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Posts posted by Romis

  1. jajaja Mar, a mi me avisaron 15 minutos antes de rendir un parcial :boxed: asi q dije, "Me olvido de Mika por un rato, total, cuando salga la revista seguro va a seguir estando en el negocio!!!" :naughty:


    Fui y me la compre despues :teehee: Es la foto de WAG que está acomodandose el pelo con una jacket dorada y un reloj de tela bordada :biggrin2:


    Y de tamaño...será como de 25 x 40, mas o menos ;)


    PD: vieron q abajo del nro de posts, dice Downloads y Uploads?? Nos deschavan cada vez mas, jajaja

  2. 1999 was the BEST year of my life. I can't tell a happier moment since then.

    I was twelve and everything seemed to be going spectaculary fine. I had great holidays, a nice birthday party...I got the friend I always wanted to have,my first best friend. We were 35 people in my class and we talked to each other as if we were family. I was confident with my girls mates, and we laughed a lot talking about the soap opera of the moment with our teacher Isabel. They are the people who I'd always like to see again, and we try keep in touch as much as we can. We felt like we grew up together in primary school, and at that time we were leaving childhood behind...the close-down of a life phase , 'cause the following year I started high school and life changed completely to me.

  3. You know, as Guylaine wants us to reflect on things... :naughty:


    I had to get an injection today (I'll have one a day for 9 days), so I met the nurse and to my surprise, he was a 30-year-old or so, tall, handsome man :teehee:

    And the shot had to be applied in my buttock. How embarrasing :blush-anim-cl:


    So, I'll make you think...what would you do if Mika were your nurse? Or he had to give you a shot of a medicine?


    I'm not daring ask if you were the nurse and Mika the pacient, 'cause I'm afraid I know the most common answers :roftl:

  4. Ok. i'm pretty sure i'm going with we are golden. The fact that its not the title anymore makes it more fun ( i have no idea why) I might wait for the album to come out to see what the artwork on the inside looks like.


    Kath, you've got me doubting on the spot, you say, not under the neck. why?

    I want it on my wrist more that anything, but there are a lot of scars there :boxed: so a tattoo would only atract more attention to the scars.


    I was thinking the opposite. You know, there's a lot of people with surgery scars that get a tattoo to cover them and it ends up to be quite nice :biggrin2:


    I'm waiting for the 2nd album artwork too (though I already had an idea), the thing that makes me doubt a lot is Mika's signature. I think my family is gonna kill me for having the name of a person inked on me :teehee:

  5. Hola como estan?? Paso un rato a saludar :huglove:


    primero, agradecer a Mara (Gracias Mara!) por avisarme lo de la revista Luna Teens! Siempre quise tener un poster de Mika y ahora lo tengooo!! :boing: Jajaja

    Ademas tengo una prima de 15 años para enchufarle la revista :naughty: Aunque yo tambien la lei, mas alla de que este vieja para esas cosas


    La verdad, de lo q me hablan yo soy ajenísima porque en mi adolescencia yo viví en un tupper :sneaky2: Si no me equivoco, solo sali de noche 2 veces, y exceptuando un primo lejano q tengo, nunca conoci a ningun compañero o amigo que haya probado drogas o al menos le hayan ofrecido. Eso es muy raro, me dijeron :blink:


    Igual no me gusta que Mika fume cigarrillos :tears: Bah, no me gusta que nadie lo haga, para mi es algo que me molesta mal. Y bue...al menos sospecho que ya dejó (ojala, toco madera), sino voy y lo mato :aah:


    Y para contarles algo que nada que ver (esto no seria el MFc si no nos fueramos off topic :naughty:), me tengo q dar inyecciones durante 9 días...asi q como no venian los de la enfermería, me fui yo allá y me atiende un chico treintañero, alto, morocho, canchero...

    Le digo, "me tengo que dar una inyeccion pero el enfermero no vino asi q vine yo", y bla bla, y me dice "Sii, soy yo el enfermero"



    (de tan sorprendida y nerviosa q estaba, me preguntó para que me daban la inyección y le dije CUALQUIER pelotudez :doh:, despues encima me jodía porque no podía abrir la puerta, que hdp...)

