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Posts posted by Romis

  1. una cosa que me olvide: Soy la unica que cuando Mika hace el gesto de pegarse un tiro, le dio un escalofrio al verlo?? :boxed: Todo bien con toquetearse pero...eso de verdad me dejo como preocupada. Ya sé, hay jovenes infelices que se matan y esa es la realidad...Creo q hay un video de Gaga q se mata (Mika lo contó en una entrevista), suerte que no lo vi :huh:

    De todos modos, ver esa parte del video me dio cosita. No sé porque :tears:

  2. From the day of the censored video, VERY appropriate for today I thought!:roftl:

    Just added the new pic, REALLY makes him the king now!


    :naughty:yes it is! but...


    Mika told the video was intended to be about dancing in the bedroom like when he was sixteen years old ...


    Not doing ALL the things he usually does there since that age :teehee:


    So I think he tried too much to be real in the video and overdid it :mf_rosetinted:

    (sorry, it sounds funny for us foreigners I know! but that's the expression in english :aah:)

  3. Chicas, pase leyendo asi nomas pero no podia dejar de decir esto:


    GRACIASSSS!! Me encanto lo que mandaron, los dibujos, las cosas q escribieron...Vero confesando nuestros secretos...Nos va a querer matar :naughty:


    Y sobre todo gracias por haber hablado de nosotras y de este thread, y de la Logia (hace como años q no participo en un TS, by the way :( ). Despues de eso, Mika no tiene ninguna excusa para no saber quienes somos...


    ahh pasaba a comentarles, no se si vieron...Kath estuvo hablando con Mika despues de un concierto, y le pidio que le dibujara en la muñeca un dibujito para tatuarse. Al principio él la miró con cara de WTF y le dijo: "Oh! Please...don't..." :naughty:

    Pero al final accedio y le dibujo un corazon con alitas, y abajo firmó "Mika". Kath se hizo el tattoo y le quedo hermoso...incluso delicado. Da un poco de sana envidia, jaja


    ...Yo todavia ando pensando bien en mi dibujo de tattoo, aunque no creo q consiga que Mika me firme la pierna para tatuarme yo tmb :teehee:

  4. I'm not particulary naughty today, but I'm here visiting. I so love the atmosphere and the people here! So I'm gonna read the last posts I missed. For sure you must be more excited than me right now :naughty: My reaction was totally this ---> :blush-anim-cl:


    Kisses to all of you :huglove:

  5. I'm thinking of getting one since last year...but still can't decide for the drawing, I mean, I want to think it very carefully...


    I have in mind the M with the wings that the giant Big Girl had in Parc des Princes, for the side of my leg, but I find it plain and besides, it's black and white, so I'm asking my friends for ideas of how to colour it and things that could be added to it to make it look like "more Mika style" :wink2:



    PS: I thought in writing We are Golden below as well :teehee:

  6. I find it hard to imagine someone coriographing THAT :roftl:


    But he did, it's in the I-tunes backstage video somebody posted some pages ago...Mika in white undies and T shirt, bare feet and the man showing him how to dance with a red hat :naughty:


    I must admit I was a bit afraid when I heard Mika told: "He's gonna teach me how to feel confident". I'd take that job as well if he wants me to :teehee:

  7. Hola, tengo una pregunta...al final le tiraron los calzones de todo tipo y color?? Porque parecia una hazaña muy arriesgada :naughty: preciosas las fotos, y el video lo veré cuando mi hermano el maleducado me deje :sneaky2:



    Puedo preguntar algo por que dice SE LLAMA MICA , MICA MALO :aah:


    Como decimos acá..."Me extraña que siendo araña, siendo mosca no le conozcas"...ES UNA EXPRESION EN ITALIANO! :blink: No, en serio, me dijeron que la palabra 'mica' se usa bastante en el idioma italiano


    Mica male significa "nada mal" en italiano.



    Y parece que nuestro amigo de rulitos lo encuentra gracioso, porque hizo ese juego de palabras en una de las entrevistas :naughty:


  8. En cuanto a que los Jonas sean creyentes o no......... Yo ahí no me meto, sólo espero que no quiera que su hermana se case con Kevin (es ese el mayor, no??) que es el más feo y me parece el menos majo de todos.........


    Ahhh AHORA ENTIENDO!! Mika quiere que la hermana se case con uno de los Jonas porque son creyentes :naughty: Que linda manera de cuidar a la nena, primero Lollipop y despues esto :aah:



    Edito: también está Alan Rickman haciendo del ciempiés!!!

    Me voy a comer y vuelvo, adiós!!


    :boxed: ahi si que no me lo imagino...de ciempies???? Jajaja


    Bueno gente mañana me voy de viaje 2 dias, asi q les dejo un beso grande! :biggrin2: Y yo no voy a poder hacer mi video, pero creo q voy a hacer fuerza por el de algunoo! (manden uno asi en el meet and greet le llevan mi cartita a Mika, jajaja)

  9. That song Touches You is indeed strange :naughty:


    Loved Pick up off the floor and Good Gone Girl :biggrin2: LOVERBOYY!! Is it me or it sounds a bit like Killer Queen????


    But I have to say, it sounds more electronic than LICM and I don't like that much. And I agree with Danika, BIOTG sounds rap :roftl:

  10. :lmfao::roftl:



    What a perv...watching himself masturbate




    Hey! I've always thought of Mika like a bit narcissistic boy, so I wouldn't be surprised if I knew he does


    (and besides he wouldn't be the only one..)



    ohhh goshhh....:blush-anim-cl: I need some minutes in the naughty corner...or keep in there for a lifetime :aah:


    I wouldn't dare to film myself dancing in my undies for Mika, it would not be a nice sight for him or anyone else!:blink:


    *stares at Romi's siggie for a few hours*


    Ohh, my mistake!! My english is dreadful :doh:


    I wouldn't do it in underwear, Caz did it dressed. But it's gonna be hard anyway :thumbdown:



    Haha my siggy...thank Nono for the favour of making it to me :wink2:. I love to see that part in WAG video

  12. *rolls eyes*


    I doubt they've done much damage to Mika's groinal area, I mean come on they're always falling down...


    :naughty: I agree :thumb_yello:


    As long as he doesn't start doing like an argentine actor I admire, who wears skirts in summer...'cause they are not tight and they are fresh :teehee:


    (Is my imagination or could I have seen Martin in tartan skirt once? :boxed:)

  13. Dear King of the Naughty corner


    I have been very bad today :blink: I have been thinking of you in your pants ALL day. I think I need help.....:shocked:




    haha...you signed plain Karen...Not "yours faithfully, Karen"...or "come visit me, I'm in need, yours, Karen"...or...


    "...what are you waiting for???!!! :drool:, come here and take me babyyy. Sincerely yours, Karen"

    I liked the last one! :teehee:



    I think I won't be able to make a video like CazGirl's one :tears: Gosh, our king is not gonna know my skills to dance in my room :roftl:

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