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Posts posted by pinkoranges

  1. I sms'd her and told her it was a joke.. then I told her Mika and Cherisse were seen getting cosy in a London nightclub. Now Scut's been pretending to be a jealous GF of a guy Soy met on New years eve.. (nothing happened though - she's a good girl) :naughty: we're evil



    u are evil, but i like evil oh my how funny


    oh and the 2 new and improved songs could only be written by ppl in the aussie thread, good job...hilarious!

  2. What was so scary?



    I sat at home and drank alcohol... then fell asleep on the couch...


    No Mika goss just yet...


    oh turbulence, had to go thru some black clouds and the landing had my stomach in my throat more than once, i get a bit scared with flying, i love it and hate it at the same time


    i went all the way to syd to sit on a couch and whinge bout being bored new yrs eve..(2nd worst new yrs eve ever)

  3. well im catching a plane to syd at 5pm, have a good new yrs everyone


    oh and one discussion that caught my eye earlier in the thread that im very passionate about was the "tan" one and the new ad.... (NC u might realise who wrote this on your my space now), but ill leave everyone with this comment




    "90% of premature ageing is caused by the sun"

  4. haha yeah and 'even anarchists are holy' :naughty:


    it's bedtime for me now, bye bye!


    the dvd made me like him all over again, like all the things i had been annoyed about just went out the window, he was just soooo cute thru the whole thing, i think part of the reason i fell in love with mika was coz he had the "stuff u ill do what i want" attitude, so him not coming to oz is him doing more of "what i want" even if it means i miss out on seeing him

    Night Armande!


    Hi to everyone else who is around.


    Yeah, I put on LiveICM during xmas lunch, Michael was like "what is this sh!t doing on, but I won and it stayed on!


    Have managed to get the kids to bed now, it has been such a waste of a day, too hot to even go outside. :thumbdown:


    oh yeh soon as i got home on boxing day i put LICM on the dvd player in the bedroom(coz i was hungover) and my bf come in and said " im just checking your not touching yourself inappropriately while watching mika" oh yeh his all charm!!

  5. yeah, thats true, you wouldn't have all that stuff around after. was it a good meal?


    i was a little disapointed this yr , like the "roast potatoes" were just boiled in their jackets and there was a lot of salads , i wanted lots of roast vegies, and the antipasta stuff wasnt even there, the first 2 course were awersome, fancy breads with dipping olive oil and tapenades and stuff, followed by gazpacho (which was suprisingly way better than i thought itd be) and a massive plate of seafood but i let my bf have that

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