    Así que me hizo acostar en la camilla para darme la inyección. Protesté un poco porque yo quería que me la diera en otro lado, pero no: tenía que ser en la cola :sneaky2: Que ademas no tengo un buen totó como para andarlo enseñando, asi q me da vergüenza. Asi que ahora ando media dolorida, jeje. Y mañana inyección de nuevo. Estoy empezando a entenderle a Isa, jiji. Ojalá que a ella tmb le toque un enfermero joven, así le es más leve :wink2:

  6. ... oh yes... and I like HIM so much when HE speaks italian... HE has got a really nice accent! :wub2:



    My sentiments exactly :thumb_yello:


    I remember on R101 when he said "I speak italian, pero solo porque hablo español" :naughty:


    His spanish accent is funny with all those Z's but very lovely :wub2:, just take a look:


  7. I love that C# long note when singing Happy Ending..."I (feel as if I'm wasted)" and "I'm (wastin everyday)". Just sounds so natural... and it relaxes me when I try to sing it :teehee:


    I love the little vibratto parts you can hear on it in live performances as well. Same with "...suits my clothes" in Everybody's Talking :wub2:

  8. 7616]Thanks' date=' just making sure I was being observant:naughty:[/quote']



    I went to check and the sillhouette look like Greg Wells to me now :naughty: you suggestionated me Rose :sneaky2:




    But I think I can totally find myself in there. There are things I wish I didn't know.. xD

    Quite the opposite to me. I wish I knew many things, I'm the kind of person that always want to know about everything. Besides I prefer the painful truth instead of a nice lie. Sometimes it's not good (I know), but anyway that's me :teehee:

  9. Hola!!!!!!! Como estan?

    Come verán soy nueva en el foro,va

    en realidad no,como no sabia como postear

    nunca habia posteado :blush-anim-cl: xDD

    Me llamo Paula,soy de Santa Fe y por supuesto amo a Mika!


    Hola Paulaa!! :welcomeani: Yo soy Romina, y soy de La Plata...bueno, no se que contarte, jaja. Hay algunas santafesinas en la Logia, de hecho la presidenta es santafesina (si no se mudó :aah:)

    Solia tener mi mail abajo de todo pero lo quité :teehee: Asi q te lo dejo acá:





    Buee...en otro ambito de temas (como dicen los informativistas (?))

    No me gustó la tapa del disco...al contrario de lo que dicen Lau y Vero...el hecho de que la tapa sea practicamente igual al disco anterior...no me gusta...bah, lo que más me choca en realidad es el MIKA que esta puesto exactamente igual...podría haberlo metido en otro lado....que se yo...va en gustos, pero ta...a mi no me convencio.



    Eso es lo q pensaba yo, que sea tan igual me da la impresion de LICM 2. Y me hubiese gustado algo más innovador para la tapa, por ahi con menos dibujitos amontonados pero igual algo original. La tapa del single de We Are Golden estaba un poco menos cargada, pero puede ser que me guste más tmb porque tanto azul me satura, jajaja :naughty:

  10. jeje estoy haciendo tiempo asi se van los "testigos de geova" o como se escriba jajaja por q estan esperando en la puerta :naughty: POBRES es q no me da ganas de bajar y abrirles ¿¿¿ALGUNA LO HACE??? :blink:

    Jaja, son los testigos de Jehová :teehee: Y si, las pocas veces q vinieron yo voy y los escucho...y los escucho...y me dan la revista...(que encima ni siquiera causa gracia como una q nos dieron en la calle, q estaban en contra de MTV :blink:). Y como 1 hr despues, me dicen, "Y usted señorita que opina de la palabra del señor que le acabo de leer???"


    **CRI CRI CRI CRI!!!!!**




    (se nota q mucho no les presto atencion, jajaja. Suerte q hace mucho no los veo)



    Y perdon si hay algun testigo de Jehová acá. No me peguen :blush-anim-cl:


    y Mika...ahi anda...borrachin...escribiendo con faltas de ortografia...:naughty:

    TODO esto es culpa de la Gaga esa!! (?) Que ayer me enteré que canta bien, no es fea, pero sigue sin gustarme su sentido de la estética :aah: Yo no se como el ruludo se anima a salir con alguien a la calle q parece salida de la pelicula de la nuera de Chucky.


