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Everything posted by Aurelien

  1. yes, but even here in London we say courgettes:) anyways, this is not interesting:punk:
  2. like cucumbers, but better.. and bigger:mf_rosetinted: ... hahaha:thumb_yello:
  3. you didn't miss me!! I'm right here lol Actually i'm in between my room and the kitchen downstairs haha I'm making a garlic roast chicken with patatoes and courgettes! :thumb_yello:
  4. Actually, having gone to bed at 3AM, I was surprised to wake up at 9 and felt fantastic, even went for a run haha:mf_rosetinted: I love cats too! My housemates here in London don't want me to have one!!
  5. I'm listening to the acoustic version of RELAX, it's so powerfull!! It's like he's singing his heart out, a mixture of beauty & pain. It gets to me everytime!!! :wub2:
  6. 100% !! :mf_rosetinted: I'm just too cool:punk: haha
  7. Cool, but i think i picked it up already;) cool:mf_lustslow: :mf_lustslow:
  8. Sounds good! Could you send me the chord sequence so I can have a look?? It's horrible weather in London today, I'm looking out the window and the sky is grey but I feel so happy today, I don't know why. Maybe because I'm in my warm room with a cup of tee and dipping cookies in it and listening to Elvis Chrismas carols!!
  9. I wonder if there are any straight guys around here lol:wub2: Nice to meet you Lotus!!
  10. Hey Matt, nice to "meet you", I listened to The Rehearsal on your myspace! I have those little guily pleasures too!! But I don't feel guilty about them lol I'm a huge Britney fan!!! I must confess I know every song and arrangment by heart lol:mf_rosetinted: Perfect! (I'm right there with you:))
  11. Hello everyone!!! I finally got up after last night's massive party and I don't feel that bad actually, and it's only 9am! I read all 4 pages that were written while I was away in sleeping land and hum... it was interesting ! I agree totally with the fact that saying "I love gay people" is discriminating because it would imply a difference with "straight people"... Of course there IS a difference but it's just attraction. There is a limit to how your sexual preferences affect your personallity. Being GAY is NOT an attitude. But i tend not to think about it like that, at the end of the day "it's only love" (great Elvis song haha), that's the base of it: LOVE. So you like guys? girls? there's no difference, it's just love!! So love! love! love! You can't control love!! As for gay guys having a tendency of being "nice" haha that's true but I've met some not nice ones lol It's just like everywhere, once again!! Girls tend to think gay guys are fun, that's only because we share a lot more things than you would with a straight guy. Plus, with gay guys there is no ambiguity, there is no flirting (even though I just flirt with everybody, it's so fun haha). I must say I can be quite a bitch some times, but always in a good way, being mean isn't my thing but I am quite sarcastic and some people misinterpret it.. Anyways.. As for gay marriage and adoption.. A little child will be happier in a warm loving home than dying of hunger somewhere in Kenya, and even though, yes it will be hard for him to grow up and face our still conservative world with 2 Daddies, and yes he will be made fun of a school and all, I think it will just help that child build strength, character and self confidence in who he or she is and will become. And once again, its just LOVE, whether it's from two men, two women, a man and a women. I don't quite feel the same way about mariage. Even as a gay guy I respect mariage as an institution of course and I am all for gay men or women being together officially I just don't think it should be called "mariage". In France we have the "PACS" which is a union, official, but not marriage. I'm not being very clear, do you get what I mean? But I do have mixed feelings, sometimes I'm for it, others against it, I'm actually still reflecting on it a lot before making a stated opinion. Anyways my loves, I'm going to go have a shower and a bloody good breakfast!! Love you all!!!
  12. thanks love, and for info, in french it's not Julian, but Julien ! hahaha good night everyone, beautiful people!
