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Posts posted by SarahfromParis

  1. The band is called The Cocks.


    Aaaaaaw thank youuuuuu !!!!! :flowers2: :flowers2: :flowers2: :flowers2: :flowers2:



    I watched it over and over and couldn't figure out the word !!!!! You made my day !!!



    BTW : that's not thaaaaaat bad... the should have left it unbeeped !! I mean, no one ever beeped the sex pistols, did they ?? :biggrin2:

  2. Luckily, there's no such thing as beeping up here. Would they really do that in England?



    Well, my french copy is edited :thumbdown:

    I never thought it would be... I tried to check the subtitles and they're all edited too...


    Such a pity !!! I'd so much like to know the name of this band Mikey and bigM were putting up to enter the X-Factor show !!!! :biggrin2:

  3. We call everything that holds money a portomonee here in the Netherlands :naughty: So to me its a portomonee aka WALLET :thumb_yello:


    We french people are sooooo complicated !! :blink:

    But I can see where the problem comes from : In french, the word "monnaie" means "money" but it also means "change", "small coins"... That's why the "porte-monnaie" in not really a money holder, but more like a "change holder"


    We're approaching the solution , I can feel it !! :biggrin2:

  4. I have the same thing and here we call it a "portomonee"



    I love to add more complication to already complicated stuff, but this translation might after all clarify things.


    In french we have two words : portefeuille et porte-monnaie


    Portefeuille would literally translate as "sheet-holder", which means it's designed to hold bank notes, credit cards... well, basically, flat and square thingies. This is what I'd call a wallet.


    Porte-monnaie means "coins-holder", and it's designed to hold, well... coins, and maybe your keys if they're tiny... but basically a porte-monnaie is often a mess and you can never find anything in it :bleh: This is what I'd call a purse.


    That's for the french point of view, which might be relevant to explain Mica's view of the green thing being a wallet because it's square !




    Well, yes, I'm extremely bored today... French public transportation is on strike, Paris is a mess, no way to go working... :sleep_1:


    But still... I absolutely love the cultural-language issues Mika takes us into !!! :naughty:

  5. And the Dutch part..OMG, he's really good in speaking other languages!! That was SO cuteeeeee :biggrin2: ! Was funny when he didn't know how to say 'plaatenmaatschappij' (record company), I heard people screem 'PLAATENMAATSCHAPPIJJJJJJ!!!' LOL!



    He's a living Assimil-Method !! :naughty:

    I think we should all do the same, even if it sounds funny, it's so nice to hear someone actually trying to communicate with you :thumb_yello: I thought he'd only do it in France because french is his second native language, but it's such a nice attention to try to do it every single night and in every single language... :wub2:

  6. I usually shower twice a day, especially when I have been in places where people smoke, like concerts, restaurants or theatres ( yes, in France people still smoke in these places :thumbdown: ) I just can't go to bed smelling like an old ashtray !!!!

    I don't think it's unhealthy to shower often. But if you live in a place where the water is really hard ( like Paris ) it can make your skin dry.. But if you use a moisturizer, then it's ok !!


    So, don't worry too much, and shower as much as you like !! :wink2:

    ( but close the tap while you use the soap, don't let the water run when it's not needed, think about the planet !!!! :thumb_yello: )

  7. Grrr... this really gets on my nerves because it's sooooo obvious that these people are just looking for easy money and visibility...


    But well, let's face it, even if he has to add Penniman somewhere on the Cd sleeves, in the end of the day, he'll still be MIKA :wub2: and these people will still be... well... eeer... themselves :sleep_1:



    (Can't believe I managed to put this politely, if not nicely :naughty: )

  8. yep, you're right !!

    My opinion is that Morrison could've been much more in control of a lot of things, including his music, if he'd been following a diet based on fruits, seeds and Ribena, like our M :bleh:

    That's the dark side I was referring to...

  9. Well, of course I'm just talking about their physical appearance, and I purposedly picked a picture of Morrison where he looked very much like Mika...

    But, even if the context was very different, I think the Doors, and especially Morrison, dared to do pretty outstanding stuff back in the seventies... In the areas of music, poetry and stage performance, they really did something that was new in these times. In this extend, I can see a similarity with Mika that goes further than just being gorgeous :wub2:

    But, you may have guessed that I was a huge Doors fan... so I can understand that lots of people will disagree, considering that Morrison had a dark side that's far from anything Mika's about. ( not sure about the construction of this sentence... but you'll understand :wink2: )

  10. :naughty: I wouldn't go as far as Jim Morrison but I know what you mean.


    Ok, it's probably just me.... but I always thought they looked sooo amazingly alike... ( which I mean as a huge compliment... for both of them :biggrin2: )







  11. The "campness" has everything to do with fun and frivolity and nothing to do with Mika himself. He's so not a trannie or "camp" in the way they infer. He's a shirt and trousers (allbeit sometimes short ones as the one thing he can be "accused" of is being childlike in his performaces) kinda guy all the way!



    Right !! I always wondered why people found him camp... As far as I'm concerned, on stage, I see him about as camp as Jim Morrisson !!

  12. yes, he definitely looks unhappy in this interview.. I've been watching it again and I was thinking, maybe he's just tired and bored that the interviewers always ask the same questions... but then again, no, I feel something different... Well I guess after all, he may have his cheerful days and his not-so-cheerful-ones, just like anybody else :sad:


    And yes !! messy hair rulzzzzz !!! I love it !!! (and wear it with pride... at least most of the time) :insane:

  13. he said something like "thanks God, in french, I don"t even know how to say all the names they called me, and I don't want to know how to say them"


    Pamette translated the whole thing in the other topic about this interview.. :wink2:

  14. Don't know if it's because it's in french, but I found this interview very touching, although there's nothing really new in it... I mean, we know the story, but there was so much sadeness in his eyes sometimes... Couldn't help but think : "If only I could send you back just a little bit of all the happiness you and your music gave me !!!" :flowers2:

    Did you feel the same or is it just me being over-emotional ???:blink:

  15. I do think that on the whole the general atmosphere is mature and fair on MFC. It isn't perfect but it's soooo much better and fairer and more mature than 99% of internet forums - even ones where it's mostly adults posting.


    We should cherish this place, I know I do.



    I was just about to write exactly the same thing :thumb_yello:

    I've not been member of many fan clubs before this one but I spent a little time on Prince's ones ( there are many ). Despite people around there generally being in their forties, these forums are filled with childlish fights and disrespectful posts !!! There are little groups of people despising the others because they never heard about god only knows which song the master only performed once in his bathroom... aso...


    The MFC is a true Eden Garden, in comparison !!!

  16. I remember we brought it up during the French lessons in school, and our teacher explained the difference between oui and ouais. Isn't it a word that is being used especially in the southwest part of the country (the most popular holiday destination for Dutchies :naughty: )? Or is it a general thing?


    The "Ouais" is really used all over the country. I would say it's just the "relaxed" form of "Oui"... So maybe the young people use it more than the previous generations, but it's not a matter of regional language... In fact, I think people in their teens, twenties or thirties almost use "ouais" more than "oui", except maybe at work or with your teachers...

    But, thinking about it, we have so many ways to say "Oui"...

    We also use "Vi" or "Voui" who both have a kind of childish and affectionate nuance, I guess... Pamette, what do you think ?

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