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Posts posted by Mikafish

  1. HANDS:mf_rosetinted:


    i know i have a serious problem with that, but a guys hands are really important to me. they have to be soft but strong and manly but sensitive:cool:


    besides that, his Rocket Ship:roftl:



    I have a hand fascination too, could never go out with a guy who had really rough hands!


    But for Mika, if I had to chose on part it would be that smile, it just makes me melt! :)

  2. I haven't heard any of Mika's Music in public!!! I clearly need to shop more!!!


    But I do often play LiCM very loudly in my car and it is rather common for my to be singing alone as well...


    Which I was doing on the way back from a friend's on Saturday, I pulled up at the traffic lights waiting for them to change when Love Today came on...so I'm stilling a the red light singing my heart out then I notice this rather cute bloke at the side of the road watching me with a big grin on his face!



  3. TRF, Yeah my sister is a Mika fan, infact she is the reason why I am a Mika Fan!


    I'd never heard any of his music until she asked me to take her to a concert (dad wouldn't let her go unless she had an adult with her) that was in May and now I embarrass her with my Mika Freakishness! lol!

  4. TRF, i can do a third patch if you need it...and even a fourth! :P


    My younger sister (who is a design freak!) has loads of ideas so We can throw some more together!


    I have almost finished my first one and I'm really quite pleased!


    Oh and I did something crazy...I now have tickets for December 4th!!!! :biggrin2:

  5. I don' t necessarily think it is true but if it is, he has the right to choose what he signs.

    Why would he sign just about anything? He needs to consider

    1., if the cause is something he agrees with or not

    2., if the charity collecting money is reliable or not (why make money for con men)

    3., if he wants to be associalted with the 'artists' also involved... it does matter. He is not the boy next door. Anything he does can be taken out of context and used against him..

    :cool: :cool: :cool:



    I whole heartedly agree with these reasons!


    I studied IP as part of my law degree and it's interesting that many people think that a celeb should do anything for charity. But even if you have the cash do you donate to every charity that comes along?

  6. I got the MJ vibe too, but that was fine by me because I'm a huge fan of MJ's original stuff. Saw him in concert in 1997 and up until seeing Mika it was the best performance ever!


    As for the whole Mad Hatter thing, what the hell were people thinking? I never thought it was the Mad Hatter, clearly Circus ringleader!


    This Alice in Wonderland thing has got to stop!

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