  13. gooooooooooooooooood I'm goin to bed, crazy night ahhh bed is gonna feel wicked:mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted: :mf_rosetinted:
  14. I just got back from a massive party, I'm more drunk then I have ever been, i can barely write so excuse me haha i dont even know anyways.. my favorit animal are cats, I have 4 of them their names are nala (from the lion king) gala (the name of Dali's wife) mambo (cuz he loves partying) and macho (cuz he's a mal shovenistic pig) :mf_rosetinted: hahahahahaha:thumb_yello: i love cats!!!! but i love Mika moooooooooooore!!!! anyways, its almost 3am so i'm gonna go to bed, i'll probably be well hung over tomorow, see you then friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. No problem! I love shopping! I just bought the nicest coat this afternoon, my banker is not going to be happy tho ! haha
  16. hahahaha i love it! My best friend just loves having a gay best friend! When I came out to my sister she screamed "Oh that's sooo cool I have a gay brother!!! We can go shopping and eat ice cream and have pyjama parties!!" NOT! lol
  17. Actually my friends just convinced me of going out lol Lucas is not in London tonight so I can't see him:sneaky2: hahaha that's one great thing about being a guy: NO PERIODS!!! lol:mf_lustslow:
  18. Indeed I will ! I will be with a friend for the December 2 one but on my own for december 4th so I was hoping to get to know some people before hand so I wont be on my own lol:wub2: I want to meet all of you too ! Can't wait.. Hummm it's saturday night, I really should be a true Londoner and go hang out at Fabric or G.A.Y but I think I might stay in tonight !!
  19. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'MMELTING!!!!!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mf_lustslow:
  20. Hey there, Just got back from a day of practice and am enjoying a nice little glass of red wine while catching up on your posts lol Things have calmed down with Lucas yes. Its going better but he still feels unsecure. Which is so bizarre. Anyways, as far as DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES go, I must say i'm a total addict!!! Andrew is just soo adorable:) I love Bree, she's everywones favorit! As a matter of fact I'm a TV Series addict. I never watch TV but I buy all the DVD's lol. I have the full sex & the city, desperate housewives, OC, one tree hill and 6 feet under and I'm getting into Gossip Girl thanks to my sister haha:punk: Anyways ladies, what a joy it is to talk to all of you haha I love women!! (in a very gay way though lol)
  21. yo, glad to see this thread is pickin up quick! Yeah I have a lot of female friends, actually from the age of 15 to 17 I only hung out with girls! Then I made some solid friendships with boys but it was hard at the begining. It's true there is a sort of stereotype of the gay man being feminin and all but believe me, I have met so beer drinking, footbal lovin gay guys lol Personally I'm the more sensitive type (it sounds so cheesy lol) . I've been playing piano and studuying music since I can remember, I love fashion & clothes (no liking clothes is NOT superficial!) and have done a lot of theatre and some cinema.. but never really go into the whole sports thing (even when my dad dragged me to fencing and karate when I was a kid lol). I do however think it's important to take care of your body since it is nature's first gift to you so I do a lot of running etc.. I'm hyper sensitive, can cry listening to Mika or even watching Sex & the City for all I care, I love Desperate Housewives and the OC and had a huge crush on the guy who plays Nathan in the UK's "Queer as Folk' lol I love joking, laughing. I'm quite sarcastic and often bitch about people but it's never really nasty. I value true friendship and would do anything for my true friends. And last but not least, the best of my time is spent with my gorgeous Lucas that I love:mf_lustslow: Voila, that's the kind of gay guy I am lol I'm half french too (all the guys here in the UK just love being spoken french to lol haha!!!) Right, I'm off to practice my scales and technique! ciao for now:)
  22. Hello ! After talking about the possibility of creating a gay thread with Scut Monkey and Lolliepop_girl, well I just did. As Scut Monkey said there have to be rules.. I guess the obvious ones are: - No hate, no discriminating, no judging, no insults etc.. Let's try to keep it clean too lol People here can talk about themselves, their lives, let's just get to know each other !! haha:thumb_yello: So speak out people!!! Cheers!
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