    Bueno me voy a estudiar que a la tarde temprano rindo :doh: saludos!

  11. That ace! :lmao:



    Ah, that's a good thing your not afraid of needles! I'm not afraid of needles- just when the doctor says, "oh this won't hurt" and jabs the f**king needle into my arm. :sneaky2:


    Ah, yes. That's how I could've worded it...over a bone. :aah:


    That tattoo is quite gorgeous! Honestly, it's really pretty. The shadow is a cute touch. :)


    well sorry! I mean, not over a bone...but over a "place of skin that below has a bone" :sneaky2: (examples: shoulder of a slim person, ankle, back of the neck, in the back where the spine is, etc)

    You have no idea how do we foreigners feel with the english mistakes, it's embarrasing :blush-anim-cl:

  12. Pinch yourself, poke yourself with a fork, fall asleep during the tattoo. It's quite simple you see. :naughty:


    hahaha, I've lost all fear in needles. No matter if tattoo needles, clinical test ones, pinching my fingertips...thanks God, 'cause I'll have to receive injections everyday :naughty:


    I think you can bear it, it's not so tragic, specially if you're not going to get tattoed in a place over a bone


    here's my tattoo..I had to do it twice, first time it was very superficial and not well done :sneaky2:


    PS: Next one will be a Mika tattoo, I promise ^^






    Pero todo de golpe le va a hacer mal a la pobre chica !!:aah:.


    Jajaja, eso lo hicieron, pero con Sting...lo metieron en un coso de resonancia magnetica mientras escuchaba distintas musicas y le estudiaron el cerebro mientras componía :teehee: En el National Geographic (NatGeo de multicanal)


    Si se lo hacen a Mika en una de esas descubren algo que no se esperaban...:naughty:


    Ya descubrimos q escribe en Twitter borrachín, porque el otro dia se olvidó la contraseña, escribe 'watermeLLon' (con doble L), y hoy al despertarse lo primero que escribio fue:


    "morMing ! ":boxed:


    (traduccion = Good morning )


    Alguien dijo que era como se saludaban a la mañana los mormones :aah: Que buen chiste, jajaja. Y que en italiano sería "Buonforno" (esta es para Karla :wink2:)

  14. WHY NOT? :mf_rosetinted: there still are many new words in English I don't know. There will always be. i gotta deal with it! :biggrin2:


    Haha I've always been told that English vocabulary is not as wide as my mother tongue's one. We have a LOOOT of words, and I still invent some new ones once in a while :teehee:


    let jag? Is it 'jet lag' in Mika's language? :naughty:


    (I'm wondering if the morming has to do with his dyslexia :blink:)

  15. Welcome Sara :biggrin2: Hope you have a good time here

    Don't worry, it happened to me to be emotional the first day. And I created a thread by accident that day :aah: But sooner or later you'll learn how to move into here like a fish in the water :wink2:

  16. Okay - How about reasons Mika "couldn't" let us know the new title tonight?


    Mika forgot the password to his twitter account again.


    He forgot the title of the album.:naughty:




    am back, forgot my password after changing it too late at night... i know

    about 12 hours ago from web


    I'm inclined to add that was also a couple of beers (or diverse drinks) after, and maybe that helped to his lack of memory :naughty:..



    ..or...ahmn...considering WAG video, maybe the funny saying we arggies know here, is right:


    "Touching yourself has 2 consequences:

    one, it may cause loss of memory

    second...I can't remember"



  17. Welcome back! I was surprised not so see you here :blink:


    and hey, you danced on stage with Mika, are you happy? (what a silly question, haha :aah:)

    Do you still have the bee costume? I guess the only time I saw your pic you were wearing it :bleh:



  18. I've seen a lot of captions...They're great!! And Mika looks fabulous on them! :wub2:


    I have a request for Bienie, I'd like the caption between 00.34 and 00.35 of the video (as you can see in my siggy...I really like the hat! haha) but I can't stop my player on that moment. And if I'm close, it looks blurry :sneaky2: Same to the time he's with the hat and makes a "Boo" face to the camera


    I'll put some different captions though :teehee:





    (this one would be great to be sent to Wonka and added to the PictureCaptions thread, haha)










    and my siggy one! I love it!



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