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Posts posted by Mikafish

  1. Hey Jen, welcome to the MFC.


    Sad to hear that things haven't been great but really pleased that Mika's music has helped you, it helped me greatly during some dark times too.


    I'm 99% certain to be in London in Feb so I hope to see you there. In the meantime enjoy the MFC :wink2:

  2. what if ( just curious i wont be alloued to go anyway)

    if you couldnt get the money till christmas..:biggrin2:


    Which gig were you thinking about? I think Hammersmith will probably be sold out by then but if that's the case and you find out you can go ask in the Extra Ticket Thread, most people will only be asking the cost they paid for the ticket.

  3. Ohh Ive just seen this!!!


    Please PM me with any specific brecky needs :shocked:


    Aww Fred that's really sweet! :blush-anim-cl: Only thing I ask is that if I've had something to drink after the gig make sure I have something to eat before I sleep. I'm pretty good at remembering and I don't drink very much but just like to have someone who is aware of that! :wink2:

  4. I'm standing too.


    Just a word about the whole front row thing, not that I expect if from MFCers but I understand that in the excitment anything is possible.


    PLEASE respect the order that people have queued and don't run and push to get to the front row. I know everyone wants to be right at the front by the barrier but don't turn it ino a scrum. :thumb_yello:

  5. I am totally, utterly tired right now, but...


    Had THE MOST incredible time. Had more amazing little moments in the last 48 hours than I can remember. Backstage was so interesting and so much fun... had the whole band (minus Mika) rehearsing vocals a foot away from me in a 5 x 5 foot dressing room - their voices sounding more beautiful than I could imagine - no recording can do justice to what that sounded like.


    Had a few wonderful moments with Mika off stage, and got to dance with him on stage. Off stage he was absolutely lovely to talk to. He had shown me a few moves that he wanted me to do and I practiced for a couple of minutes with him – and then later when Mikaluvr was there I showed the moves to her. He painted our faces himself. Mrs. Penniman dressed us in a dressing room that we shared with Erika and Cherisse. I have to say that Yasmine, Erika, Cherisse, Mrs. Penniman, John, Martin, David and Jimmy were all incredibly gracious and fun to be with. I was also really struck by the chemistry between the band, the crew, everyone - they all work so well together and seem to really enjoy each others company. I got to see the mechanics of how things worked backstage which was really interesting too. Had my shoes and bag sitting on the floor right beside the astronaut helmet.


    Waiting behind the curtain with John and Yasmine was fun... Mika kept running past me for costume changes, and John & Yasmine were dancing a bit. I was nervous, and they really kept me on track and smiling. You know that intro note for Relax that Mika did from backstage before he came back out? He was standing right beside me (behind the curtain) when he did that. That one note is so "classic Mika" - it was the coolest feeling to be standing with him when he did it.


    It felt like BG was half over by the time I got the cue to go on - but then there it was! Mikaluvr and I were waiting on opposite sides of the stage, and then had to go up these narrow stairs to the raised platform behind Cherisse. The hanging moons were actually in my way on the platform and I had to kind of squeak around them which was awkward. Once I was on stage all I saw was Mika. Although, I did hear my buddies in the front row freaking out and that was so fantastic... apparently Mika knew why they were screaming and he was laughing. I thought he was going to come up on the platform, so when he gave me the signal to come down instead my first thought was "oh god, look as graceful as you can manage going down these narrow stairs!". Then it was all up for grabs. I came to the front of the stage and he looked at me and gave me a big smile... so I went right over to him and I did the "come here" hand. God, it was SO MUCH FUN. What a rush. And then it was over!


    After our song was over we came back to the dressing room, and John wasn't sure if we'd need to go back out for Lollipop at the end, so we put our clothes on over top of the BG outfits (not an easy task! Those bodices are actually thickly stuffed btw, so they sit about an inch or so thicker than your actual body all the way around. Very flattering. :sneaky2:). They took us around to the front to sit in front of the barrier. We got to watch the rest of the show sitting by ourselves in front of the front row. Christine, Sara, Babs, Mana, Aurelien, Suzy and CMF were right behind us in the front row centre so we got to watch the gig together after all. It was incredible to be THAT close to him while he's performing . Larger than life. When he did Happy Ending, it was SO beautiful and all the overwhelming emotions of this whole experience came to the surface... I cried! Cherisse and Erika told me afterward that they thought they saw me crying. Oops!


    The reason Mika didn't come out to say hi after was that they actually had to pack up and get on the tour bus straight after the show to drive to Montreal.


    Also, I don't recall them going on stage late, but I was a little preoccupied with being terrified. I was told at 7:00 that Mika would start at 9:00 - was it much later than that? I didn’t think so. He did not miss any flight or whatever other rumors there were – he was there. I think it was just that it was the first night of a new tour and they were working out a couple of details. Or maybe the opening act wrapped up earlier than they were meant to so it felt like a longer wait. Not sure - but I wasn't aware of any big delay backstage.


    Anyway, there are a million other little amazing moments that I can't even think of now... but what was really lovely was getting to spend this weekend with Christine, Sara, Babs, Mana, Suzy, CMF and Aurelien. We had such a fantastic time the whole weekend right through to this morning. Babs, Mana, Sara and Aurelien stayed at my place last night after the gig and we had a great time - it really was the icing on the cake. Got absolutely no sleep, but it was well worth it. Big hugs to them, and of course Christine, Suzy and CMF too. I hope you have a fantastic time in Montreal - I wish I could be there with you.


    If it weren't for some photographic evidence, I'd think this was all a dream. I can NOT believe I just got on stage in a corset, ruffle bum and fish net stockings in front of 3,000 people – in my home town. This is so not like me, and I actually said no at first, and then maybe, and then grudgingly said yes… but I am SO glad I did it. It was the experience of a lifetime. THANK YOU MIKA!!!


    Zoots thank you so much for such a wonderful report. I'm actually crying sitting here reading it, I'm so happy for you and Mikaluver. :biggrin2:

  6. Fair enough, I may end up employing the same tactic if my parents find out how many I'm going to. In which case it will be the dog's fault entirely. :roftl:


    God I can imagine even in ten years time if they found out I went to seven they'd probably slap me. :teehee:


    How many are you doing now you've added Leeds and Sheffield? I know you're at Glasgow and Newcastle...are you doing Manchester as well?


    So far...Dublin, Sheffiled, Manchester, Leeds, Glasgow and Newcastle... So six, that's the same number as I did on the last tour I think, so it's not that bad. :naughty:

  7. hey


    what time would you say i have to get there to get a good place to see?

    its my first mika gig and i cant wait! lol




    Hey Alex,


    We're trying not to encourage majorly early queuing this time, it's Feb and likely to be cold and wet. I'm guessing I'll arrive about 2/3 pm to check on how the queue is going then find a coffee shop nearby!

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