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Posts posted by Mikafish

  1. I have a rather Mikaish wardrobe, but then again I've always had crazy dress sense!


    Some of the things I own:


    Braces: piano keys, hearts, rainbow and checked pairs


    Jeans: Red, Bright blue, Mint green and white


    Scarf: Hundreds, long before I was a Mika fan...love things like that!


    T shirts: I have a wide varity of t shirts that I think are slightly Mikaish, Lots of cartoon characters and bright colours. I bought a Lollipop boob tube the other day!


    Sock/tights: I have lots of weird patterned socks and neon ones, I also have lots of stripy knee high socks and stripy footless tights!


    And of course a Tama that hangs around my neck!

  2. I'd like to join you from Japan.


    I'm from the UK (Wales to be exact) and I would love to be paired with you!


    I'm not sure about costs but I guess we just make sure things aren't overly heavy? *shrugs*

  3. I love this idea. :)


    I have some American friends and we always send each other stuff at Christmas.


    I'm in love with Mallow cups!


    Also code red Mountain dew!


    It would be fantastic to get things from other countries too!

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