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Everything posted by Glowstick

  1. YESSSS!!! And I'll dress up as a Lollipop Girl!
  2. YAY, DISNEYLAND! We should march around wearing signs around our necks that say "I LOVE MIKA, AND YOU SHOULD TOO."
  3. About an hour away, I think. I used to live in Sherman Oaks like two years ago...
  4. I'm from Palmdale! It's a relatively small town..city...PLACE, lol.
  5. YAY, CALIFORNIANS. I'm from LA. Well, not really. I'm not actually from LA, since I live a bit closer to the Mojave desert. And I think I might be the only Mika fan in the part of LA County I live in.
  6. Hi, Lolly! I don't remember talking to you either. I'm Glow, nice to meet you!
  7. Welcome!! You'll have lots of fun here.
  8. Bienvenida Andrea!! Espero que pases un buen tiempo aqui! Your english isn't bad.
  9. Ohh...this is really sad. Poor Jack...he was still just a child.
  10. Lol, yeah I think he did. *goes off to watch video*
  11. Lol, I just read through this thread. So confusing and hilarious.
  12. I've been looking for this too. Have you tried YouTube, Sarie?
  13. Okay. This probably my last reply for the next few hours..And it MIGHT be a bit short, lol. Becky just looked at him for the following few seconds, still blushing. Awkward silence. Mika cleared his throat, just to break the silence. I sighed. "Anyway, what's Sky's problem?" Cosmo raised his eyebrows. "Hmph?" "Sky." I repeated. "Is she alright?" "Oh, her." He nodded. "She's fine." "Doesn't really seem like it." M4L whispered to herself tunefully. Mika sat down and yawned. "Did you say something?" She shook her head calmly and sat next to him. I crossed my arms and without hesitation, glared at Cosmo. "I've to be honest," I said firmly, "She doesn't seem okay to me." He snorted and like everyone else, sat. "Well, if that's the case, you can go and ask her what's wrong." "Fine." I said angrily, then pounding my way to the kitchen. "Wow," stated Mika, pursing his lips, "That was sudden." Phunks glanced at him. "She needs help."
  14. It's 5:30 here, but I'll have to leave in an hour or so because a couple of my parents' friends are moving back to Mexico and they want to 'say goodbye for the last time' (which pretty much means at least 3 hours of sitting down at someone else's house). But I'll ask my parents if I can bring the laptop.
  15. Still reading but I probably have to leave soon as well! -tries to hurry-
  16. I mean, if there were a few differen't things it might have not turned out so creepy but...IT'S REALLY WEIRD.
  17. Okay good. I'm reading now. And aside from my reading, I just watched the video for Happy Ending and I don't know whether to cry, laugh, or run away. It is...creepy.
  18. Well...First off, I don't even know if my character's with everyone else, or if I'm somewhere else. And well, while I was gone I missed out on alot. So, what I'm going to do is try to read as much as possible of what I missed.
  19. Yep I read it. But either way, I'm still kind of really confused.
  20. Well, actually, I think I'd be better off waiting for some one else to post, and THEN posting. I'm kind of lost.
  21. Lol, I suppose...I need to find the last post though.
  22. Lol, yeah. Well everytime Caitlin (my friend at school) tells me that I need therapy, I just tell her that I actually already am getting help. MFC Therapy.
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