posting these. They are not interesting, they were taken during a private moment and therefore I don't see why it's ok to post them.


    Sorry then, I should read your post more often to understand your way to reply then :)

    About what you're saying here I can tell you the exact opposite...so if you only look at the pictures is not "the rule" and other people can look both pictures AND article :)

    Plus if I'm not a fan of mika and I dont know him at all..i can only have good feelings reading the article AND seeing the pics so...i won't waste them completely.

    If you say that paparazzi are stalkers I agree with you but is just a fact...they exist.

  5. Nobody gives a flying f*ck about articles. It's all about the pictures. And yes Mika should be aware it could happen but that doesn't make it ok that it happens. Cultural differences or not, it is effectively stalking.


    I dont get why you are so aggressive and God knows why even if you can't understand a word of italian you are so sure that the article doesnt matter. The pics are "normal" (I'm talking about the one with MIKA and Melachi only, NOT the ones with his family as I said already shouldn't be there) and they are the excuse to talk about XF and Mika's role.

    Maybe I can guess they were searching for "juicy" gossip but they didnt find one (or at least we dont know) and they wrote and article or the new judge beino so happy and sweet with his family and friends...this is good publicity for our standards and I'm not so sure is entirely a bad thing.

  6. Or his record company. :freak:




    No one is saying it is bad for him to be in the tabloids or that there is anything wrong with what is written about him. The problem is his entire family are hunted like animals if they are not behind closed doors. Is this really a cultural thing? Would you want your dad or your little cousin to have to worry about someone with a telephoto lens spying on them and publishing pictures of them in their bathing suits? Really?



    In many years Mika travelled a lot and in Italy too, very often, but only 3 times family pics were published so I guess he knows how to protect himself and his family. If you are in some places more than others you risk more. Is not hunting, the hotel has a small private beach were also other guests were photographed, no one followed mika or hunted him, they took pics probably from outside and far place. I think that Mika knows which places are full of paparazzi and which aren't. I dont see "hunting" in this specific case. But I agree that his family dont deserve to be online!

  7. They could have done an article about X Factor with official photos, not pics from his family holiday, the two have nothing to do with each other. His being on holiday isn't news at all.


    Yes but the good is that even if are paparazzi's photos the article is all about Xfactor cause nothing about "gossip" is in there. It means (here in Italy, according to how tabloids and journalist work) that the person has not something "secret and trashy" to reveal but is only a person of interest for what he's doing. You're right about the pics, they were not necessary but they used them to show Mika's personality..for example they're talking about how Mika is sweet with Mel instead of how "serious" he's as judge. And believe me, with all the trash and the silly things we see, is absolutely a good "message" that Mika's giving....to see him as a normal guy who enjoys time with family. Italians likes that and no ones act like that usually :)

  8. I never said there were pictures of his cousins. I am asking what purpose it serves his record company to condone and effectively encourage paps to go out and stalk him with his family by spreading their bounty all over the internet. I doubt that Mika feels his every waking moment belongs to the public. While you can't expect tabloids to not invade his privacy in this way you should at least expect his record company not to. :doh:


    Maybe for the record company is a good the fact that the tabloids get interest in Mika even more if the article is good, not offensive and there are absolutely no allusions in that and it talks about XF. In Italy is not always bad when you are on tabloids.. :) cultural differences here too I guess.

  9. and we wouldn't still be talking about it :naughty:

    we'd say "thanks for posting" and move on!


    you talk like that cause you might know that could be "gossip" infos in the pics there but believe me, the article doesn't mention AT ALL nothing about that...no allusions...the article also said that Mika was talking with a female friend and playing with his beautiful dog...

    That's why I'm saying there's nothing bad in this article. And the pics are bad for us cause Mika is not alone but with his family and friends who don't like to be so public but for people who just read the magazine this is Mika with family and friends...nothing odd..nothing newsworthy linked to the pics!

  10. The 'only doing your job' argument is never a good one. Of you truly disagree with what you have to do for your job, you should find a different job.


    However, paparazzi do serve a purpose in the sense that when Britney Spears came back with a song everyone knew about it. And that was not because of her record company, it was because she always stayed in the public eye. And as a result, that single of hers was played more than all songs of OOL put together :sneaky2:


    What's up with that Mika Italia twitter/facebook, by the way? Aren't they supposed to be the official Mika channel in Italy? They are posting a link to the article...


    I think that considering that the article is not bad at all, in fact is the opposite in the words, they don't think it could harm Mika in any way.

  11. Those were stolen pics and I don't like that, most of all I don't like the idea of seeing other people than Mika in them...that's not good.

    About the article tho I would like to tell that was praising Mika for his behaviour and there were no allusions, it also talked about XF of course. I don't think is a good thing of course but I understand how popularity works here in Italy cause if you're popular here you're followed by paparazzi everywhere and there are tons of magazines like that...and if paparazzi takes pics there are many that watch them...so people are as guilty as paparazzi are IMO.

    But I agree with the choice :thumb_yello:

  12. Not always... At least in the Quebec version it's not the judges who do first auditions. Because they started and are still haven't announced the 4th judge/coach...


    My question is more: isn't there any exclusive rights from xfactor? Aren't those two shows competitors? I know it's not the same country but still...



    Good point!



    Anyway, even if this rumor is true I won't judge him. I didnt for Xfactor and I won't for the voice. Still...I would have preferred a pause for the new cd instead of start immediately a new tv adventure but I hope there will be the time for both but I doubt it at this point. Also, UK would be a better choice cause in France he's already "big" enough already.

    Let's see if is true or not!

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