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Everything posted by Mika3Maniac

  1. Yep, lovely AP homework. GOSH!!! All of it is fine except for this essay! Once I'm done with this, I'll be FREE ahhaha.
  2. Oooh, school tomorrow, I'm sorry. I have to finish writing this really evil essay tomorrow that I have to mail to my teacher by Friday. It's stressin' me out man!
  3. I've had a dream similar to that...except for the fact that it was relatively realistic. Such a sad, sad thought. How is everyone (other than having sad thoughts) ?
  4. Ok so I calculated that I'd need to stay up until 1 am to see the start of Djokovic's next match...is that going to happen? MAYBE!!! I lurve him thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much < > Well more than that haha.
  5. It's fun. You should join us. Come to the dark side.
  6. I hope they didn't o___O Nope. I stood outside somerset house last summer waiting for him, but I couldn't see him, and I didn't have tickets to that concert, so it wasn't good. Then in LA this year I got there a bit too late to see him outside
  7. Naps are always good. This past year I didn't have any classes after lunch, so I kinda left school at 12:20 (: Yes, it was good.
  8. I don't worry, I've stalked my fair share of tennis players. I've ran after Tim Henman and Lleyton Hewitt..they were a tad bit weirded out. I've tried to stalk Mika also...unsuccessfully
  9. Wow, that's restrictive. Lunch is about 40 minutes long. Your's?
  10. I would have demanded another photo, but by then I was very faint
  11. Yah those photos were in GQ magazine...which I didn't get. *cry* Believe me, he looks 10000 times hotter without a shirt on. heh. Oh I know! My nannie was obsessed during Wimbledon. She kept giggling whenever they showed him on the news and in the newspapers and everywhere else. I was still bitter that Novak didn't even make the final. Hahahhaaha my nannie thinks that he has (and this is a direct quote) "the most adorable Spanish face". haha.
  12. Hey hey, Novak is MY next boyfriend! (I WISH!!!). What's the gymnast's name?
  13. Ohhh, we still have places to eat. Seriously? At my school juniors and seniors can go off campus everyday...hah. But I don't drive so it doesn't really affect me haha.
  14. Hahaha is snappy good? lolz. OK so in March I stalked him TWICE and I finally got my photo taken with him aaaaand I was sooo excited I could barely talk or function or anything, then I run to my mom to look at the photo and the second she took it I guess someone called his name because he's looking the other way... BUT he had his arm around me, which basically canceled out the not-looking-at-camera-ness.
  15. Oh my gosh, that's the same with my school!!! They've been doing random stuff to it since I was in the 9th grade, and I guess they still haven't finished!
  16. Wow, he is really good!!! Heh as you can see it's not Rafa. My mom loves him...and so does my nannie hahaha.
  17. This is my favorite tennis player. His name is Novak Djokovic, and he's from Serbia. He's amazingly good at tennisss.
  18. Very nice *cough* But I bet he's a great diver too. AH I'm going to find photos of my tennis playah. hehe.
  19. There probably is an online guide. On my tv there are 5 Olympic channels and they list the sports on each channel at what time, but it's NEVER RIGHT! I'm sad, because I've missed my dear Nole play tennis
  20. OOooooh what's his name? Hmmm, I don't know. The only diving I've seen so far is women's doubles...I think.
  21. Wow 11:30?! School starts at like 7 for me...but of course I won't have to worry about that for another 3 weeks
  22. May I vent about the Olympics here? k, thanks. I HAVEN'T SEEN ONE MATCH OF TENNIS ON TV YET!!! MY TV GUIDE SAYS TENNIS BUT THEY SHOW VOLLEYBALL...OR HANDBALL (I don't have anything against those sports, but I neeeeed tennis!) My FAVORITE player won today...well yesterday in China...and I missed it! gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh hahahaehehe.
  23. Whoa how do you go to two high schools???
  24. That's a coinkidink! Haha. My registration is on Mika's birthday...it's quite sad really.
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